The farmer_broke Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, Jun 5, 2018.

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  1. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Nice you joined us meba! 50,000 ep :D Your farm will pay dearly. :D
    Oh MeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebaxD You know good and well that you cannot do this event. xDAnd neither can many many many long-time players. They simply c-a-n-n-o-t! xDxD (Meba I cannot resist playing with you.) :inlove:xDxD (Maybe you should go and grow a junks or something. It's easier.) xD

    Participants may want to check the faqs of the just released mini-event. Completing the mini-event may either help farms with this event or hurt farms with this event. Up to you!
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
  2. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Somehow, I went from 16 1/2 to 17 1/2 this morning. No clue as to what happened. :oops:

    So now, I can open the Meadow. If you would like to help and have an extra neighbor slot , please send me a neighbor invite to Siouxzen.

    I promise to dump you *** xD:DxDas soon as I have all the land unlocked. I can't afford to take the EP hit. LOL Especially from someone at level 189. If you were to level up while being a neighbor, I'd get the Golden Boot for sure. :pxD
    HavenGrove, fishy_broke and 12ss12 like this.
  3. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Hail Queen Meba ! [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    broke, you forgot that Queen Meba's second is also into this event. I am still staying in level 14. [​IMG][​IMG]

    Queen Meba ! Happy that you are back. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]I was thinking of sending you a message. But you didn't let me down. You appeared here !

    I have sent you one from my baby farm. You can boot me out whenever you want. I will take no offense.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
    fishy_broke, sglick and meba091 like this.
  4. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Thanks 12! There must be a lag in the system since it still has no come through. :p

    EDIT: I had to refresh
    fishy_broke and 12ss12 like this.
  5. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    hahaha I just don't know why you would be concerned about a neighbor leveling up. You should not get the points even if they do level up
    unless you can't control your FOCD clicking and take the points yourself. My whole neighbor list has leveled up. Nice for them.
    fyi You may even delete them and not get the points (if they have leveled up and you have not taken the points).
    :D:D Just another ep trap! Controoooooooooooool yourself.xD Players are out of control xD

    And Meba appears.

    haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahhahahaha

    I am definitely not worried about Queen Meba. xDxDxD:inlove::inlove::inlove:xDxDxD

    She c-a-n-n-o-t complete the event. :D:D She is too funny. 50,000 ep on a click xDxD

    I am happy to see Meba too ..... but.... hahahahahaha ..... no way. No telling what she will do :D:D
    HavenGrove and meba091 like this.
  6. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Broke - you guessed it. I can't control myself. This is the #1 problem of my life. xDxDxD Better to kick them out than trust myself. :cry::cry::cry:
    baw815 and fishy_broke like this.
  7. HavenGrove

    HavenGrove Someday Author

    Here to help :D I'll try and not level up o_O if I do I'll delete myself and you can send back request if you still need me. Like you sometimes I cann't:music: weeeelll lots of times I can not control myself either :p

    Oh my what was I thinking... you are writing under your parent farm. Feel free to send me a neighbor request if you'd like.

    By this do you mean unlocked on the 'Tree of Wisdom'? To have one of the breeding ruins unlocked??
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 21, 2018
    fishy_broke likes this.
  8. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    The answer: At least one BAHA animal which can be bred: monkey, elephant, camel or panda. Please feel free to unlock as many as you like. It is up to each participant whether they choose to breed the animal.

    A participant is forced to obtain at least one breeding animal from the tree of wisdom. Your stars! ;)

    There is lots of frustration and exciting times ahead.

    I will think of how to clarify and have this question answered in the faqs.

    You will find out very shortly that the requirement is of very very very little concern.

    An NO, one does not have to unlock the breeding aspect if they so choose not to do so.

    One may wish to look at the BAHA breeding quests in their main farm and see what the rewards are from breeding. You may just want what is offered as the reward(s) ...... maybe not.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2018
    12ss12 and sanddollar15 like this.
  9. HavenGrove

    HavenGrove Someday Author

    o_O Oh OK then... ...
    BUT thanks for clearing that up for me. I wasn't even thinking of BaHa:p
    FORCED to use stars >:(:mad: we sure are.
    Got to love the game :inlove: Lord knows I do and a bit too much. If I must say so myself. xD
    12ss12, sanddollar15 and fishy_broke like this.
  10. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    Hi One Two [​IMG] Also happy to see you! I know you will do well in this event. I have no doubt! [​IMG]

    Well Broke, I will let you in on what I will do. I will ad another baby farm to this crazy event of yours o_OxDxD
    The first one took a big hit from my hurry hurry clicking :wuerg::cry::p but I have not given up just yet. [​IMG]

    Now go ahead and laugh and have no worries :pxD

    I also wish to help baby farms participating in this event (not my own), if that is allowed. What say you Farmer Broken?
    sanddollar15 and fishy_broke like this.
  11. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    your hurry hurry cliking......yhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahaxD I am not surprised.:)

    So you added another farm. Did you get a mentor yet? hahaha You'll give up.... not worried at all here xD

    Sure you may help other farms. You may even help your own farm. :) You helping yourself is of no concern to me. Your farm will need all the help it can get anyway.:wuerg:

    I hope you are having fun with your little comment. :)

    You know how you like to wear boots? Ya know you are a boot-girl.

    hahahaha You will have at lease two Gooooooooolden Boots. You will get them when your farms are booted out of the Event for having too much ep. xDxDxD

    The Goooooooooolden Boot girl.

    I am glad you joined us Meba. :inlove:

    With you at the clicker and your hurry hurry hurry ..... no worry.xDxD

    To HavenGrove:

    You have one post directly following another: 107 followed by 108. This is referred to as double posting. You might want to combine the two posts into one as this style has its consequences.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2018
    sanddollar15 and meba091 like this.
  12. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    I am and I hope you know that I am teasing you and mean it a friendly way :inlove:

    Hahahahahaha the Golden Boot girl rofl xD I think I am already the queen of boots! lololololxDxDxD and I do have a golden pair already! hahahahaha oh you make me laugh! I am glad I joined too :) I just have to see if the mentor and other farms connected to the babyfarms will work with me :music::oops: and try to control myself :eek:xDxD

    The other farm is not made hurry hurry hahahahahaha thinking about a name buuuuuuuuut you just might have given it to mexDxDxD I'll let you know when I have decided.

    I am glad I am allowed to help. How do I know who is participating?
  13. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Meba, Queen of Boots, what is your participant farm growing now? I might just want to think about your strategy?

    People must tell us somehow. I do not think that most will tell us. xD

    Also, there is another fb mini-event almost ready for the faqs to be released. I will not spoil the fun by telling you more right now. Well, I can tell you this: The to be released fb mini-event may just suck Brookeham in. :)
    joanc123, meba091 and sanddollar15 like this.
  14. Brakenjan1984

    Brakenjan1984 Forum Greenhorn

    Just an update on my farm :)

    Level 6, four days with new mentor and happily staying in nest :D. Only planting and harvesting Cress, nothing else. We'll see how long it takes to get to the other two main lands... :p
    fishy_broke and joanc123 like this.
  15. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Hail Queen meba!:inlove: Kudos farmer_broke for having a fun and informative thread!:inlove: Even though I am not doing this event I am loving coming here to see how everyone is doing, and seeing farmers I have not seen posting in a couple of years! Great fun, good luck to all! Broke is a wild one so watch out! lol:p
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
  16. HailQueenMeba

    HailQueenMeba Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you Sanddollar15. This farm has joined the event today. ;):pxD
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
    fishy_broke, joanc123, 12ss12 and 2 others like this.
  17. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Congrats ,(I think lol) :p Good luck! Let the games begin!;)xDxD
  18. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    My first farm is growing sugarcane. It just unlucked baha. It is growing absolutely nothing on mainland and no intention of doing so until it has to.:oops:

    My second farm has now got a mentor and will be more careful.

    Well, if any farm taking part in the farmer_broke event wish to get a little support, please send an igm to meba091. I will be more than happy to send a few surprises on this slow journeyo_OxDxD
  19. HavenGrove

    HavenGrove Someday Author

    WooooHooooo :inlove: 55 GB is what I found at the bottom of my juice glass today. :D50,000 TEPs was the actual prize.
    I just wanted to share. I'll be able to unlock some crops and trees right away.
    PS8) I never drink unless I know whats in the glass ;)
    Friends let me tell you today's drink is safe and good for you too.

    I went to fix the issue BUT what I found was this...
    107 Me
    108 You
    109 Me
    please tell me you see the same thing and I'm not bat sh** :pcrazy?
    How do I have 5 five maps? I can account for one and only one. The only thing I have don't since the start of this event is...
    **Give out the gifts yesterday and today. The one map I can account for came yesterday from a fellow chickdee BUT I have since send an OWL explaining my gift desires. They wrote back OK and tonight I received a toolbox Awesome ;)
    **yesterday and today only one each day I harvested 1- 1x1 sunflower and bought an apple tree which I then planted.
    (Buying an apple tree a day while I play this event I'm also going for the 365 Apple Tree Club I noticed one day while reading)
    **Shopped for all my seeds (as advised)
    **lastly today I harvested one (1) plum tree for feed.
    That's it and I have 5 maps? I don't understand. If you can get 4 maps from 2 -1x1 sunflower and one plum tree from the wee little farming I did then Parent farms should be in all their glory with maps just falling from everywhere hahhaha

    Last edited: Jun 22, 2018
  20. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    The 50,000 TEPs is a nice gift for most. A farm that is not on BAHA yet pick up:
    25 stars from Renzo
    10,000 TEPs from Renzo
    and now 50,000 more TEPs

    I am very sorry to have troubled you. I have no excuse(s) to offer.

    Certainly not for looking into the no-issue I raised
    I simply must smile :)because your farm is falling into an ep trap. Please enjoy your plums (and drops).

    I believe the farmer_broke farm purchased from your farm. There is no ep cost incurred simply from making the sale. If one purchases the seeds daily and periodically sells there is (or can be) a decent profit in the action. I assure you that the farm will need ccs.

    More than the above, a farmer may eventually use the learned sales behavior for their main farm. I do not know how true the following is yet: I find lots of support for game developers slowly moving toward a pay-to-market scheme within the game itself. Naturally, in order to continue marketing the game as free to play, there must be a provision which allows for a limited number of free or no RL money sales. The practice no no more than an elementary marketing scheme which is designed to increase company revenue. Yet the practice has devastated many games attempting to implement such.

    There is only so much you are able to do for a long time in this event and one must think. One is practicing self and efficient control in marketing here. As one works this event, one is also taking knowledge learned here to their main farm.

    A farm is able to take small ep hits and it certainly will happen. I have no idea where the maps came from. Harvesting during a game event with drops falling is like asking for trouble though. And you will get it and blame yourself. Do you have your game set where you can see whatever drop is falling as you harvest?

    I have a testing farm which is staying ahead of all. The farm name is rat_tail under Mentor orthud_oc. Today that farm has the three main fields clear except for water storage tanks on one. I have no concern with drops there. That farm is now mainland level 35 and BAHA level 79. The farm needs five (5) stars to reach Living Legend. ((and I just made an error while writing here and donated all but 10 seeds to a quest and know I needed more........(whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat an idiot))

    I can see it now: Living Legend Mentor ortrud_oc <-------- in lights

    The mentor has been an inspiration and wonderful in each and every way and each day.

    (And the Gooooolden Boot is waiting) xD

    ---- A testing farm under Mentor TCRooster was level 39 about 5 - 10 stars away from Living Legend. A very foolish move was made and the farm very quickly received a Testing Golden Boot. No Living Legend for that farm while in the nest. :cry:

    None of my training farms are eligible to participate in the event. They were used in testing multiple paths.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2018
    HavenGrove and sanddollar15 like this.
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