Reach for the Stars Strategy Thread

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by FarmerDelight, Aug 2, 2017.

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    MARLYMAR Forum Ambassador

    I will be skipping this event on all farms due to RL good luck to everyone who is going to go for it please DONT send MARLYMAR, flwrsndnc, bmcfall_8490 or lennon_2011 any drops send them to others who are doing the event and need them thank you :) and have fun :)
  2. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Wish we had events like we had when we could use things from our barns to use in events ..or if we didn't have them.... we would buy them or grow them was less stressful and we could put stables out :(that was a lot better then these events now
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
  3. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I understand, I used to have some other farms but very soon I decided to play with only one.
    I also have realized that and now I try to take part only in events I like. I never take part to breeding events anymore. If only we have very good prizes. Maybe when we get neon pens but still even then I try not to breed and use my regular animals.
    Exactly we need some time off, time for regular farming. I liked when we wanted to have events because they were so rare...oh that was a lot of years ago!
    Good luck at your actual farmers market:)
    I really liked your whole post. You described very well this game. You are right that we should try to find a balance and not whinging.
    haha my last post in the feedback area was kind of whinging and I now I really regret it, after reading your post...
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
    habalala, Cassie101, Mooboy and 4 others like this.
  4. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    I have considered skipping events for some time now. I like to participate in the events but with the frequency of them it just isn't as fun anymore. All my farms are above Level 90 so I have the crops that yield more drops and usually am able to finish but sometimes it is really close or the requirements are aimed at higher level players who have all buffs and plants refined.

    I have suggested that we get more "timed quests" and also have some of the older ones revamped as "timed quests" so that BP would still make their sales for baskets, SG, PF, etc. and players could participate when they wanted to. BP seems to prefer the timed events for some reason -- I personally think that it may cut down on their sales because players feel that BP is trying to force them to purchase items to complete the events.

    Problems I have: I have more than one farm - during events I usually don't have a problem of working all 3 farms because if you have to stay awake to harvest one farm it's not that much to switch to the other farm and harvest it (especially if you have the harvest helpers activated. The problem I have with having more than one farm is that I don't have the time I would like to upgrade my Artisan buildings -- some I haven't even opened yet. I also don't have enough time to devote to refining plants and taking full advantage of the market.

    The other problem is that after all these years my other farms have items that I want on the farm that I would like to keep but I am unable to consolidate the farms, When new events take place my two secondary farms always seem to get the new items. I want to keep Farm 1 so Farm 2 gets the Birch and Nutmeg trees; Farm 3 gets the final curtain for the EP giver, etc. I will probably decide to quit trying and stop doing farms 2-3 but I may just quit altogether.

    As far as this new event "Reach For The Stars" my farms are in need of the stars to open the menagerie buildings so I will probably participate but it would have been nice if they ran it concurrent with MM event. We would have a week off for rest; our SG, etc. would be utilized for both events (they are on different fields) and did I say I could get some sleep.

    Good luck to all who decide to participate.
  5. KaiCat33

    KaiCat33 Forum Pro

    Thank You FarmerDelight, and Everyone:inlove: So much wonderful information, and I did not know we could donate leftover event crops to our trophys. My FOCD keeps me playing, but RL keeps me from doing I make my farm look pretty, keep each field at approx. 1/3 each trees, stables and crops. I plant long crops every night, and nuke the first two rounds of each event crop. I don't finish every event, but I finish many, and get great prizes from the ones I don't finish. I did buy a big basket for the dice game because it was so much fun, but only rarely do I do that. (I was able to get the great CR but only barely.)This keeps it fun. I do admire those who rip up their fields and one day I hope to do that too, but for now, I love my farm, and all the wonderful animals, and Farmers. I am wondering if the extra stars are so newer players can catch up. I also need the stars. Good Luck to everyone, hope we all get something good. :inlove:
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  6. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    Wow thank you Decree for that info....I will use it for sure... Just one thing i like to add here as well as another player posted also... this last event the trees did not any good... Now while i know alot of events trees did great... Something is telling me the drops on this event will be bad also...But you sure to bet that I will follow your post up to the except the trees atm... I will see how my trees do in the glade... also note as you said make sure they high in ep .. now this may also damper with my drops as they may not be the best in ep..So if you or anyone with high trees on farm or farms and you see they do good.. please let us all know... as im sure i may can tell..

    I barely got the CR of last event.... I am not looking forward to doing that again... I had to stay up to get this CR... if its gonna be another push event... I will have to make sure i get it a day sooner...And I feel doing what Decree said... that will surely help...Again thank you Decree for posting it... I will also make sure you know my progress... :)

    I too agree with the fact that this CR on this event may give us 1 star or maybe the next one up all the time... But you sure to bet we may get the max a few times too... So like i seen others player saying they will be adding things that use stars... maybe redoing the whole tree? or just adding to it? as adding to it it has plenty of room to be added too.. Now with the building savers yes maybe they will allow us more then one... who knows..i just about got everything on my tree... i still need alot of stars don't get me wrong.... but looking at my tree ya would think i have it all still need 2 more buildings... lots of the breeding things from it... then its pretty much finished besides craft upgrades..

    I wish everyone the best of luck on this event... I know last one didn't go so well for alot of players.... but keep faith and hope.. not all events will be the same... remember this also cant win them win some and lose some... that my friend will make you a better farmer... :) love you all and i am out for now.... <3
    KaiCat33, trishap58, Arielh and 6 others like this.
  7. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    illy1996 - You have been Fantastic, as you have been helping out with SOS Thread for Events for some years now. Whom you showed Empathy to anyone who is Struggling with Drops.

    We all have to live in a Real Life as Real Life always comes First as they say Children Comes First !!. Playing Farmerama or Posting or Reading this Forum, we Enjoy and have fun at our Pleasure while we can. We cannot do this forever. It is very understandable that you are stepping down with SOS Thread. As for Mooboy and many other fellow peeps Truly appreciates all the Contributions you have done for this Forum. As life is too short, as we get older life becomes even shorter.

    It seems to be more apparent, that we are coming to conclusion to make choices to skip an Event. The Monthly Event Preview we get every month is now at Least Doubled to what we use to get couple of years ago. Now we hardly get any Breaks from Events. As we Struggle more and more to be able to restock our Farms. As Everything in the Markets it at much inflated prices due to obvious Fact that less and less farmers are selling into the Markets.

    It is already showing shortages what we normally find in the Markets. Which is creating a newer problem of shortages on certain items needed for Quests or Events. Now it not easy trying to keep up with Milling Animal Feeds etc too.

    I am one of those Farmers who just have One Farm. As i came to conclusion ages ago it is too much of burden to have more than one farm Especially trying to farm it without or little use of Harvester. As i have one Farm i seem to manage to do every event thrown at me. As i know having several farms can create stress or confusion or lake of concentration such as forgot to active CR Buffs or Buffs, using Harvester Vouchers Effectively etc or Failing to complete Events or taking out less fun to do Events as such.

    Strategy For Reaching for the Stars

    This Event is more Ideal for Newbies or those who have been playing Farmerama just under two years. The reason why i say this. When we do have Events we no longer gain so many Stars from Events like we use to get, as doing events couple of years ago we could gain 40 to 60 stars per Event. Now on average is about 10 to 20 Stars

    I have in excess of Combined 11250 Stars, yet still not completed several Farm Quests, which i can gain even more Stars.

    This Cloud Row certain makes up for those who are short on Stars. So it well Worth Doing this Event. I am doing this Event cos i love collecting event stickers as Halabala pointed out Farsight Flowers gives 80EP as some Crops that takes 12 to 13 Hours gives less EP compared to Farsight Flowers using Pets and Buffs we can reap even more EP :)

    Preparing Farms for Event Under 20 Hours

    When it comes to Preparing Farms for Events. Trees vs Long Timed Crops as we like to have a good start to an event to get Drops. From My experiences Trees do not give good Drops, compared to Rye, Leeks, Spelt, Carnations,Rose Hips or Foxtail Millet.

    These Long Timed Crops can take advantage of +1 we can win on Farmerama Wheel. It is a fact that makes more sense to build up stock of these Long Time Crops compared to Tree Fruits, that we can sell these crops at much better prices than these Tree Fruit you can get in the Markets as i can sell 1 Foxtail Millet for 1400 in my market 15 this just an example.

    These New Crops additions such as Rose Hip or Foxtail Millet are needed for New Quests as they are very expensive to buy in the Markets. It is cheaper to buy these Crops from the Store rather than the markets by can only get 100 of Each Crops every 24 Hours. As it is a cheaper alternative than buying Trees from the Stores !!

    Not to mention using Deluxe Fruit Mixer can gain lessor Crop times and more Crops EP on Crops that does not have refinements. Having Refinements is Bonus in itself ;) not to mention Water Reduces Crops by 20% anyway which cannot be used on Trees !! ;)

    Many Thanks for Lovely Posting of Info for this Event FarmerDelight/Decree;);)
    KaiCat33, Cassie101, Willow and 7 others like this.
  8. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    There are three strategic reasons why I always suggest trees over crops in my strategies.

    The first reason being that I haven't seen any evidence as to which stat (time or EP) is more closely related to increasing drops. This is primarily due to the fact that they both scale with each other.

    The second reason is related to the first. Rose Hips (my highest crop currently) award 37.25 EP per 1x1 plot. A rare tree without upgrades can have up to 160 EP per 1x1 plot. Elderberry and Maple Tree both award 110 EP per 1x1 plot. Even if you include the Green Thumb rune, ZAB, Spring Wreath, and Carrot Bread, the EP per 1x1 plot is still less than the 110 EP provided by either tree suggested. Rose hips are 19 hour long base. Trees are 20. So, whether drops are tied to time or EP, tree's win in both categories when considering what to use for initial drops. The two addendum to this rule is that I would suggest players use rare trees with higher EP if they have them, or use upgraded Workshops and Stables, but I don't specifically include this because the strategy is not written for someone with a large collection of rare trees, upgraded workshops and stables.

    The third reason is availability. Elderberry Tree is acquired at level 24, Maple at 77. Leeks are level 80, Rye is 81, Spelt is 82, Carnations is 83, Rose Hips are 97, and Foxtail Millet is level 103. My step by step strategies are made for the players who are going to have a hard time with the events, and they tend to be the players who aren't level 100 or higher.

    I hope this helps explain the strategy and reasoning behind why I suggest trees over crops for pre-event preparation/initial drop harvesting.
  9. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Our Illy has been the rock to this game for many years ..Illy saw people struggling to reach the end of an event ... Illy came up with the brilliant idea of SOS ...(((((hugs)))))) ILLy Thank you for giving this to us ;)
    Mooboy, KaiCat33, trishap58 and 6 others like this.
  10. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    But as I always say, I couldn't do it alone so thanks to the great community that is this Forum. I may not be administrating the SOS thread but I will still be keeping an eye on who needs help! :inlove:

    Now, everybody, stretch together and Reach for the Stars! xD
    Mooboy, 007Farming, KaiCat33 and 11 others like this.
  11. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    First time to get a good start with drops! I got 133 Lens:music: (I had planted Leeks over night and I also had some trees and pens out which I always keep during the events).
    That's a very good amount for me, I usually get 60 or 70 because I forget when the events startxD But today I was prepared for it:)
    How everyone is doing?
    Mooboy, KaiCat33, paru13 and 4 others like this.
  12. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Well Done Ariel ... I got 102
    Brings her Ladder with her to reach the stars ############# In Illys Aerobics classxD
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
    Mooboy, 007Farming, Arielh and 3 others like this.
  13. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    I was out and about yesterday, driving 12h + stuck 3h in Ikea (huge furniture chain, were too many people flock) My brain was/is totally fried from yesterday, but at least I had spinach planted. Haven't got the time to read the faq, or this thread properly. I'll just have to wing it, grow and throw (note to self: grow FIRST, THEN throw). Someone said long milling time, awesome, love that. Not much beat the thrill of milling event stuff, maybe watching paint dry.-.-

    FarmerDelight, thank you for the numbers and start off. :inlove:

    Decree, thank you for sharing your wisdom, clever good post about choosing what to do of the events.
    Also thank you for that basic, seed for seed strategy. It was interesting to read, and useful tips for those fresh to events. :inlove:

    Although there are a players here on the English forum that want breaks, there are also players that do no want breaks. On the English forum, on other forums and forum-lost farmers. Even if I can be fed up at times, I do not want long breaks between events. If they started having week or longer breaks between event, they probably lose me as a player. I'm sorry. Thought I should just offer you this side of the event-rush as well. I do not want BP to alienate you or me, so good luck BP finding the balance xD

    Illy: Those Sos has been a great addition to the forum in general and for the events as well. :inlove: I've met some great farmers through it. I'm confident we shall as a community will managed to keep it going. It is an awesome thread.

    To all of us: Good luck, keep posting, Keep sane and be happy. :inlove:or scrap the sanity part if it makes it all easier
  14. Mereira

    Mereira Forum Apprentice

    101 Lens for me! Even though I don't plan to stress and finish the event this time! :music:

    Also, I started at the shop, buying 5 event boxes! So I could plant my 3 fields full of the Farsight Flowers right at the start!
    And got the cutie Stargazing item from it! Already a win!
    Good luck everyone! Don't forget to Have Fun! ;)
    KaiCat33, habalala, paru13 and 4 others like this.
  15. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    Bought 64 grazing crates (2 bbs each) Used them all at once in consumables, got well over 1000 crops, got drops, lenses and decor items.
    Planted crops not using SG. will plant long grow crops over night and will continue with event crops during the day.

    Good luck everyone doing the quest :)
  16. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    I got 160 drops from initial harvest having planted Rosehips in 1x1's on all 3 fields:D:D Off to a good start but will wait and see how the event crops do with the drops. Don't forget this event is 1 day shorter than usual so those that need to post in SOS will have to so so sooner than usual;):p Good luck to all!!
    KaiCat33, Cassie101, habalala and 6 others like this.
  17. kibsnfebs

    kibsnfebs Forum Baron

    Gr8..Congrats julie....I got only 85 from trees in all 3 fields...Changed my mind ...I was also suppose to go for Rose hips...Anyways a lesson for future....Good luck to all
    KaiCat33, Cassie101, habalala and 5 others like this.
  18. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    Used Rose Hip as well. Manufactories and menageries gave good drops too. Total drops on initial harvest: 168.
    Happy with it, could've been a lot worse.

    Keep gazing with a smile!
  19. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    That is Good start Julie and Habalala I forgot to put out my Manufactory to build up my stock of Hammocks :eek:

    But i am grateful to get 154 on Initial Harvest. I did have a small splurge on Crate O Gazing, hoping to get Stargazing Item to add to my collection but not won it yet. But i got 750 Forsight Flowers

    But i have dusted my old Starscope that was very dusty, Have placed it on my Mainland as it makes my Mainland looks like Moonlight Mania with Dark Blue Skies Growing my Forsight Flowers in the Dark, which is themed with this Event.

    I also won 100% Harvester for 24 Hours. So i can reap 13,000 Event Crops sooner than planned. As it helps me conserve my Supergrow other events in August. No more Nuking is required.

    Out of curiosity is anyone getting good drops from Trees :p
  20. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    morning harvest 129 on spelt
    Mooboy, Arielh, KaiCat33 and 8 others like this.
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