In need of a veggie slide

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by missjoker, Apr 18, 2020.

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  1. missjoker

    missjoker Forum Greenhorn

    I am wondering how one would get their hands on a vege slide? I have all the other ones in abundance. The other oddity I am looking for it the Duck Dwelling. I have a happy duck dwelling but it does not work on the magic stalk row I am trying to fill. Thanks for the help.
    Chloe3456 and 007Farming like this.
  2. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Veggie Slide is or was a prize on the Farm Wheel - I am not sure if it is still available as a prize - I searched for the current prizes for the Farm Wheel but couldn't find them. Unfortunately, these cannot be gifted so the only other way to get them (if they are no longer prizes) is when there is a sale of such items. :oops:

    It sounds like you have added an upgrade to your Duck Dwelling which means it will not go on the Cloud Row, which requires the base item. :(
    Really sorry I couldn't help you much - though you might get lucky at the next Gift and Trade. 8)
  3. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    At this point none of the slides are giftable, which stinks. I have three veggie slides and five galaxy slides, but no frozen water slide. That means I can't complete the cloud row. :(

    If it ever changes, I'd be very happy to trade a veggie slide for the frozen slide. Just have to keep my fingers crossed it happens someday.
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