Mini-Event Magical Stalk Sale

Discussion in 'Event FAQ's' started by teddy.bear, Feb 10, 2025.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ October 2016 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special Halloween edition offering new and exclusive items on sale, with 2 brand new Cloud Rows!
    Halloween Rocks Stalk Row Pack
    Contains: Halloween Rocks Cloud Row + the 3 items needed
    Price: 150 BBs

    You can also purchase the deco items individually!​

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Halloween Rocks Magic Row of Clouds
    Effect: 6000 EP, 6000 TEP + 20% more EP for your Fullmoon Trees & Fullmoon Stables for 6 hours
    Cooldown time: 24 hours

    Required items for the Halloween Rocks row:

    Grand Entrance
    Size: 1x1
    Time: 12 hours
    Gives: 800 EP / TEP
    Price: 60 BBs

    Just A Prick
    Size: 1x2
    Time: 12 hours
    Gives: 1600 EP / TEP
    Price: 65 BBs

    Death Metal
    Size: 2x2
    Time: 12 hours
    Gives: 3200 EP / TEP
    Price: 70 BBs​

    Dark Clouds Rising Stalk Row
    Contains: Dark Clouds Rising Cloud Row + 1x Spooky Firefly Lair, 1x Darklight Firefly Lair, 1x XL Dark Queen's Apple upgrade + 20 Super-grow, 20 Power-feed. 20 Suzy's turbo-mulch + 1x Carrot-Apple Chutney
    Price: 200 BBs
    * I want to know more about each item!

    A Special Effect is applied to this cloud row to accompany the Darklight Firefly theme.

    10000 EP, 10000 CC + 1 Crate O' Moonlight Mania (1 random Fullmoon crop/tree fruit/animal)
    Cooldown time: 24 hours
    Note: Once collected the crate will be in your inventory and needs to be opened

    *Note: This is an empty row but requires Pumpkin Dance (Available from "The Firefly" Farmer's Society Quest), Potent Portrait and Precision Science (available from Jack's Shop)
    They are not included in the shop package
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 1, 2016
    Cassie101, KaiCat33 and sanddollar15 like this.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ November 2016 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 3 new non-themed Cloud Rows.
    November 2016 Magic Stalk Pack
    3 Cloud Rows (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    You cannot purchase the rows individually, and there are no giver items included!

    * I want to know more about each item!

    November 2016 Magic Stalk Pack



    November 2016 Cloud Row 1
    1 & 2.jpg
    Requires: Three 1x1 giver items, Two 1x2 giver items, One 2x2 giver item
    Gives: 4000 EP, 4000 CC
    Cooldown time: 11 hours

    November 2016 Cloud Row 2
    1 & 2.jpg
    Requires: Three 1x1 giver items, Two 1x2 giver items, One 2x2 giver item
    Gives: 4000 TEP, 4000 CC
    Cooldown time: 11 hours

    November 2016 Cloud Row 3
    Requires: Two 1x1 giver items, One 1x2 giver item, Two 2x2 giver item
    Gives: 1 x Crate O' Crazy Animals (1 random animal from the following: Spider, Butterfly, Kangaroo, Glowworm, Squirrel, Mole, Anaconda, Skunk) +
    32 TEP x Baha level, 32 EP x Farm level, 32 CC x Farm level
    Cooldown time: 11 hours

    * The July Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.


    Find more details of this package here.
  3. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ January 2017 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 3 new non-themed Cloud Rows.
    January 2017 Magic Stalk Pack
    3 Cloud Rows (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    You cannot purchase the rows individually, and there are no giver items included!

    * I want to know more about each item!

    January 2017 Magic Stalk Pack



    January 2017 Cloud Row 1
    row 1.jpg
    Requires: Three 1x1 giver items, Two 1x2 giver items, One 2x2 giver item
    Gives: 100 EP x Farm level + 125 CC x Farm level
    Cooldown time: 18 hours

    January 2017 Cloud Row 2
    row 2.jpg
    Requires: Three 1x1 giver items, Two 1x2 giver items, One 2x2 giver item
    Gives: 100 TEP x Baha level + 125 CC x Farm level
    Cooldown time: 18 hours

    January 2017 Cloud Row 3
    row 3.jpg
    Requires: Two 1x1 giver items, One 1x2 giver item, Two 2x2 giver item
    Gives: 1 x Crate O’ Treats (1 random item from the following: 3 Free spins, 1 Party ticket, 1 Carrot-apple chutney, 1 Power-feed, 1 Star, 1 Golden Banana) + 500 EP x Farm level + 500 TEP x Baha level
    Cooldown time: 72 hours

    * The November 2016 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.

    Find more details of this package here.
    KaiCat33 and Cassie101 like this.
  4. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ February 2017 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new non-themed Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.
    February 2017 Magic Stalk Pack
    2 Cloud Rows (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    You cannot purchase the rows individually, and there are no giver items included!

    * I want to know more about each item!

    February 2017 Magic Stalk Pack



    February 2017 Cloud Row 1
    row 1.jpg
    Requires: Three 1x1 giver items, One 1x2 giver item, One 2x2 giver item
    Gives: 4000 EP + 4000 TEP
    Cooldown time: 10 hours

    February 2017 Cloud Row 2
    row 2.jpg
    Requires: Four 1x1 giver items, One 2x2 giver item
    Gives: 35 TEP x Baha level + 35 EP x Farm level + 1 Crate O' Love
    Cooldown time: 10 hours

    Crate O' Love
    lootpackage 10.png
    1 random selection from:
    1 x Valentine Pot
    4 x Pheromones
    1 x Aroma of love

    * The January 2017 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.

    Find more details of this package here.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
    sanddollar15 and Cassie101 like this.
  5. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ March 2017 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new non-themed Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.
    March 2017 Magic Stalk Pack
    2 Cloud Rows (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    You cannot purchase the rows individually, and there are no giver items included!

    * I want to know more about each item!

    March 2017 Magic Stalk Pack



    Spring in Flowers Magic Stalk Row
    Requires: Two 1x1 giver items, One 1x2 giver item, One 2x2 giver item
    Gives: 230 EP x Farm level + 200 TEP x Baha level + 1 x Crate O' Pretty Things
    Cooldown time: 48 hours

    Spring in Bloom Magic Stalk Row
    Requires: Four 1x1 giver items, One 2x2 giver item
    Gives: 18000 EP + 15000 TEP
    Cooldown time: 24 hours

    Crate O' Pretty Things
    lootpackage 15.png
    1 random selection from:
    2 x Super-grow, 1 x Super-grow, 1 x Suzy's super-grow, 1 x Pheromones, 1 x Party ticket, 1 x Builder (3 hrs), 1 x Magic stalk helper (3 hrs), 1 x Harvest coupon (3 hrs), 1 x Seeder (12 hrs), 1 x Farm droid (12 hrs), 1 x Harvest coupon (1 hr), 1 x Spring boutonniere, 1 x Valentine pot, 1 x Crypt vase, 1 x Church bouquet, 1 x Summer bouquet, 1 x Terror bouquet, 1 x White innocence, 1 x Spring wreath, 1 x Winter wreath, 1 x Elixir of life, 1 x Angel's trumpet, 1 x Sakura blossom, 1 x Wisteria flower, 1 x Bougainvillea cluster, 1 x Bromeliad, 1 x Googly eye bush, 1 x Ghosts, 1 x Tombstone, 1 x Abominable plant, 1 x Bonetrees, 1 x Gerbera, 1 x Lilac, 1 x Cornflower, 1 x Peony, 1 x Lily, 1 x Lily of the valley, 1 x Rose, 1 x Orchid, 1 x Sunflower, 1 x Violet, 1 x Tulip.

    * The February 2017 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.

    Find more details of this package here.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
    KaiCat33 and Eunoia. like this.
  6. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ June 2017 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 3.
    Ray Of Sunshine Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + the 3 required givers (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Ray Of Sunshine Magic Stalk Pack


    Ray Of Sunshine Magical Stalk Row
    ray of sunshine.png
    Requires: the 3 themed givers
    Gives: 150 EP x Farm level, 150 TEP x Baha level, 5% reduced breeding time for 3 hours
    Cooldown time: 12 hours

    Message In A Balloon
    Size: 1x1
    Time: 11 hours
    Gives: 840 EP / TEP
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfield

    Let's Go Fly A Kite
    Size: 1x2
    Time: 11 hours
    Gives: 1760 EP / TEP
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfield

    Summer Garden
    Size: 2x2
    Time: 11 hours
    Gives: 3600 EP / TEP
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfield

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times for 1.99 EUR each (or equivalent in your currency).

    * The March 2017 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.


    Find more details of this package here.
    KaiCat33 and shellhappybj like this.
  7. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ July 2017 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 3 new Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 3.​
    * I want to know more about each item!

    For Science! Magic Stalk Row
    for science.png
    Requires: any two 1x1 givers, any two 1x2 givers and any one 2x2 giver
    Gives: 150 EP x Farm level, 150 TEP x Baha level, 25% extra EP/TEP for Event Plants for 4 hours
    Cooldown time: 16 hours
    Price: Buyable once for 60 BB

    Melonology Magic Stalk Row
    Requires: the 7 themed givers
    Gives: 150 EP x Farm level
    Cooldown time: 8 hours
    Price: Buyable once for 60 BB
    (purchase does not include the required giver items)
    1 - black ball melon dispenser.pngBlack Ball Melon Dispenser1x1200 EP/TEP7 hours
    2 - yellow ball melon dispenser.pngYellow Ball Melon Dispenser1x1200 EP/TEP7 hours
    3 - yellow dice melon dispenser.pngYellow Dice Melon Dispenser1x1200 EP/TEP7 hours
    4 - black dice melon dispenser.pngBlack Dice Melon Dispenser1x1200 EP/TEP7 hours
    5 - sun melon dispenser.pngSun Melon Dispenser1x1200 EP/TEP6 hours
    6 - bee melon dispenser.pngBee Melon Dispenser1x1200 EP/TEP6 hours
    7 - dragon melon dispenser.pngDragon Melon Dispenser1x1200 EP/TEP6 hours

    The Melon Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times for 29 BB each

    Pea-ology Magic Stalk Row
    Requires: the 7 themed givers
    Gives: 200 CC x Farm level
    Cooldown time: 12 hours
    Price: 60 BB
    (purchase does not include the required giver items)
    g1.pngBig Green Pea Dispenser1x12775 CC18 hours
    g2.pngBig Red Pea Dispenser1x12775 CC18 hours
    g3.pngSmall Pea Dispenser1x12775 CC18 hours
    g4.pngSmall Red Pea Dispenser1x12775 CC18 hours
    g5.pngBig Yellow Pea Dispenser1x12775 CC18 hours
    g6.pngSmall Yellow Pea Dispenser1x12775 CC18 hours
    g7.pngYellow Pea Dispenser1x12775 CC18 hours

    The Pea Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times for 35 BB each

    * The June 2017 Edition Stalk Row will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.

    june sale.png

    Find more details of this package here.
    IVANCICA30, Cassie101 and julie1013 like this.
  8. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ September 2017 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.
    Bavarian Songs Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + the 3 required givers (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Bavarian Songs Magic Stalk Pack


    Bavarian Songs Magical Stalk Row
    bavarian songs.jpg
    Gives: 36000 EP, 30000 TEP, 10% extra EP / TEP when harvesting for 10 hours
    Cooldown time: 45 hours
    Requires: the 3 event items

    Carved in Stone
    carved in stone.gif
    Gives: 850 EP / TEP
    Time: 11 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfield

    Horn It Up
    horn it up.gif
    Gives: 1850 EP / TEP
    Time: 11 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfield

    Gives: 3500 EP / TEP
    Time: 11 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfield

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:

    Carved in Stone:
    55 BB's
    Horn It Up: 60 BB's
    Cliffhangers: 55 BB's

    * The July 2017 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.

    Find more details of this package here.
    ~edit~ the July Row of offers are NOT available to purchase.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2017
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  9. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ October 2017 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new themed Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.
    Gothic Story Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 2 empty Cloud Rows (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Gothic Story Magic Stalk Pack


    Catacomb Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 260 EP x Farm level, 220 TEP x Baha level
    Cooldown time: 20 hours
    Requires: any one 1x1 giver, any one 1x2 giver and any 2x2 giver

    Graveyard Waltz Magic Stalk Row
    graveyard waltz.png
    Gives: 150 CC x Farm level, I x Crate O' Artisans
    Cooldown time: 20 hours
    Requires: any one 1x1 giver, any one 1x2 giver and any 2x2 giver

    Crate O' Artisans
    receive 1 random item from the following items:
    2 x Mandrakes
    2 x Herbal elixir
    2 x Salt
    2 x Sugar
    2 x Florist wire
    1 x Boutonniere
    1 x Basic jelly
    1 x Basic dough
    1 x Punch
    1 x Flowerpot
    1 x Smooth jelly
    1 x Shortcrust pastry
    1 x Cream
    1 x Party ticket

    *~edit~ The June 2017 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.

    Find more details of this package here.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2017
  10. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ November 2017 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.
    Delicious Nibbles Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + the 3 required givers (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Delicious Nibbles Magic Stalk Pack


    Delicious Nibbles Magic Stalk Row
    delicious nibble.jpg
    Gives: 750 EP x Farm level, 25% extra EP for Giver items for 3 hours
    Cooldown time: 22 hours
    Requires: the 3 themed givers

    Sweet Mayhem
    Gives: 1600 EP / TEP
    Time: 22 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Pudding Trampoline
    Gives: 3300 EP / TEP
    Time: 22 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Gives: 7000 EP / TEP
    Time: 22 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Sweet Mayhem:
    55 BB
    Pudding Trampoline: 55 BB
    Crumb-Snatchers: 60 BB

    * The September 2017 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.


    Find more details of this package here.
    IVANCICA30 and shellhappybj like this.
  11. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ December 2017 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.
    Snow Globe Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 3 givers (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Snow Globe Magic Stalk Pack


    Snow Globe Magic Stalk Row
    snow globe.jpg
    Gives: 200 EP x Farm level, 1 x Crate O' Santa Claus
    Cooldown time: 18 hours
    Requires: any three 1x1 items

    Crate O' Santa Claus
    Receive 1 random item from the following:
    100 x Cinnamon, 100 x Hazelnuts, 100 x Peanuts, 20 x Oranges, 20 x Apples,
    20 x Walnuts, 20 x Brazil nuts, 1 x Fruit cake, 1 x Christmas cookie, 1 x Vanilla crescent, 1 x Gingerbread, 1 x Marzipan,
    1 x Winter jam, 1 x Eggnog, 1 x Winter wreath,1 x Classic moose reserve II, 1 x Ice sculpture,
    1 x Snow-blower, 1 x Frosty Fountain, 1 x Christmas tree 2011, 1 x Ice fir tree,
    1 x Frozen pond (piece A/B/C or D), 1 x Hark! The Angels Sing

    Winter Scenery Snow Globe
    winter scenery.gif
    Gives: 875 EP / TEP
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Halloween Snow Globe
    Gives: 905 EP / TEP
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Christmas Snow Globe
    Gives: 955 EP / TEP
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Winter Scenery Snow Globe:
    55 BB
    Halloween Snow Globe: 55 BB
    Christmas Snow Globe: 60 BB

    * The November 2017 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.


    Find more details of this package here.
  12. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ January 2018 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new empty Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.
    January 2018 Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 2 Cloud Rows
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    January 2018 Magic Stalk Pack


    January 2018 Magic Stalk Row 1
    january 2018 row 1.jpg
    Gives: 20000 EP, 60% extra EP for giver items for 3 hours
    Cooldown time: 23 hours
    Requires: any four 1x1 items and any three 1x2 items

    January 2018 Magic Stalk Row 2
    january 2018 row 2.jpg
    Gives: 10000 EP, 20% extra EP for giver items for 1 hour
    Cooldown time: 12 hours
    Requires: any two 1x1 items and any two 2x2 items​
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2018
  13. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ February 2018 ~
    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Rendezvous Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 3 giver items (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Rendezvous Magic Stalk Pack


    Rendezvous Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 1 x Crate O' EP, 1 x Crate O' Devotion
    Cooldown time: 24 hours
    Requires: any one 1x1 item, any one 1x2 item and any one 2x2 item

    Snuggle Bunny
    snuggle bunny.gif
    Gives: 1050 EP / TEP
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Tricky Clothing
    tricky clothing.gif
    Gives: 2100 EP / TEP
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Gives: 4200 EP / TEP
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Snuggle Bunny: 60 BB
    Tricky Clothing: 60 BB
    Spoilsport: 60 BB

    Crate O' EP
    Receive 1 x random item from the following:
    10,000 EP, 20,000 EP, 30,000 EP, 40,000 EP, 50,000 EP, 100,000 EP,
    200,000 EP, 300,000 EP, 400,000 EP, 500,000 EP

    Crate O' Devotion

    Receive 1 x random item from the following:
    10 x Roses, 1 x Sweet rose jam, 1 x Wedding flower pot, 1 x Valentine's pot, 4 x Pheromones, 1 x Aroma of love,
    1 x Flying elephant, 1 x Gentleman frog, 1 x Kissing fish, 1 x Bridal duck
    TERRIE, Jazac, KaiCat33 and 3 others like this.
  14. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ March 2018 ~
    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Happy Easter Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 3 giver items (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Happy Easter Magic Stalk Pack


    Happy Easter Magic Stalk Row
    happy easter.png
    Gives: 30,000 EP, 30,000 TEP, 1 x Crate O' Surprises
    Cooldown time: 12 hours
    Requires the three event items

    Easter Surprise
    Gives: 800 EP / TEP
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Easter Studio
    Gives: 1600 EP / TEP
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Easter Egg Hunt
    Gives: 3500 EP / TEP
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Easter Surprise: 60 BB
    Easter Studio: 60 BB
    Easter Egg Hunt: 60 BB

    * The February 2018 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.


    Find more details of this package here.​
  15. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ April 2018 ~
    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Spring Festival Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 4 giver items (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Spring Festival Magic Stalk Pack
    package icon.png

    Spring Festival Magic Stalk Row
    spring festival.gif
    Gives: 280 EP x Farm level, 40% increased EP & TEP when harvesting mainland, tropical and moonlight trees for 4 hours
    Cooldown time: 23 hours
    Requires any two 1x1 items, any one 1x2 item and any one 2x2 item

    Spring Sensation
    Gives: 790 EP / TEP
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Vegetarian BBQ
    Gives: 790 EP / TEP
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Enchanting Spring
    Gives: 1580 EP / TEP
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Cheerful Picnic
    Gives: 3160 EP / TEP
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Spring Sensation: 60 BB
    Vegetarian BBQ: 60 BB
    Enchanting Spring: 60 BB
    Cheerful Picnic: 60 BB

    * The March 2018 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.


    Find more details of this package here.​
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  16. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ April 2018 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new non-themed Cloud Row.
    April 2018 Magic Stalk Pack
    1 Cloud Row (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    There are no giver items included!

    * I want to know more about each item!

    April 2018 Magic Stalk Pack



    Happy April Magic Stalk Row
    happy april.png
    Gives: 5% increase for drop items (including event drop items) on Main and Tropical fields for 1 hour, 1 x Crate O' Country Coins, 1 x Crate O' EP
    Cooldown time: 20 hours
    Requires: any Three 1x1 giver items, any Two 1x2 giver items, any One 2x2 giver item​
    tlcmom and sanddollar15 like this.
  17. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ May 2018 ~
    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Merry May Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 4 giver items (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Merry May Magic Stalk Pack

    Merry May Magic Stalk Row
    merry may.png
    Gives: 270 TEP x Baha level, 20% extra EP/TEP for givers for 1 hour, 1 x Crate O' Country Coins
    Cooldown time: 22 hours
    Requires any two 1x1 items, any one 1x2 item and any one 2x2 item

    Flower Angel
    flower angel.gif
    Gives: 950 EP / TEP, 20 CC x Farm level
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Timeless Tulips
    timeless tulips.gif
    Gives: 1900 EP / TEP, 20 CC x Farm level
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on all fields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    Flower Shower
    flower shower.gif
    Gives: 40 EP or TEP x Farm or Baha level
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on all fields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    Praise the Sun
    praise the sun.gif
    Gives: 10 EP or TEP x Farm or Baha level
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Flower Angel: 60 BB
    Timeless Tulips: 60 BB
    Flower shower: 60 BB
    Praise the Sun: 60 BB

    * The April 2018 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.

    package icon.png

    Find more details of this package here.
    ~edit~ all decos can now be placed on all playfields
    ~edit~ corrected size + output of decos
    Last edited: May 3, 2018
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  18. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ June 2018 ~
    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Summer Breeze Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 4 giver items (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Summer Breeze Magic Stalk Pack

    Summer Breeze Magic Stalk Row
    summer breeze.png
    Gives: 2000 EP x Baha level, 10% reduced growing time for tropical "flowers" for 4 hours, 40% extra TEP when harvesting tropical "flowers" for 4 hours
    Cooldown time: 23 hours
    Requires any one 1x1 item, any two 1x2 items and any one 2x2 item

    Acorn a Day!
    Gives: 22 EP or TEP x Farm or Baha level
    Time: 23 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields except the moonlight playfields & haunted manor

    Cabbage Patch Rabbit
    Gives: 44 EP or TEP x Farm or Baha level
    Time: 23 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on all fields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    Sisyphean Task
    Gives: 44 EP or TEP x Farm or Baha level
    Time: 23 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on all fields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    Smoothie Booth
    Gives: 88 EP or TEP x Farm or Baha level
    Time: 23 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on all fields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Acorn a Day!: 60 BB
    Cabbage Patch Rabbit: 60 BB
    Sisyphean Task: 60 BB
    Smoothie Booth: 60 BB

    * The May 2018 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.


    Find more details of this package here.​
  19. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ July 2018 ~
    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new themed Cloud Rows and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Guru Panzee Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 4 giver items (details below)
    Price: 5.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    Tropical Dancers Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 4 giver items (details below)
    Price: 5.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Guru Panzee Magic Stalk Pack
    guru panzee cloud icon.png

    Guru Panzee Magic Stalk Row
    Guru Panzee.png
    Gives: 250 TEP x Baha level, 1 x Crate O' Animal Feed, 15% reduced growing time for Crocodile, Tortoise, Monkey and Panda Stables for 2 hours
    Cooldown time: 23 hours
    Requires the 4 items shown

    Dancing Crocodile
    Gives: 22 EP x Farm level or 22 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 23 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all playfields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    Dancing Tortoise
    Gives: 22 EP x Farm level or 22 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 23 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all playfields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    Dancing Monkey
    Gives: 22 EP x Farm level or 22 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 23 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all playfields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    Dancing Panda
    Gives: 22 EP x Farm level or 22 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 23 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all playfields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    Tropical Dancers Magic Stalk Pack
    tropical dancers cloud icon.png

    Tropical Dancers Magic Stalk Row
    Tropical Dancers.png
    Gives: 250 TEP x Baha level, 1 x Crate O' Animal Feed, 15% reduced growing time for Penguin, Red Panda, Sloth and Koala Stables for 2 hours
    Cooldown time: 23 hours
    Requires the 4 items shown

    Dancing Penguin
    Gives: 22 EP x Farm level or 22 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 23 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all playfields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    Dancing Red Panda
    Gives: 22 EP x Farm level or 22 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 23 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all playfields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    Dancing Sloth
    Gives: 22 EP x Farm level or 22 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 23 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all playfields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    Dancing Koala
    Gives: 22 EP x Farm level or 22 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 23 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all playfields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Dancing Crocodile: 60 BB
    Dancing Tortoise: 60 BB
    Dancing Monkey: 60 BB
    Dancing Panda: 60 BB
    Dancing Penguin: 60 BB
    Dancing Red Panda: 60 BB
    Dancing Sloth: 60 BB
    Dancing Koala: 60 BB​
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  20. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ August 2018 ~
    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.

    On the Beach Magic Stalk Pack
    on the beack pack.png
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 3 giver items (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    On the Beach Magic Stalk Pack
    on the beach pack 2.png

    On the Beach Magic Stalk Row
    on the beach row.png
    Gives: 20000 EP, 20000 TEP, 5 x Toolboxes
    Cooldown time: 19 hours
    Requires the 3 items above

    Mini Tornado
    mini tornado.gif
    Gives: 800 EP / TEP
    Time: 9 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on all fields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    Home Invasion
    home invasion.gif
    Gives: 1600 EP / TEP
    Time: 9 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on all fields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    My Home is my Castle
    my home is my castle.gif
    Gives: 3200 EP / TEP
    Time: 9 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on all fields (except the moonlight playfields), cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Mini Tornado: 59 BB
    Home Invasion: 69 BB
    My Home is my Castle: 79 BB

    * The June 2018 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.

    summer breeze.png

    Find more details of this package here.​
    KaiCat33 and sanddollar15 like this.
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