Day at the Museum: Strategy Thread

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by dumbunny, Sep 3, 2020.

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  1. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    I've grown all the ammonitia I need thanks to some harvest bonuses, but it seems we are at the same old impass. Drops. Currently on my 2nd field of prickly pear to get enough event drops for the CR level 7. It still wont be enough, may have to do a 3rd or 4th. I could pick a slightly longer one but I would need to set a night alarm to harvest.
    Erridge, habalala and joanc123 like this.
  2. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    You always run out of drops, when you get harvest bonuses. I also won +200 harvest yesterday and and I'm waiting for drops to continue.
  3. pepsishot

    pepsishot Forum Expert

    I'm skipping this event for 2 reasons. 1- I forgot about it yesterday when it started. 2- I just don't have the time for it right now.
  4. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Mogul

    This looks impossible to finish because the drop rate is so low.
    joanc123, ctindaldavies and habalala like this.
  5. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Connoisseur

    I now have 250 of the required 1120. So I am perfectly on schedule.

    You don't plan to do this twice, or do you ? ;)
    lode99, joanc123, kirsi4 and 3 others like this.
  6. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Mogul

    No, the 1120 looks totally impossible. I've only got 225 from the short event plants and the
    the pre-planted long term plants that were harvested at the event start.
    So if 225 is the drops from about two days growth and there's three days left of the event... ? Even the 580 for the cloud row is barely doable without SG.

    I should be finished with the short event plants tonight but it doesn't even matter if I get the 1120 drops since I won't have time to plant the longer event plant since you only get the seeds after you have the drops for the cloud row and that won't be until the very end of the event, if then.
  7. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Don't forget to store extra amber for another event plant as zerodegrees advised. Long night crop can help with drops. Guess who believed to be ready to mill second plant this morning? 8) First 37 longer plants were missing and when I harvested them, I was missing hundreds of drops. Perhaps tomorrow?

    Do not throw an axe into the well yet!

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2020
  8. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    The nearest we have to refinements reducing crops timing on Bahamaram is The Tiki Timers They' reduce all Baha Veg crops by 20% This helps Boost Your Drops plus using Howie Donuts

    Winning or using Harvest Boost does help get Event crops required sooner but still have the issues of Drops

    Those those hoping to Get 4 x Neon Crates, You will be needing to consume loads of Suoer Grow combined with Tiki Timers at Best:oops:

    I am averaging 50 Drops per Harvest
  9. Menninkäinen99

    Menninkäinen99 Forum Greenhorn

    [QUOTE = "- Päärynä11, viesti: 257760, jäsen: 45127"] Älä unohda varastoida ylimääräistä meripihkaa toiseen tapahtumalaitokseen, kuten nollapuut neuvovat. Pitkän yön sato voi auttaa pisaroissa. Arvaa kuka uskoi olevan valmis jyrsimään toista laitosta tänä aamuna? 8)Ensimmäiset 37 pidempää kasvia puuttuivat, ja kun korjasin ne, sattui pisara. Ehkä huomenna?

    Älä heitä vielä kirvettä kaivoon! [/ QUOTE]

    I don't understand that. Text translated into Finnish. I still don’t really understand even this translation.
    joanc123 likes this.
  10. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    I've realised that the tiki timer really helps with the high vegetables but there really is a big gap there. Capsicum/Bell Peppers at 6 hours, then a huge jump to habanero (14 hours), Cayote (15 hours) and Lablab (19hrs). I'm still stuck with Bell peppers, so it's totally usesless with a lower drop rate than the ammonitia. There doesn't seem to be a buff for speeding up flowers on Baha ( I just went through the market), or is there one I am not aware of?

    edit: finally have the first crop of skullettes in. Spent close to 20 hours growing other crops to get enough drops to start part 2.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
  11. mika-1986

    mika-1986 Advanced

    Goal achieved, ie cloud row. :D
    Thank you neighbors. :inlove:
    I will still go so far as I get to the event. ;)

    Translated by google-translate.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
  12. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I got cloud row :D Finally enough drops.
    That translationxDxDxD "Gnawing another factory this morning". My english is far from perfect, but that bad? Almost as classic as dishwasher instructions, which could be in english: Do not wash grains in dishwasher! I wondered What?!? English version said: Do not wash crystals! Same word can have so many meanings. In Farmerama:
    Drop = nousukas
    Mill = mylly, myllyttää, jauhaa myllyssä
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
  13. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Mogul

    Thanks for the tips :) I have been stashing amber in the mill queue and I've got 20 now so that'll help a bit. I did some supergrow veggies with the tikitimer (I had completely forgotten their existence and found out I have 1500 of them in the storage...) Still 60 drops short of the cloud row but should get them tonight.
  14. cleapape

    cleapape Forum Apprentice

    I gave up to this event. Drops is hard. Just getting CR tomorrow night.
    ctindaldavies and joanc123 like this.
  15. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Most helpful tip I've read on the forum for years. Thanks zero! I now have 35 amber instead of just 5 :D

    Ps. not that I'm doing the event xD
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
  16. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    Yes, I have to agree it's a brilliant tip, I ended up with a start stash of 25. However I seriously thought it was just me that didn't know this so kept my mouth shut xDxD
    hatzeva, zerodegrees and joanc123 like this.
  17. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    Wow, that's hardcore. I only set my alarm for the extreme events, which we get maybe a few times a year? I'm finding it harder and harder to justify getting up in the middle of the night for some pixels that have zero value outside of this game, though. Sleep is so vital to immune function and overall health - kind of important during a pandemic, no?

    I don't see things that way, sorry.

    The first part of the event should be achievable for most mid-level players who are able to harvest 3 times or more a day. The second part is more difficult due to the low drop rate, but can be done with the resources earned for free from previous events.

    I didn't do this event on any of my low-level side farms because I didn't feel like it, but I figure I could've gotten both parts done using up to 650-700 SG + SSG without relying on harvest bonuses. Even though those farms are mostly inactive and only have a modest amount of resources, they could have finished this event without buying anything.

    I don't think there are any artisan products that reduce time on tropical flowers. The only buff I'm aware of is the flower CR (Party Ticket Magic Stalk Row 1), which speeds up both mainland and Baha flowers, but it's no longer available.
    joanc123 and ctindaldavies like this.
  18. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    Very much so. For now though, I am in a part of the country that has had no community transmission since April, so we are basically back to normal here. But it's an extremely high emphasis on "for now", as it could change at any time as it has sadly done in so many places.

    I think I will get it done without buying anything extra. I did throw some SSG and SG at it at the beginning to start, but I do have a couple of decs that have a few charges of +2 harvest left on them. I have been using them. I think I need 3 harvests of the skullettes and I can then concentrate on drops. Did you see those baskets though?

    Thanks, I was hoping I wasn't just being blind. I really do appreciate the tiki timers, they are fantastic for speeding up the vege stocks.
    joanc123 likes this.
  19. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    What a numpty! Me I mean! :wuerg:

    I was convinced this event was finishing today so had resigned myself to not finishing .... so now I am thinking that maybe, just maybe I could get the crops BUT those drops are horrendous. -.-

    Oh well, I will do as I was going to and see how far I get. Who knows, maybe the Wheel will be kind to me again! But I doubt I can get 540 drops in one day. :p
    On a positive note, I do have the CR ... now I must go while I remember to set it going! xD
  20. viivi99

    viivi99 Forum Apprentice

    Cloud row in use, I will continue to hunt for prizes. Thank you neighbors for the gifts.:inlove:
    lode99, kirsi4, joanc123 and 7 others like this.
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