Event Badges

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by marlenef24, Apr 17, 2019.

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  1. marlenef24

    marlenef24 Forum Expert

    I would like to see the left over Badges from past Events in our Barn and not converted to EP/TEP or CC's. There are always events where we could use the Badges!;) With the conversion we loose so much but by having them stored in the Barn we could use them in future events and this would be Fair to us. In the present circumstances we are disadvantaged:cry:
  2. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    Hummm that's a great idea.
    marlenef24 and Sister3 like this.
  3. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    Yes; don't know if they would do this already suggested before. It might cut down on PF sales but it is also possible that it would increase them because the players would probably appreciate this.
  4. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I agree, a great idea!
  5. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    I think all recurring items should be placed in inventory instead of being exchanged. Badges, Wonderfruit, Starcoins, etc., even event crops.

    It should only be exchanged if it is not going to be used again.