Complate 99 Free Spins in Two Minutes - How Does That Work?

Discussion in 'Game Related Chit Chat' started by SahraB, Dec 22, 2018.

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  1. SahraB

    SahraB Count Count

    Click on brown box ---> [​IMG]

    Click blue vase --->[​IMG]

    In the search box: Click on Free ---> [​IMG]

    Click on Free-Spin (use click) ---> [​IMG]

    Start button click ---> [​IMG]

    Immediately press the esc key ... (important)

    Then end up using Free Spins --->[​IMG] click again ...

    Again start button click ---> [​IMG]
    and then immediately press the esc key again ...

    Repeat this process 99 times, and within two minutes the 99 free spins have been completed.

    If you can click faster, it takes less than two minutes.

    Finally, look at the ---> [​IMG]

    Get an overview of your past winnings
    and the spins you used
    Good luck and fun while "turning" ... Thank you very very much fabatka and CharlyJoe :)
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2019
  2. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    Sweeeet! Thanks for bringing it to the EN forum Sah!

    Guess I'll have to be the first one to say it'll take too many (fast) clicks to handle for my wrist and fingers ;)

    My luck is I never made it to 99 piled up so I stick with the 5 second wait for an outcome :)
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
    geckofeet666, joanc123 and SahraB like this.
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Thanks a lot SahraB! I just tried it and it works well for using up a lot of spins fast. One doesn't need to have 99 spins to do this, it works with any number, and you can stop whenever you want. So thanks for a great tip :)
    geckofeet666, joanc123 and SahraB like this.
  4. Shimmer

    Shimmer Count Count

    This is a great tip, and it comes at a good time for me as I've nearly got 99 spins. Thanks!
    geckofeet666, joanc123 and SahraB like this.
  5. Neddy38

    Neddy38 Forum Great Master

    A great tip, But...............
    Being an i-pad user,should I go back my PC :sleepy:
    geckofeet666, joanc123 and SahraB like this.
  6. arda-atakan

    arda-atakan Forum Apprentice

  7. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    A good tip SahraB :) I use some of my spins before I harvest in the morning. Then if I get more field crops from spinning I'm happy.
  8. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    Outstanding SahraB!! :D Thank you very, very much. Been thinking about ripping out every thing that gives green tickets. So many are given out everywhere. You have taken the chore out of the fun of getting goodies for my farms! :inlove:
    geckofeet666, SahraB and Cassie101 like this.
  9. geckofeet666

    geckofeet666 Active Author

    Thank you very much SahraB for the tip. :inlove: I have so many crates with green and party tickets unopened as I wasn't using the spin wheel...was making me feel dizzy :oops::D
    Is it working somehow for the party tickets too? :)

    It does!!! just type " party";):D
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
    joanc123, kiri2270 and SahraB like this.
  10. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Time-saving tip! Thank you SahraB:inlove::music:
    SahraB, joanc123 and kiri2270 like this.
  11. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum Demigod

    Wonderful. Thankyou for sharing your tip. Now how do I stop getting those yellow pens!
    Arielh, SahraB and joanc123 like this.
  12. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    How did I miss this thread ? Super SahraB ! I will try it as soon as possible. Thanks.
    vinc051, SahraB and joanc123 like this.
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