trans seedlantic express

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by upa70, May 7, 2021.

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  1. upa70

    upa70 Forum Mogul

    love this, offloading all my xl trees.
    how about the same idea for stables - the trans stabelantic express
    i have so many yellow stables i'd love to exchange even for a basic stable...feel yellow stables are a complete waste of time, apart from a little extra ep, they give nothing else unlike orange stables and above which give double, triple, quadruple harvests.
  2. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    I feel ya, BUT some yellows take away a bit of time Samamander's yellow reduces by 1hr 15min. Chicken only 10 minutes. So some yellow is good some not so good. That is a really excellent idea though.
    spotsbox, Cassie101 and sanddollar15 like this.
  3. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    There used to be this train for stables so it does exist and yes it's an excellent way to offload yellow stables. I seem to remember this was how ladybug stables were introduced and also the perfumery.
  4. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    Please bring back the train for stables, we keep getting the tree one but I really would love to get rid of some egg and milk farms.
    upa70, spotsbox, Cassie101 and 5 others like this.
  5. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Hi I think the train that lets us recycle our stables is called San-Gigantica Express! And I think it had been a long time since we last has one visit the farm!:oops:
    spotsbox, Cassie101, Sister3 and 6 others like this.
  6. suezoroc

    suezoroc Advanced

    why dont they give jumbo trees and stables anymore?
  7. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I would love to see new content added to the trains (both stables and trees). As it is, I would be recycling to get what I already have in inventory.
  8. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Yes I sooo agree! That is why I am not doing this train as I already have a gazillion of what they might give me in return for the worthless trees (to me) that I am putting on the train!:music:
  9. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    It was too easy way to get fertilizers. Who would use real money to buy them, when you can crow it on your farm? I was completely broke after buying xl-cherry trees and else to get enough points to smallest tree, mostly sending back what I got.

    I hardly ever use my Jumbo Stables, they are so slow. Nowadays I have givers (and cloud rows), which give me crates, which give me breeded animals, not just breeded pigs, goats and horses.
  10. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Fingers Crossed that They will bring Back Jumbo/Super Trees or give us rare trees that are needed that helps us with our Quests.....If they dont then is Event will not be worth bother doing at all

    It the same with old unwanted stables too, also give us Stables that are in High Demand for example Dormouse the Reason i know this due to such very high prices for these in the Markets

    Using Wonder Stables is actually Much Harder or Less likely to obtain the newest latest rare animal stables compared to winning the latest rare trees using Wonder Tree Seedings Because the Wonder Stables includes winning workshops too

    I am sure all of you feel the Transatlantic Express needs to Revamp it Mystery Seedings to motivate us to recycle old stuff for more Beneficial worthy must have Prizes...I already losing faith if it will be as good as it use to be.....I then i wont bother to take part in this Event at all, As there are couple other Mini Events not worth bothering will too

    I am trying to be optimistic that these mini events will be as good as they use to be :(:oops:
  11. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    @Mooboy you are right about what's on offer for trade. If they had offered Ambrella, Magellan's Beech-Nut, or any of the rare impossible to get moonlight trees like the Grave Cactus Candle or Midnight Fruit tree I would have endless pumped XL trees onto that train. As it is I did a few rounds for each gold level exchange and left it at that. I didn't even feel the need to speed up the train using BB.
  12. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I took a look at what was being offered and didn't even bother participating. :p I've used up most of my tradeable trees in past renditions, and would rather save what I have left for a rendition offering a new and exotic tree, like it used to. It seems to me that both the Trans Seedlantic and Pick-a-Tree/Stable have become boring repeats of the same old same old, not offering new glittery playthings but instead just puking up trees and stables most of us already have. :sleepy: I mean no disrespect to newer farmers for whom these events offer excellent opportunities to get items they might not have. It just becomes mundane when you're a long time farmer, is all. It doesn't really seem like BP is trying that hard to hold the interest of players who have been with them a long time.

    I also would LOVE to see the San Gigantica return! :inlove: The wheel adores giving me yellow cow dairies and yellow sheep sheering pens. :wuerg:xD I remember I got my first pink mouse pen from this, and I loved it! Maybe we'll get the stable edition for June? (crossing all my little claws, which believe me is no easy feat. ;)xD)
  13. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Clashstrummer, We are on same wave Length, That if anyone else spotted it even Big Point too, as if you look at the Markets....such as Ambarella or Magellen's Beech Nuts, Due to High Prices in the Market for Ages indicating the Rarity of these Trees, I know also some XXL Trees that has been asked for During Barter and Gift Event

    For Midnight Fruit Tree cannot be obtained by Crates or Eerie Wonder Tree Seedings nor quests, There is a quest to win XXL Midnight Oak but no base tree as for Grave Cactus Candle, I did win one from Eerie Wonder Tree seedings

    These two trees does make it tough to work on completing spooky quests:wuerg:

    As for Wonder Stables it is becoming harder and harder to get newest rare Animals which are needed for Quests........Such as Dormouse and now Boxfish:oops:

    Big Point is missing out not able to make good revenues for Farmers happy to spend BB for these sought after Items also i have noticed we cannot rely on Barter and Gift Event as they are becoming rarer and rarer, as some farmers are getting greedy asking too much in terms of trade for such super rare items

    I know for Fact as i agree with Spotbox that these kind of Events has become Mundane for many of us but all too often Big Point is actually being naive not making money as much as they would like as there are still many farmers not mind to spend cash or BB to Enjoy this game as good as it use to be :p
    upa70 and spotsbox like this.