Feedback Carnival Queen

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by shooger.sweet, Feb 16, 2022.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,


    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the "Carnival Queen" Event and Support Quest in this Feedback thread. We are looking forward to capturing your initial reaction to the event, as well as the final opinion after participating in the event.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future events.

    The FAQ of the Event can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    We are looking forward to your feedback!

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  2. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    I hope the mini game this time isn't as rigged as the previous versions. I very much disliked only to move the cursor/basket to the right each game and not to be able to aim for prizes. If I can't pick what I want, just give me the prizes without game.
    Greek-Guy and sanddollar15 like this.
  3. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I am not happy that fact, Carnival Queen has taken out dropping Star Coins plus Event Shop that would able us to buy decent extra nice prizes>:(>:(

    Why are you purposely making this event less enjoyable to partake in, there is no logic of this concept:cry::cry:

    I was very disappointed reading FAQ for this Event >:(>:(

    The whole idea is to make Farmerama constantly make us enjoying playing our lovely farms, the Last Carnival Queen was far more rewarding in terms of Prizes, WHY WHY WHY you so mean this time

    Again with our feedbacks over the years it seems our feedbacks are taken for granted too often, Because you are not implementing our frustrations and disappointments to make events more enjoyable

    What the point of EVENT FEEDBACKS......When Bigpoint or under new owners dont listen to our feedbacks:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
    Greek-Guy, xiop, Sue46 and 2 others like this.
  4. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Regular

    Whose brilliant idea was it to have an event that takes all three Bahamarama fields and then throw in a new Bahamarama wonder stable during the event? We can buy the stables, but the stable event will be long done by the time we can plunk 'em down and see what they turn into...
    Greek-Guy, xiop, sanddollar15 and 4 others like this.
  5. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    I agree with the above posts! I love the Carnival Queen but she just keeps getting meaner with each iteration, and the whole thing with the Wonder Stables is just unfortunate. I feel like the various parts of the development team do not communicate with each other...
  6. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I no longer love the Carnival Queen. I'm not destroying my farm for it. Will plant only where I have room already. Won't tear up my trees and stables just for an event that just throws mostly junk. Not spending rl funds on this game anymore. Haven't for a long time now. Not worth it.
    Greek-Guy, AniE, dumbunny and 2 others like this.
  7. birdiesaunt1951

    birdiesaunt1951 Padavan

    Well, the pirates who raided the Carnival Queen's warehouse before the event started certainly didn't have a sweet tooth! They siphoned off most of the super grow and Suzy's super grow and then absconded with almost all of the other "good stuff", but left behind all the lollipops, chocolate bars and bonbons. Very disappointed in this year's version of the Carnival Queen. Sad!

  8. ç.çiftçi

    ç.çiftçi Forum Great Master

  9. sueperkins

    sueperkins Forum Connoisseur

    I think you will find that the pirates are all part of a weight loss group. If you see any new weight loss ads after this event be wary.
    dumbunny likes this.
  10. xiop

    xiop Active Author

    I really enjoy this event, but absolutely agree with everything mentioned and would hope that this feedback thread doesn't only exist for us to scream into the universe...
    Decent drops in coins, thank you, but *extremely* disappointed that there are no more star coins, it used to be just a nice, easy and rewarding event. Now we are working for meh rewards, the SG, SSG and PF drops are disappointing as well.
    I have not spent any real money on it, but used something like 500 SG... I might regret it.
    :( If BP wants us spending so much time and even real money on the game, then make it worth it.
    farmlily3 and Greek-Guy like this.
  11. TommyBurns

    TommyBurns Active Author

    I too am a little disappointed in the Carnival Queen this time around. Crop requirements were reasonable to allow enough time to grow when using all three fields and while the drop rate of baskets was a little slow at the start of the event it did seem to pick up and was more than enough. Monkey Queen was very generous on the candy as well as coins and EP, TEP but I don't really care much about those and really only play for the extra resources (SG, SSG, PF, CCs, etc) that can be normally caught and this time around she seemed very stingy on those and the various crates that are usually also on offer were practically non-existent. I wasn't too worried about no star coins this time but if I had of realised the drop rate for resources and crates was going to be so low I probably would not have played this event at all as I'm not really that fussed on the cloud row either. That would have been more desirable if the +1 for all crops not just Bitter Ginger which I hardly ever grow.
  12. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Some events have certain uniqueness associated with them. When we think of that event that specific quality comes to our mind and gives us happiness and makes us eager for the event. Carnival Event is one of those event. But it has lost that touch. So we lost our sense of happiness and satisfaction associated with the event.
  13. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I think it is cruel that you make us anticipate hoping we will enjoy this event and expect to get great rewards from this event, only to let us down and fail dismally to make us enjoy this event

    I dont want to see this event again, it time to move on bring us different style of event that we all enjoy. It did not help the fact you took out drop of Star Coins and Event Shop too

    Many of us have already grown or brought Bitter Ginger in the Markets to fulfil those quests asking for them, There is no motive or inspire us to benefit +1 Bitter Ginger Cloud Row

    Again I do not know you actually read these feedbacks, because you never implement improvements into events on basics based on our feedbacks, As I know Bigpoint is very selfish and inconsiderate to do things their way, so you cannot blame us to start thing to stop playing Farmerama:(:(
  14. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Any event that gives mega amounts of TEP is uninteresting to me.o_O I'm completely not motivated to earn anymore TEP because I've been at the highest level(600) of Baha for almost 2 years.
    Please BP update and give us new levels for Baha!!!!:mad:
    xiop, birdiesaunt, farmerumf and 2 others like this.
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