Feedback Farmerama - Game and Features

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by teddy.bear, Aug 24, 2014.

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  1. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    I find the 40 bananas to be ok.. maybe its cause I saved. Yes I have alot left to open still.. But we get 5 each time we level plus other means of getting them... I find the coins to be the worst of all... But saw few days ago we are have a event which is live now that we will get a few more coins from then they have ever offered us. Now with the barn clearing one. Well I am glad but not glad. They are wanting us to clean our Baha barns for each and every step.And the fact it is quite steep on the numbers of value we need to do it. I wished it had included the mainland crops/trees/animals too. My issue is this with barn cleaning. Its not helping the market, YET. Believe me had I have coins, I would be maybe the only farmer to use the market to help me complete that step. As prices in market is quite low.
    phoenixboy12 likes this.
  2. Solatido

    Solatido Forum Master

    love having a new space in the islands!
    BARN STOCK: I've been stocking my barn and had enough to complete; although, I did find the amounts to be on the high side. I have a lot of work to do to get my Baha barn restocked.
    COINS: The coins, I'm thinking the Carnival Queen was good to me, maybe also the wheel. I've also been very selective on what I buy and even have some left now - so, it's hard for me to judge how reasonable that step is.
    BANANAS: 40 bananas is very reasonable and seems to be in line with the banana cost of other items.
  3. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    We don't seem to get the chance to win the Harvester on the Farmwheel these days. We can win the Seeder and sometimes the Farm Droid but never the Harvester. I have even won the Seeder and the Droid in the "Crates" on the Stalk but the Harvester seems to have gone AWOL. :cry:

    I do a lot of manual farming, trying to conserve what Harvester vouchers or prizes from FSQs for times when I really haven't time to farm and the most difficult part is harvesting. Seeding and watering are both one click functions, harvesting is two clicks per plot. :wuerg:

    Please give us back the opportunity to win the Harvester from time to time. :) Even better, make harvesting a one click function! I know that it is easy to accidentally harvest something that you don't want to but it would only be one plot - not like with the Harvester, where one click and everything is harvested!:D

    Edit: Just to prove a point, I just received the Builder functions from one of my CR crates. Now tell me, what use can this be? Am I going to suddenly decide that, because I have won 3 hours of the Builder, I am going to rip my farm up for 3 hours. It is a non-prize. If it had been the Harvester, I would have been very pleased indeed. :eek:

    I rest my case - or should that be crate? 8)
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2017
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    First, I very much like the move back to Germany!

    Second, I am happy with the new land. The 40 bananas is "nothing" to me, other players at my level. I have already opened all the statues (except the last "customer" -- worthless, not opening it, ever!), so my bananas just stack up. The 400 shop-a-rama coins and the quest are harder, will take time, but hey -- things should not come easily. Its the first new land in a long time.

    PS, I concur with the above (something I have said many times before). Offering pieces of harvester that activate immediately is worthless -- actually worse than nothing, because it seems as if we are getting something, but its really just frustration. A coupon... maybe even a 1/2 hour coupon, if not an hour, placed less often, would be far FAR preferable. If you MUST offer pieces, then at least make the coupons, that way we can at least save them for use when they will help, rather than just be wasted.
  5. Lea2191

    Lea2191 Forum Inhabitant

    Just off the top of my head:
    1. I'd like some designation after I give a gift to a neighbor. I want to be able to look and immediately see that I already sent that neighbor a gift.
    2. I would quick way to see if I missed an animal feed. I can tell if I missed water for my animals, but feed and unfed animals look the same. When I have an entire field of the same animal it is really easy to miss one or more.
    3. The drop rate doesn't have to be based every quest on the same criteria. However, I'd like to know what the criteria are to maximize the drop rate. Does the drop rate increase from things like owl pets, or does that just increase experience points?
    4. I have consistently put too many crops for the number of nebulons I have. I've been consistently annoyed with layout of that event.
    5. The beanstalk definitely needs the ability to customize according to each players wishes.
    6. The farm quest section would also benefit from the ability to customize categories according to each players preferences. (example, I have some quests which are ready for me to use the farm tools. I want to hold them and use them during quests, but otherwise get them out of the way) Another example: I want to save some favorites within the moonlight quests, but not have them there all the time.
    7. I'd like the cinema to let me know if there is a cinema showing today. Most of the time I click on it but there is no video. I have just given up and stopped using that function, but I could use the BB.
    8. The computer I use hangs up after 30 minutes or so of farming. If I log out of the farm and then back in, it corrects the problem.
    (I use a public computer).
    9. Do a quest in quick players are required to make crafting products. For example, a bake off in which players are required to actually make crafting products. Lower level players who won't be able to finish the quest can help supply the raw ingredients so make sure you let the lower level players know what things might be needed by those participating in the quest.
    10. It might be technically difficult, but I would like to be able to search to find something on my farm. Particularly with giver items, I think I have something for the beanstalk on the field somewhere, but I just can't find it.
    007Farming likes this.
  6. PeepsCA

    PeepsCA Board Analyst

    Farmers that have worked their butts off and/or paid thru the nose in BBs or CCs to open up the new Baha Crystal Falls plots should immediately be able to plant EVENT crops there, as well as collect EVENT drops from what we plant and produce there the exact same way that we can on all other lands/areas that we've opened! >:(
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
  7. Gilligan

    Gilligan Forum Greenhorn

    As a very new player, my feedback is much simpler than most I've read. And probably duplicate as well, but since it's still a minor annoyance, maybe another voice will help.

    Clicking on things where only one thing can happen should just do them. When I click on a field ready to harvest, it should just harvest. When I click on a stable ready to harvest, it should just do so. (And clicking on it again to do cleanup is just ... weird. Do that, too.) Trees, decos that produce EP/CC/whatever, too. However, when there's more than one option, such as what to sow in a field or using normal/super feed, yeah, bring up the circle. This should reduce the number of clicks by 30-40%.

    I'm not looking to make the game easier. Just less frustrating. I'll wear out my mouse at this rate.
    swCactus1, joanc123, Moraine and 3 others like this.
  8. camauflage

    camauflage Someday Author

    The new neon fish pond is too dark, I'm constantly highlighting it thinking I need to clean manure.
  9. .POD316.

    .POD316. Forum Apprentice

    It would be nice if the movie theatre actually had something to watch every day. Very frustrating trying to collect BB without it
  10. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I agree with nm56! Why can't we just get the reward and we have to open a box. We already click to harvest the cloud row.
    swCactus1 and TCRooster like this.
  11. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    I would like to be able to gift all my neighbors every day. Having 5 - 7 gifts for up to 17 neighbors feels miserly.
    Easy enough, the Tree of Wisdom can be changed. It is not set in stone (Lime or soapstone).
    Don't think the Premium package buyer would object, the package does not cover all neighbors.
    I can not see how one gift per neighbor could hurt your bottom line, but I can Guarantee it would help your Good Will.
    Years from now your farmers/customers will fondly remember the day BigPoint opened the gift clutch to include all.
    Thank you.
  12. swCactus1

    swCactus1 Padavan

    #1. Neon fish pen is TOO dark! Please lighten it.
    #2. Change in Elephant feed .... ummm, I have over 200 feed currently on hand ~ {a} am I having to start from zero & mill brand new feed? {b} what happens to my existing feed?
    Arielh and mazel10 like this.
  13. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    swCactus1 I am sure you won't lose your existing elephant feed. :)
    BlackCaviar likes this.
  14. Gemm777

    Gemm777 Forum Apprentice

    I've recently been logging on again and notice that my crops are no longer turning into weeds between visits! Thank you!!! Now I have a reason to log on whenever I can without getting frustrated. This has brought me back to the game!
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 9, 2017
    leannkat, sanddollar15 and Brookeham like this.
  15. nlth_svbl

    nlth_svbl Forum Greenhorn

    I don't like it when we can have an unlimited amount of Party Spins while can only have up to 20 Normal Spins. When the normal wheel's prizes are not appealing, which is not unusual, many of us would just save the spin and wait for the prize list to restart. That cycle just keeps going. And then what happens when you win, let's say 3 Normal Spins, from an event or by just accidentally open a crate and you've already had 20 of them in the barn? Well, those spins you just won will immediately disappear, vanish, gone.
    I don't understand the logic behind this at all. We used to be able to save as many spins as we want before the Party Wheel was introduced. Why can we not have both now?
    farmerumf likes this.
  16. leannkat

    leannkat Advanced

    I have a suggestion about the scrapbook. I love scrap booking and I would like for the scrapbook to be set up like a calendar with twelve months and different seasonal pictures for the pages to select from. i get different stickers for different months and seasons. i would like my scrapbook to do the same, please... LOL, i find it hard to organize with only eight pages.:p
    sanddollar15 and Gemm777 like this.
  17. jazzy22

    jazzy22 Forum Mogul

    Since Power Feed can be used on both the main fields and Bahamarama, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to make Power Feed in either mill. It takes a long time to make -- and I'd like to see it available in the Baha mill as well as the main one.
  18. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I quite agree with these posters - especially the Crates. The Crate of Crates is especially annoying - one click on "Use", one click to see which Crate we have won, one click to open that Crate and finally a click on the tick to accept prize. Way too much clicking just to receive, for example, one Pheromone! :wuerg:

    On the other hand, when manually deleting items, no "Do you really want to delete this item?" ... no warning at all, poof, gone! :(

    Let's have confirmations when they are needed and not when there is no necessity ... pretty please.:)
  19. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Think the compensation pack was nice and full of goodies. The extended time was very appreciated as well. It's all smiles and laughter now.
    I also really like the fact that you mods add that little new post when you update the FAQ. It really does make a difference. :inlove:
  20. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I agree Moraine, the extra day for the event was good but the compensation package is definitely the cherry on the cake! :)