Cozy Stable Stories Strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by ChayaAvery, Dec 2, 2020.

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  1. ChayaAvery

    ChayaAvery Someday Author

    I'm making an attempt at some kind of strategy for this event although I got to it a bit late. The highlighted/red options are the ones I'm most likely aiming for. Some levels will have different preferences depending on your strategy, but this is explained a bit more later on. When it comes to some levels I'm undecided yet and therefore haven't highlighted any options. However, there are many options here so it all depends on what you prefer really.

    First, here's the breakdown level for level. It's important to note that in many instances the option allowing for 3 steps instead of 2 isn't the best option!!:
    Level 1:
    Each animal: 1650 Cookie Spice Shrubs(275), 1470 Sweet Spice Shrubs, or 1920 Cookie Spice Shrubs(480)

    Level 2:
    Chicken: 900 Carrots, 900 Chilies, or 600 Strawberries
    Dog: 900 Corn, 900 Passion Fruits, or 600 Vanilla
    Goat: 900 Oats, 900 Pineapples, or 600 Cucumbers
    Pig: 900 Hay, 900 Zucchinis, or 600 Cinnamon

    Level 3:
    Each animal: 210 Mixed Nuts, 210 Mixed Nuts, or 1720 Sweet Spice Shrubs

    Level 4:
    Each animal: 1650 Cookie Spice Shrubs, 1470 Sweet Spice Shrubs, or 340 Mixed Nuts

    Level 5:
    Chicken: 600 Apples, 600 Sea Grapes, or 1920 Cookie Spice Shrubs
    Dog: 600 Walnuts, 600 Mangoes, or 1920 Cookie Spice Shrubs
    Goat: 600 Pears, 600 Kumquats, or 1920 Cookie Spice Shrubs
    Pig: 600 Peaches, 600 Dragonfruits, or 1920 Cookie Spice Shrubs

    Level 6:
    Chicken: 210 Mixed Nuts, 210 Mixed Nuts, or 600 Chilies
    Dog: 210 Mixed Nuts, 210 Mixed Nuts, or 600 Soybeans
    Goat: 210 Mixed Nuts, 210 Mixed Nuts, or 600 Cassava
    Pig: 210 Mixed Nuts, 210 Mixed Nuts, or 600 Sorghum

    Level 7:
    Each animal: 1650 Cookie Spice Shrubs(275), 1470 Sweet Spice Shrubs, or 1720 Sweet Spice Shrubs(430)

    Level 8:
    Chicken: 900 Blackberries, 900 Bell Peppers or 40 Eggs
    Dog: 900 Hops, 900 Grapes, or 40 Shark Tooth Necklaces
    Goat: 900 Celery, 900 Meadowgrass, or 40 Truffles
    Pig: 900 Tomatoes, 900 Bamboo, or 40 Ear Warmers

    Level 9:
    Chicken: 600 Elderberries, 600 Kiwi Fruits, or 4 Round Cookies(592 Cookie Spice Shrubs+40 Mixed Nuts)
    Dog: 600 Angel's Trumpets, 600 Papayas, or 4 Flower Cookies(480 Cookie Spice Shrubs+32 Mixed Nuts+428 Sweet Spice Shrubs)
    Goat: 600 Oranges, 600 Mandarins or 4 Flower Cookies(480 Cookie Spice Shrubs+32 Mixed Nuts+428 Sweet Spice Shrubs)
    Pig: 600 Yellow Pears, 600 Acai Berries, or 4 Flower Cookies(480 Cookie Spice Shrubs+32 Mixed Nuts+428 Sweet Spice Shrubs)

    Level 10:
    Chicken: 6 Round Cookies(888 Cookie Spice Shrubs+60 Mixed Nuts), 6 Star Cookies(792 Sweet Spice Shrubs+60 Mixed Nuts), or 40 Parrot Feathers
    Dog: 6 Round Cookies(888 Cookie Spice Shrubs+60 Mixed Nuts), 6 Star Cookies(792 Sweet Spice Shrubs+60 Mixed Nuts), or 40 Honey
    Goat: 6 Round Cookies(888 Cookie Spice Shrubs+60 Mixed Nuts), 6 Star Cookies(792 Sweet Spice Shrubs+60 Mixed Nuts), or 40 Flying Carpets
    Pig: 6 Round Cookies(888 Cookie Spice Shrubs+60 Mixed Nuts), 6 Star Cookies(792 Sweet Spice Shrubs+60 Mixed Nuts), or 40 Cheese

    Level 11:
    Chicken: 240 Llamas, 240 Anacondas, or 4 Star Cookies(528 Cookie Spice Shrubs+40 Mixed Nuts)
    Dog: 240 Cuckoos, 240 Monkeys, or 4 Flower Cookies(480 Cookie Spice Shrubs+32 Mixed Nuts+428 Sweet Spice Shrubs)
    Goat: 240 Reindeers, 240 Pandas, or 4 Round Cookies(592 Cookie Spice Shrubs+40 Mixed Nuts)
    Pig: 240 Fish, 240 Toucans, or 4 Star Cookies(528 Cookie Spice Shrubs+40 Mixed Nuts)

    Level 12:
    Each animal:
    6 Round cookies(888 Cookie Spice Shrubs+60 Mixed Nuts),
    6 Star Cookies(792 Sweet Spice Shrubs+60 Mixed Nuts),
    or 4 Flower Cookies(480 Cookie Spice Shrubs+32 Mixed Nuts+428 Sweet Spice Shrubs)

    Totals for event crops and drop items IF always using barn items where this is an option. I've only added up the items from levels 1, 3, 4, 7, and 12 here, and also tried to even it out to some extent between the two crops. For the most part it's best to go with Sweet Spice Shrubs for these levels, but only doing that will require quite a lot of those. Depending on your stock of items using this much of the barn stock might not be the best option to go with for you. It's only a version of a MINIMUM of what's required if having enough of the other items required in your barn:
    9048 Sweet Spice Shrubs
    13200 Cookie Spice Shrubs
    1080 Mixed Nuts

    If going with no barn items in the places where you can use event items, this is one option for levels 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11:
    Level 5: 7680 Cookie Spice Shrubs
    Level 6: 840 Mixed Nuts
    Level 9: 2032 Cookie Spice Shrubs, 1284 Sweet Spice Shrubs, and 136 Mixed Nuts
    Level 10: 3168 Sweet Spice Shrubs(or 3552 Cookie Spice Shrubs), and 240 Mixed Nuts
    Level 11: 2128 Cookie Spice Shrubs, 428 Sweet Spice Shrubs, and 152 Mixed Nuts
    Totals for these levels:
    11840 Cookie Spice Shrubs
    4880 Sweet Spice Shrubs
    1368 Mixed Nuts

    - If going for this option I would suggest going for more of the Sweet Spice Shrubs in level 1 or 7 to even it out a bit more.

    Totals with mostly all event items and crops if going with Sweet Spice Shrubs instead of Cookie Spice Shrubs for level 7:
    18440 Cookie Spice Shrubs
    19808 Sweet Spice Shrubs
    2448 Mixed Nuts

    Please let me know if you notice any mistakes. I haven't double-checked the numbers, so it's very likely they're a bit off. Hope this helps some even so!
  2. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    Oh goodie...:sleepy: another ep multiplier cloud row...:(
    not what I need to restock my barn....:wuerg:
    there's a bit of powerfeed and some fancy pheromones but Not enough to fill four fields with 'cropalota'
  3. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    ChayaAvery, thank you for starting our strategy thread.

    The FAQ was, um, not that "faq-y' in my opinion. The requirements for steps are for ONE donation - so multiply those numbers by 5 or 4 depending on what you choose to do...and then there's the cost of the rainbow doo-dads - are the 20BB or 10BB (it says both, depending on where you look), and it turns out they are...20BBs.

    So sewinglady's farm is doing this event. This farm is dabbling at it, and the rest of my farms are sitting it out. And, with the major switch to Unity, I may have to let all the baby farms go permanently fallow - it just takes too long to farm with Unity.
    Sue46, Mooboy, -Pameland- and 8 others like this.
  4. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    Thanks ChayaAvery for starting the thread.
    I'm doing the event, but in all honesty, I not really enticed by it. The giver items will probably be best placed on the farm to use their charges before putting on the cloud row.
    Mooboy, -Pameland-, kibsnfebs and 4 others like this.
  5. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Yes, discharge the givers before using on a cloud row. The good news is that you don't have to go all that far to get the cloud row. I've decided this farm will go that far and skip the special givers.
    Sue46, blessedlady2, Mooboy and 5 others like this.
  6. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks ChayaAvery for starting this thread and crunching those numbers. :)

    I am skipping it as I don't want to empty the Glade AND Crystal Falls, without these, it will be impossible to get the crops required. Also, I don't find the prizes exciting enough to go all out. -.-
    Good luck to everyone going for it. ;)
  7. kibsnfebs

    kibsnfebs Forum Baron

    Thanks Chaya for starting this thread, crunching the numbers and making it easy for all of us. :)
  8. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    I will just do to level 5 for each animal to get the cloud row, then I will decide it I want to go further. The Cookie Spice crop gives excellent ep if you are wanting to level up.
  9. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    Thanks ChayaAvery for doing all the work. :) CR is up and running. :music:
  10. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    sewinglady's farm just got the CR up and running. This farm is lagging a bit...short on green goo.
  11. kibsnfebs

    kibsnfebs Forum Baron

    Thanks Chaya for doing all the hard work minimising the requirements both barn and event items wisely! :) Finished all levels :music:
    joanc123 and blessedlady2 like this.
  12. tlcsquared

    tlcsquared Padavan

    I figured that I would just do what I can and not sweat it too much. I am tired of doing so many back to back events. It seems like the "events" are taking over farming and being able to just enjoy farming at my own pace is becoming the special event...
    Sue46, joanc123 and blessedlady2 like this.
  13. imalattanhalka

    imalattanhalka Forum Expert

    CR up and running. I will be more comfortable until it is over now. If it runs out; beautiful . But if it doesn't end; I got what I gotta buy, no problem.

    In my market, fertilizer prices sometimes go up to 8,000 CC.:eek:
  14. blessedlady2

    blessedlady2 Old Hand

    This event is finished. I think a record time for me. Had a lot of help from wheel. Only used SG & SSG to start crops. Animals all grew up.

    Best of luck to all.
  15. mirsi54

    mirsi54 Forum Apprentice

    This done and thanks to the neighbors for the gifts :music:;)
  16. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I finished this also. Thanks to neighbors for the drops!
  17. mika-1986

    mika-1986 Advanced

    I also finished. :D Thank you Neighbors for the gifts. :inlove:
  18. memmu55

    memmu55 Forum Apprentice

    Finished too and thank you neighbors for the gifts.:D
  19. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    Thank you friends and neighbors for the Mixed Nuts. :) All the critters fully grown. Fun and easy, a nice combo. :music:
    My sweeter half / hubby :inlove: heard me grumbling about my old computer and the switch to Unity. Yesterday he walked in with a new computer.
    I have a question!! How do I transfer my farms onto my new computer?
  20. nlm24

    nlm24 Forum Pro

    Farm is controlled by BP accessed by password and login so it doesn't matter what computer you use that is connected to the internet to access your Farmerama farms.

    The only problem you might have is with your internet service provider because they provide coverage for a ___# of devices. Look at your agreement with them and if necessary contact them prior to switching to see what if you have to do anything special.
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