Rework Baby Boom Day for more excitement.

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Decree, Aug 8, 2017.

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  1. Decree

    Decree Old Hand

    "During this time, all breedings harvested during the Event, should give TWINS.
    This means that you'll get the animal you were supposed to get
    PLUS a random coloured animal OR 2 normal animals."

    "should give TWINS" (it's even in all capital letters) I'm no rocket scientist, evolutionary biologist, or even an animal breeder, but your explanation of what should happen versus your explanation of what actually happens doesn't feel intuitive at all.

    I have two simple suggestions which would make this user experience far more pleasurable for everyone and less confusing.

    1) Increase the percentage to actually obtain twins. It doesn't need to be a lot, but heck, give us at least 20% chance of actual twins.

    2) Limit the drop in levels when it doesn't end producing twins. For example, if I were to breed chickens. I absolutely should not receive 2 normal chickens from breeding 4 Breezy.

    So let's put it all together. I breed 4 Breezy (chickens), I should have a 100% chance of getting 1 Rainbow and an additional 20% chance of getting 2 Rainbow. When I do not get that 20% chance at a second Rainbow I should be seeing at least 1 Breezy, or 2 Mini. I should never see anything below Mini when breeding such a high level animal.

    As it stands the breeding system is out of balance and makes people want to breed less while hoping for great skips. It certainly isn't intuitive, and rarely is it exciting.
  2. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    I agree. I also agree with the fact that really we shouldn't receive any animal less then what we are breeding. That's my 2 animals but like you said Decree no less then one step back from what we are breeding... I can live with that too... its far better then a normal animal...I mean the animals and power feed we need to get to a breezy , we should get better returns.

    With the way its always been I feel BP owes us a double breeding day... Meaning no matter what you normally get its times 2...For all the times we have had to use breeding for events, people like me cant even begin to think of quests. It would also be nice to have that on a event next time they want us to breed for an event... and not ask for our extras we get from it... Unless we want to double the speed of finishing such breeding event...I would love for once to be able to pocket some of these animals.... and not waste them all for events...I would like to use them to sell or do quests with.... not just events..
  3. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Motion has been seconded. All in favor? I vote "YES"...
  4. Teagle22

    Teagle22 Forum Inhabitant

    In triplicate... hey, hey!!
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Great suggestions!:D
    Decree very well said!:)
  6. copihueazul

    copihueazul Forum Apprentice