Feedback Hooked On Fishing

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Intrepideur, Jun 27, 2017.

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  1. Howdy Farmers,


    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the "Hooked On Fishing" Event in this Feedback thread. We are looking forward to capturing your initial reaction to the event, as well as the final opinion after participating in the event.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future events.

    The FAQ of the Event can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    We are looking forward to your feedback!

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team​
  2. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    Always liked the fishing events even though there were some problems with the "catching" because it didn't always matter what spot you caught the fish in (it seemed more of a random fish). Glad to know that it has been improved.

    I also like that you are offering Cloud Rows and EP's from previous events in addition to the other Miscellaneous items. This will help those who were unable to get them during past events and also it may give us something to trade during G&T.

    I say I am glad that it was improved but we will just have to wait and see if I do as well as in previous event.

    UPDATE: I have done a few casts now and have purchased the Cloud Row, Stables and have enough coins for 1st EP. I would like to offer a change (improvement) though. There are 6 types of "catches" so there should be 6 color rings--one ring for each type of catch instead of the random chance per each color. I don't always hit the perfect circle but I think I would like that it was more about skill than randomness. There are some events that lend themselves more to a random outcome but I think when you have a target (Gone Fishing, Viking Saga, etc.) that it should be based more on skill/timing.

    Love the graphics.

    UPDATE 2: I have the new Cloud Row and EPs now---so working on extras. I still think that it would be an improvement to have a designated color ring for each catch. Even though I have gotten some Marlins from rings where I don't think I deserved them it is really disappointing when you get that "perfect ring" and end up with with something less than a Marlin. I know about the different types of lures that improve the odds of a better catch but you can still end up with a Blowfish, Parrotfish or Lobster with a "perfect ring".

    UPDATE 3: Love triple Marlins -- hate triple Parrotfish and especially triple Lobsters.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2017
    habalala, clonahmon and Moraine like this.
  3. FionaSky

    FionaSky Active Author

    Let me preface this by saying its not an attack on the mods who do a great job in putting together FAQs and getting them out.

    When FAQs are released they should be correct. (unless things are changed by the devs after publication).

    When you have drops specific to trees or stables or crops, it is very important to get the details as to which drops are required to mill which product. Because farms are planted with respect to obtaining maximum drops. And when the FAQ changes some hours later it starts to become to late to rearrange the farm.

    Had i known the build for the lures was going to be changed I would have set out my farm differently. And because of my time zone, Im in bed by the time the error is fixed and when I wake, it doesn't leave enough time to replant.

    Perhaps there should be a supervisor/team (farmerama employed) responsible for checking that every forum has the FAQ released at the same time and that they all contain the same and correct information. Because to leave that responsibility to one mod per forum to get it out before every event is placing a lot of responsibly (yes I know it is a game and not real life) on an unpaid volunteer who also has a personal life/family/job/responsibilities outside of farmerama.

    And while this issue and others around the FAQ don't happen very often, once is more than enough. And as a company who makes a lot of money from their players the company needs to be more professional when it comes to communications with their players.
  4. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)What is this lure confusion?
    Perhaps it was just a misunderstanding - not unheard of in this game. Lol!;)
    As far as I can see, the FAQs regarding the lures have remained the same as first posted, and have been confirmed as such, so I've planted accordingly.
    It was stated that this is an updated version of the fishing event, so we could expect a few small changes, but any differences were posted in the Event FAQ announcement.
    There do not appear to be any lure changes from, imho - no need to stress or change our farms.:)

    Is everyone ready to do some Fishing?!! Yipeee!!!:D:D:D
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
    habalala and clonahmon like this.
  5. FionaSky

    FionaSky Active Author

    The FAQ is correct NOW.

    But it was amended about an hour and a half after it was first published. But this was after I shut off the computer and went to bed. If the amendments come after 11pm on a week night in the middle of winter, there is a good chance most people will be in bed.

    The problem for me is that I have a whole lot of stables on the fields that I would have removed and not put down additional ones. I would have just planted trees and crops. So I now will wind up with a whole lot of Lure Feathers that i thought I needed instead of the metal disks that I actually need.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
    Noelle20001 and habalala like this.
  6. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)Sorry the timing was so bad for you, FionaSky.:( I hope you can fix your plantings to your liking.

    Is it the middle of Winter now, where you are?? It is Summer here!!
    I guess that's sort of like Farmerama - good timing for some...bad timing for some...11p.m. for some = 11a.m. for some. Maybe somewhere in there, some will get it perfect!!
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
    habalala likes this.
  7. clonahmon

    clonahmon Forum Veteran

    Hi Farmlily, I have copied the FAQ into Excel to do my calculations a few minutes after they came out yesterday at 9:02 a.m. and at that time it stated feathers and not metal disks.

    So as a first feedback: Again differences and later changes in the FAQ. Not all changes are clearly marked. Couldn't the mods just strike out wrong information and put the right ones directly behind, so everybody can see it clearly?

    As I have never done a fishing event, I am really looking forward to it. Hope the drop rat is nice and the Luck is with us while fishing

    I will post a feed back later on in the event or at the end with my "final verdict" ;)
  8. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    i'm in long grow crops,xxxtrees,animals. Gone Fishin
  9. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)Wow - you guys are really on top of things!! Guess I was a couple of hours late!! Thanks for all the info!:);)
    Cassie101 and habalala like this.
  10. nicorette

    nicorette Forum Connoisseur

    Almost no drops from trees... :( But otherwise cool event so far :)
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2017
    habalala and joanc123 like this.
  11. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    I set up my farm as well, with long workshops to get the drops that I thought that I needed for deluxe lures, only to find I should have had trees out instead. So rather than getting a good start, I am a day behind. Fooey. Looks like a plot to hurt those of us in the winter months...
    I am off ice-fishin'.........
    AniE, 007Farming, clonahmon and 2 others like this.
  12. BasicBasil

    BasicBasil Someday Author

    Does anyone else have a Super Slow computer every time we have an event? I can not even get the machinery to harvest the fields. It just took me an hour to harvest and plant, it is so frustratingxDxD Also I can't fish because of the lags in the time the rings are moving. I have noticed this on many events and as soon as the event is over everything works just fine. Just wondering if it is just me.:wuerg::wuerg::wuerg:
  13. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    I love these kind of events - where we get to choose what to do with our rewards. Thank you for that. I am also enjoying this trend of allowing us to catch up on things that we may have missed out on before. That is very helpful.

    I do also experience a slow game every time there is an event. It is like that with whatever browser I use, on three different devices, and nothing else is affected - so it has to be the server. I play another game that is more graphic intensive than this and it is normal. The slow game is VERY frustrating - and as near as I can figure it came after some technical change a few months back, so that is annoying.

    As I've said before, I don't enjoy non stop events. These past few have been better, in that they were all different types, and in the case of the breeding one, not much was required once it started, and this one can be done with regular farming. So that is nice - but still, one event starting the day after the last one finished, with hardly any time at all when there is NOT something going on - and looking at the July calendar, more of the same - PLEASE heed your players and cease with the intensity. Or else reduce the demands of each event so that there can be a few days where we don't have to be thinking about when to harvest, all day for six days. It is tedious.

    Graphics excellent, mechanism is better than the previous two events, don't like the multiple lure choices - too hard to decide. I realize that the idea is to give something for any farming style - but it's too much like work!
    Willow, Cassie101, elena516 and 5 others like this.
  14. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    -matselleste- said it perfectly, nothing more I can add to that.

    Edit: actually there's one thing I can add. When amending the FAQ I really would appreciate i you gave a little notice that this have been done. A post under the faq with mentioning an edit in the actual faq, and what parts of the faq it relates to. It really would help us being on top of the latest changes. I know BP sometimes changes the details up to the last minute, even after! So please, when edit or amend - give us a little notice. We would love you for it.
  15. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Love the graphics for this event, as usual! The mechanism is fun, the ability to farm what we want much appreciated. As with the other 2 fishing events, gets a bit frustrating to get the best cast possible (brightly glowing green ring in middle of gray target area) only to end up with a parrot fish time after time (when using premium lures), and there is the teensiest bit of lag, but all in all, much better than previous fishing expeditions. Two spots up! :D;)xD
  16. nicorette

    nicorette Forum Connoisseur

    I loved that this event allowed us to stock up on animals, trees and crops instead of having to grow an event plant or empty our barns :D The fishing seemed a bit random and the drops from trees were a bit low. Maybe this could be improved in a future event. Otherwise great event and great CR! :inlove:
  17. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    I liked that this event was more leisurely (as fishing should be). I did not go "all out" for this event and was still able to get the new Cloud Row w/EPs and Stables, etc. I have to admit that I wanted more (multiple PF, multiple HHC, GBs, all EPs, etc.) but I decided not to be greedy and to stock up on trees and crops that I needed in my inventory and quests instead.
  18. elena516

    elena516 Advanced

    This event is really lovely :inlove:

    I quote every thing matselleste said. And the fishing bear is so lovely too :inlove:
  19. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    I love this event for all the good reasons already mentioned.:D
    What would make it an even better event, would be more miscellaneous prizes. xD
  20. phoenixboy12

    phoenixboy12 Forum Duke

    Nice changed where 'normal' farming rewarded you for the drops to participate in event. Did not stress too much even though what you caught was very random had a perfect hit and got lobster on other hand had bad go and got marlin.
    Got new cloud row and various items so overall happy with this style of event.
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