XXL Pine Trees as party spins

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Meggan2010, Mar 1, 2021.

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  1. Meggan2010

    Meggan2010 Junior Expert

    I have just won 3 XXL Pine Trees in a row as party spins, this adds to my grand total of 114 !!
    I am not a happy bunny and think it is time some of these rewards were removed from the party spins along with many of the other XXL trees that keep appearing maybe replaced by more recent trees?
    I realise for new players these might be a great reward and I am happy to hand some on at the next G & T event but please enough is enough :(
  2. taycramtree

    taycramtree Forum Inhabitant

    I agree. Also get rid of the yellow sheep shearing pen, the XL trees, and the beaver dam.
    spotsbox, alpenliebe and Meggan2010 like this.
  3. james2017

    james2017 Forum Apprentice

    I also agree that the prizes on the farm wheel must be updated regularly. I realize that the far wheel is like a casino game and luck play a large part.
    On the standard wheel almost half of the prizes is sugar, salt, florist wire, herbal elixir and mandrake. With all the mini games happening, no time is left to get crops and trees to use the spa bakery etc.
    On the Party wheel, stars and golden bananas could also be removed because nothing is happening in the Monkey temple or wisdom tree for the past months. we also have a week going past with hardly no 100% or 200% harvest bonusses were part of the prise list.
    With all the wheel spin tickets daily being won, it become useless if you can not use the item to move forward.
    spotsbox, alpenliebe and Sue46 like this.
  4. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    I think every one wants something different from the farm wheel but I sure did not want 6 yellow Cow Dairy from 100 Party Spins.

    I do not think the stars and golden bananas should be taken off, as I know from past experience that BP will suddenly make lots available. Also newer players need all they can gather.

    All yellow pens should be taken off the party wheel.
    spotsbox, hatzeva, alpenliebe and 3 others like this.
  5. teeceebeemee

    teeceebeemee Advanced

    I don't like getting two stars on the party spins, because you can win this on the normal prizes and the party wheel should be three or so times better than the normal wheel. And yellows are an insult.
    spotsbox, baw815 and alpenliebe like this.
  6. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Hi Everyone many of you are old timers just like me as we used to get Harvest Boosters Regularly now seems they hardly occur which i find it so such a let down now as it hardly inspire me to spend my party spins

    i have a huge excessive amount of golden bananas and Stars they should be removed from Party Wheel Spin , As BP need to take into consideration that many players are in the same boat as me that why i dont bother levelling up my Baha because it is no longer rewarding as Main Farm in terms what you get when you level up

    All Yellow Stable upgrades should be banned in Party Wheel Spin , we should be allow to win Orange, Red and Pinks Stables

    Any Tree Upgrades should be related to recent Quests that demands them, I have no idea why BP is not grasping our needs our excitement to inspire us to Spend Party Tickets it seem to be out of touch with our current game play no wonder there are less playing this game like it use to be even our forum was so active and lively we had more than 6 Mods on our Forum not that many now

    I am getting better more worthy rewards from Cloud Rows and Crates compare to Party and Farm Wheel Because i have over 330 Cloud Rows, most of goods Stuff is moved to Crate O Buffs now or into other Crates

    I suggest to have The Transatlantic Express on Monthly Basis which helps us rid of surplus Trees and Stables so we can win more useful Trees and Stables :)
    sanddollar15 and spotsbox like this.
  7. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I too don't much care for getting XXL trees on party spins. There is a benefit, as a long time farmer, of being able to use them on the train when it comes to town, tho. :) I personally would like to see harvester function available on the wheel. We can win seeding function, but not harvester, which to me makes no sense, as it is much easier to seed by hand than it is to harvest by hand. :p
    baw815 and Tarsis63 like this.
  8. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I also miss harvester, but I do not agree, it is easier to seed by hand. Or if you just seed, it may be, but adding water and manure on small fields is just pain by hand.

    I wish XXL trees rotate in farm wheel. I have 156 XXL pine trees and there are others which I have just handful and I am talking about normal trees, not something special, which you win somewhere.
    spotsbox likes this.
  9. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I would also love to see the XXL have more variety. I have too many of certain kinds and not enough of others. Wonder trees results are similar. Because we all have too many of the same kind, they are not wanted during Gift and Trade so we need the train more often. I have 535 XXL Maple and 255 XXL Pine. I really like the XXL for trees needed for feed, but those are a lot more scarce.
    spotsbox and Cassie101 like this.
  10. rivak

    rivak Forum Baron

    I don't want to get rid of the golden bananas. With the opening of the Castaway Coast I suddenly need a whole bunch to open up that level of the Temple and the Coast itself. Anything that can help me accomplish that faster is good.
    spotsbox likes this.
  11. zarasox

    zarasox Someday Author

    I agree that the prizes should be updated and that anything available on party spins should not be a main prize on normal spins and that moonlight products should be included in the prize list.