Announcement Happy 12th Birthday Farmerama!

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by shooger.sweet, Jan 26, 2022.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Dear Farmerama players,

    Today we celebrate Farmerama's 12th birthday! Hip hip hooray!

    The Farmerama team thanks you for 12 incredibly stunning years: Without you, the wackiest farm in the world would not celebrate its 12th birthday! Wow – sometimes it feels like forever and 12 years for a simple browser game is just amazing. We couldn´t be prouder – especially as we have the best community we can think off.

    Because of your loyalty, your patience and your commitment we are confident that Farmerama will celebrate many more birthdays in the future.

    We also thank you for your comments and ongoing feedback in our forums and your dedication amazes us daily! We know most of you have played this crazy game for a long time, and we appreciate your loyalty a lot!

    It is our desire to keep you satisfied with FARMERAMA. You are our inspiration and the true reason in doing our very best every day. Thank you and remember; we value you! We are very honoured to have a community like you.

    One big and very warmly thank you from the whole Farmerama team is for our moderators from all over the world as well as our support teams We hope you all know it; we do: They are simply the best and without them, Farmerama simply wouldn´t be the same. As mentioned in the past: they are the real rock stars of Farmerama, and we are grateful to work with such outstanding groups of Farmerama players who “represent your voice”!

    They provide us with your feedback, your opinions, your ideas and of course your critics, they offer their support in millions of ways and we are simply grateful. On this special day, we just wanted to let you know that we consider ourselves very lucky to have gotten the opportunity to work with you. We will readily admit that good moderators like you are rare. THANK YOU!

    Please appreciate the work they do for Farmerama, you and the Farmerama team – we can´t imagine more active moderators/support teams and we are sure they are the best ones in the world!

    Thanks again and HAPPY BIRTHDAY FARMERAMA.

    As a small gift in these challenging times we prepared a small bonus code for you. If you use the code 12BDAY you will get 2 x XXL toolboxes, 15 x Power-feed, 2 x Party tickets, 10 x Super-grow, 10 x Suzy's Super-grow and 1 x Flower Spray Art (+) booked to your account. The code is valid from now onwards until Friday, 28th of January 2022 at 23:59 CET and is claimable once per user account.

    Stay safe and stay positive!​

    Best Regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
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