Feedback Wish You Were Here Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Intrepideur, Jul 12, 2017.

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  1. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    RE: All of the above. Please tell me what planet you live on. I would like to come and visit whenever we have an Event....errr...EventS.o_O:music:

    I agree this is/can be a fun game, but what they have done with the Event feature is ruining the game with too much stress, demanding too much time - and it has become very stressful to have a life and do Events at the same time. It is becoming one or the other, and it has driven many away. Many newer players, especially, cannot keep up, and so do not continue playing the game.

    I am glad you have shared the things that can be good about this game. It is a reminder to the rest of us who ARE being driven away - faster and faster.
    I am one of them.
    Now, to find a cure for FOCD.....-.-:(
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
  2. sarann

    sarann Padavan

    I'm really tired of multiple events going at the same time. There's simply no reason for it. There is usually plenty to do with regular farming and one event. Even the back-to-back events get to be a little much once in a while. Especially having these multiple and back-to-back events going on while people are on vacation and the weather is nice. I spent my time with family instead of playing the Wish You Were Here event. I never once wished I was with your event instead of with the family. Actually you should have an event where we can go spend time with family and friends.

    There are many suggestions above about changing neighbor gifting. One solution would be to STOP DOING MULTIPLE EVENTS AT THE SAME TIME!!!!

    I feel bad for the players who really tried hard to complete the event and did not. Glad that I did not attempt to do the event. I was able to complete 3 huts with just regular game play and was pleased to have done that much given the amount of time I didn't spend with the event. But, it sounds like this event did not hit home for a great number of players. It may have been a better event had it not been running the same time as our MM event. Maybe one day you will listen to your players........then again, maybe not.:(:cry:>:(:mad:
  3. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I was so late in completing the hut that needed the garlands that I only got 15 reviews before the event ended. Not sure why I bothered as I rarely use spa items anyway. Now we have another two events that will run together and the prizes don't look all that great to me. Am I missing something? Call me not all that happy.
  4. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Yet again another event with a ep and tep cloud row-.- .......Time: 14 hours Gives: 2100 EP / TEP
    Another row to click on..anymore cloud rows and I will be spending my time on farmerama clicking rows and doing nothing else
    Something other then a cloud row would be good

    Things i make in the spa have only been for levelling up and i haven't done that for ages ...the same with most of the other Artisans
    Only useful one is the confectioners for making CAC and pink Jelly

    Are we are getting two cloud Rows in this event ?
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
    joanc123 and phoenixboy12 like this.
  5. TommyBurns

    TommyBurns Active Author

    Considering there were two events running at the same time I think this one should have been labelled HARD. I kept getting confused on what I was supposed to be milling & messed up several times. While I did think the drop rates for quite good for a 7hr crop it still took forever to open all four huts before I could start on the other part so was constantly panicked which is not why I play this game & the only way I could finish was to keep growing to get enough flyers. Having said that I did manage to finish (just in time) & I did think the rewards were quite good.
    joanc123 likes this.
  6. strikoroba

    strikoroba Active Author

    Thumbs down to BP for grossly mislabeling the event. It is definitely a HARD event.
    phoenixboy12 and joanc123 like this.
  7. Sassy22

    Sassy22 Someday Author

    I skipped this event as it appeared to be difficult with 2 long growing crops and not one but two drops that I knew would fall off after the first day- was spot on with that assessment. Glad I did- no stress! but then the event is ignored and people like to gift event items and it is difficult to tell them to gift something else. Another event that could not be finished- may just skip events altogether and just farm.
    farmlily3, joanc123 and phoenixboy12 like this.
  8. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Nellie, your post # 44 is confusing to say the least. The CR for this event in this Feedback thread is Wish you were here is giving me 49,950 TEP and 400 Spa points every 12 hrs. I was confused by this event at the beginning but after growing the crops and getting drops, the next step was to mill items in order as needed. I had 451 garland left after event and that was with me putting out a field of trees and the other one with pens.
    joanc123 likes this.
  9. nortonc

    nortonc Forum Pro

    Well, last time I checked it was still planet Earth, but I'm not sure of my origin so I might be an alien. :)

    I tend to view things in broder perspective. When it comes to events, I check the requirements, rewards, my time for gaming and out of it comes a solution. Most of these events give lot of rewards as you go which are worth it and helpfull and I can play for them. I never feel pressured to go for final reward at all cost. Appart from being very relaxed, I also play in a quite organised way, so I combine things together and usually manage to accomplish several things at the same time with just a bit of planning and of course knowing the game and it's requirements. So as you can see I already have "multitasking" in my playing strategy and when 2 events are running simultaneously, they usually do not collide at all. Right now I'm just having fun with both events, as they are both so relaxed, and completing some FS quests on top of that. All that with a bit more intense casual playing. I think changing intensity helps me enjoy the game all the time.

    Also this game has been around for a few years, there are new players and old timers and everything in between and it's not the easiest thing to develop a game for both ends of the spectrum as each group has rather conflicting expectations. If you'd consider me a new player, I don't feel I need to keep up with everything. I'll get there in my own time. There just is more ahead of me then those who started 3 or more years earlier, but due to better developement of the game I can now take more diverse and effective route then them so in a way I am catching up at least with those of similar gaming intensity. If you add that the game needs to engage both very casual and extreme hardcore ones, that makes the job even more difficult. I've seen the game years ago when I played it for the first time, seen how it went through changes and developement stages, how carefully they evaluated all new features to make sure they don't spoil the game but make them well integrated part of it, and taking all this into consideration I'm just amazed at the great job these developers have done. Of course there are things that could be better, like Artisan village which is useless for the most parts and maybe one day the'll get to it and pull it out of slump, and occasionaly they do the math a bit wrong for individual event, like this one should definitely been labeled hard, but that is only minor issues in overall scheme of things so I don't let them spoil my joy cause the core of the game is really really excellently balanced and I believe it cateres for different playstyles, not only just mine.

    Last but not least, this is not the only game I have played, so I also go by comparison. And without going int details I just have one specific farming game in mind, which makes Farmerama stand out even more as a high quality, responsibly developped and maintained game.

    So all in all, I am enjoyng the journey, variety, choice, rewards, challenges, fun, and the team make it all very easy for me with their carefull and responsible approach to the game developement and maintenance.

    EDIT: I was hesitating to include this as I don't want anyone to feel I am attacking them, but then I decided it might be helpfull for some, so here I go. There is such a thing as burn out, and it applies to gaming in the same way as to other fields of activity. Often just as little as taking a step back, having a few days off, skiping one event etc. can help you regain perspective and enjoy the game again without feeling overloaded. With the wide variety the game needs to deliver it might be necessary for many players to be very selective about their goals and what to engage at.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
  10. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)LOL, nortonc...."so I might be an alien"!!xD Made me smiiiile:music::)It was funny, just as I meant my comment to be, and it fit sooo well!

    Yes, 'burn out' does describe how these back to back Events have made me and others feel. I play this game to relax and create a prosperous, pretty, and smooth running farm. I enjoyed Events as they used to be - now they just feel pushy...leaving little time to grow the farm, and needing to destroy its structure to 'earn' the 'rewards' that have helped to make this a Billion CC plus farm. It is self-sufficient, but still needs new things to maintain and continue growing...without which, things would eventually get too boring. It is new things that help keep it interesting.
    But as many have said, there are too many new things presented too fast. Those of us with FOCD have enjoyed participating in it is becoming overload.
    Or - as you mentioned - Burn out!
    Of course we can choose not to participate in events - and many do just that - but then we are left without the new things that will be needed at some future date. And we have missed the fun of what used to be an EVENT!
    So many of us just want the time to relax and actually 'play' with our farms! But we are given Events to earn things that will help our farms to of course we want to earn them. That is the way the game is structured.
    I don't believe that anyone is criticizing the actual game - it is wonderfully done, designed, the graphics are top-notch and executed - or else we wouldn't have developed FOCD!
    What everyone seems to be complaining about is just what is stated above: too many events, back-to-back and even more than one at-the-s-a-m-e-time!! We want to enjoy our 'Events', not have to feel rushed through them, or choose which one to do or not to do.

    You said it best: BURN-OUT!!!
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
    phoenixboy12 and joanc123 like this.
  11. Greetings lovely Farmers :)

    Thank you all for the feedback provided.

    Best regards,

    - closing thread -
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