Eggs 'n' Bunnies Day

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by *WisdomTree*, Apr 13, 2022.

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  1. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    FAQ Eggs 'n' Bunnies Day

    Starts: Thursday, 14th of April at 14:00
    Ends: Tuesday, 26th of April at 22:00

    You may want to fill the sidebars first!

    Left side progress barNeededRight side progress barNeeded
    Lily of the valley800Pears500
    Main progress bar:

    Event Crops
    Event Time

    Miracle Egg Plant
    Time: 4 hours
    (with manure+water 02:53 hours)
    Plantable on the event playfield only!
    107 Hours​
    296 Hours​
    Easter Lily
    Time: 8 hours
    (with manure+water 05:46 hours)
    Plantable on the event playfield only!
    46.1 Hours​


    Event Drops:

    Soy Milk (You will need to use these to feed the Spawning Bunny that will pop up on your Event playfield.)
    You will get these drops while harvesting the event playfield, from crops only!

    Chocolate Sprinkles (You will need to use these to feed the Hamster that is on your Event playfield.)
    You will get these drops while harvesting the event playfield, from crops only!

    Last edited: Apr 14, 2022
  2. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you so much WisdomTree for starting the thread AND your wonderful and very detailed post!:inlove::inlove: it!
    I will give this a try even though I DISLIKE events on Event field because it takes soooo long to grow crops and get anything done! Good luck everyone a Happy Easter and Happy Spring to all!:music:
    Bisquitte, IpsiDei, MARLYMAR and 2 others like this.
  3. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Connoisseur

    ??? Crappy Treasure (+) ???

    Tough demands for the final prize. Does anyone know what it gives?

    Is this it?

    [​IMG]mit Ladung
    ohne Ladung
    Größe1 x 21 x 2
    Ab Level33
    Erntezeit20 Stunden20 Stunden
    EP oder TEP12.000 EP oder TEP5.000 EP oder TEP
    Bonus1 x Boni-Box---
    Bisquitte, MARLYMAR and habalala like this.
  4. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    Crabby Treasure (+)
    Gives: 12000 EP / TEP, 1 x Crate O' Buffs
    Time: 20 hours
    Size: 1x2
    Level: 3
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, (cloudrow, once charges have been used)

    Crabby Treasure (+) is a limited Charge item. It has 8 charges only.

    *Note: It will be deleted if removed from the field (even if there are charges left) however, it will be replaced with a copy of the giver item, but it will hand out 5000 EP / TEP only, every 20 hours!
  5. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Thanks for starting the strategy thread, wisdomtree!

    And yes, IpsiDei, THAT is the final reward. A crabby treasure. It's an okay + giver, not the greatest, but there's worse things (fairy hotsprings comes to mind).

    Anyway, I'm in on the usual farms. Not overly concerned with any of it, though, so however far I get, that's good enough.

    And I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop: you know they cannot possibly go 6 days without another event somewhere on our farms. Six days to just do regular farming? I know better than that.

    My one piece of advice to anyone new to using the event field: plunk down as many 2x2 plots as you can (do it manually, because you'll be able to fit a couple more in than if you use the auto feature because of the way it functions). Then put in 1x2s - as many as will fit and fill in the last remaining holes with 1x1s. You may want to hold off on placing the 1x2s and 1x1s until after the first planting, or conversely, plant your initial seeds MANUALLY, so they go in the 2x2 plots.

    Water and poo is all that will affect these event crops (unless you spend the big bucks on the ginormous basket to get that special buff).

    Goodluck to all who participate.

    Edited to add: Forgot to mention - during this event - for as long as BP lets us (ahem - until they drop the other shoe about some additional event), have THEME days on your farms and use the paradise garland (flowers), chocolate croissant (grains), hibiscus jam (vegetables), or tropic colada (others) to boost your plant harvests.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2022
    Bisquitte, marymac50, IpsiDei and 8 others like this.
  6. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    I'm not even going to start this event.

    To have event cloud row I need to interrupt my sleep for harvest for 11 days.
    Oh no definitely not worth it.
    Bisquitte, Sister3, MARLYMAR and 5 others like this.
  7. upa70

    upa70 Forum Mogul

    i'm going to only grow the long crop..and harvest when i can...definitely not interrupting my sleep for this...collect the drops and donate to the hamster...hopefully get some decent rewards from him;) that's all i'm doing..not bothered with the main rewards, CR etc
  8. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    What a miserable set up with such requirements.. Not worth a single donation towards any of the event progress bars.

    From the start I will plant the longest crop and I will harvest the event playfield whenever it suits me. I'll collect the drops I get from it and turn those in for a few handy goodies.
    Bisquitte, Sister3, MARLYMAR and 5 others like this.
  9. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Ok, trying to wrap my head around these numbers. Please forgive me as I have a whopper of headache today....

    Initial post:
    71 rounds of harvesting 4 hour plant
    15 rounds of harvesting 8 hour plant

    Total time: 291.5 hours

    Would you please show how you got the plants down to 2.53 and 5.46 hours respectively?

    Water and Manure *.8 and .9 don't give me those numbers. Is it the manure rune that I'm missing in my math?

    71 * 2.53 = 179.63 hours
    15 * 5.46 = 81.9 hours

    Total time: 261.53...much more wiggle room but still a tight squeeze over the duration of the event.

    My farming style is not usually more than 12 or 13 hours from morning harvest to final harvest of the day so it won't make a lot of sense for me to use manure on the 4 hour crop as I won't save enough time to get in another harvest before I log off for the day. I can comfortably get in 4 rounds with just water but then the 8 hour crop overnight will sit for longer than 8 hours.

    If this event will require I get up in the middle of the night to harvest to just stay on track, it will not happen. The duration of the event is too long for that to do (not that I would on a shorter event).

    I will do what I can, donate drops to the characters, and not worry about finishing. With billions of EP needed to level up the mainland, I'll just collect 'extra' EP from using the event playfield, enjoy being able to farm normally on the mainland, and work on the 2 new quests in Baha. That's all this poor puppy's head can figure out today.

    Good luck to all :)
  10. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    pups, 2.53 used in the initial calculation translates to 2 hrs and 53 minutes (173 minutes) and not to just over 2 and a half hours (153 minutes)

    The difference between 2.53 and 2:53 in the notation :)
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2022
  11. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thank you habalala! I should have recognized that but this stupid headache makes me ....well....stupid:eek:

    So...even with the clarification, I won't use manure on the fields. 4 hour crop reduced to 3 hours 12 minutes compared to 2 hours 53 minutes; a savings of 19 minutes per harvest which won't allow me to make an additional harvest during my active farming time. My strategy remains the what I can and not worry if I can't finish although to be honest, trying to do an event for 12 days and not finishing leaves me feeling disappointed, but alas, that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes.
  12. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    Bigpoint has revised the event requirements due to player feedback. source

    Because even if crops were harvested continuously during the event, the event could not be completed.
    Now we have a chance of delaying about 5 hours if we harvest continuously.
    Actually, I tried to emphasize this in the strategy thread.

    Question: Why Bigpoint has presented us with an event that is nearly impossible to complete?
  13. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    With the revised amounts, the requirements are... still absurd. Literally impossible to even reach the CR without sacrificing sleep or spending real money since there is no way to speed up or boost harvests with regular buffs on this field. Only water and manure work here, as well as the special Eggs in a Basket buff which can only be obtained by buying the largest basket for the low low price of €34.99. :wuerg:

    This is the first time in my 7.5 years of playing where I have felt an event was truly pay-to-play. I have no idea what BP is thinking here. All I know is that I'm incredibly disappointed in them and an inability to count can now be ruled out as the problem.

    I'm still holding out hope they will come to their senses and revise the delivery amounts again. But if that doesn't happen, I will do as much as I can to get as far as I can and not worry about the CR.
    Bisquitte, Sister3, Sue46 and 4 others like this.
  14. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Connoisseur

    The wisdom is to do what you can and forget the rest.
    Not CR, but lots of nice rewards. :)

    Peaceful upbringing, plenty of rest and a happy Easter for all. ;)

    Easter assignments have always been weird.o_O
    There is also no need to collect eggs every hour around the farm. It has also been offered for Easter. :wuerg:xD
  15. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Regular

    They changed the numbers? Those crop requirements still look awfully high to me. Maybe I'm seeing things? I'm still with ipsidei - going as far as I can, reaping what goodies I can and calling it good enough.
    Bisquitte, Sue46 and sanddollar15 like this.
  16. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    New one every 10 minutes hiding somewhere in the city :eek: :cry:xD

    I felt that in the first "Event area" event. I do not like events there.
    Bisquitte, IpsiDei and sanddollar15 like this.
  17. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    To do or not to do - that's the question. As usual I will plan on skipping this event so as to take a break. But end up doing it and finishing it. Thank you wisdom tree, for the strategy thread and calclations.

    But during this event I will try to stock up my barn using the +1 giver items from the previous event along with other buffs, pets & cloudrows.
    Bisquitte and sanddollar15 like this.
  18. sedomances

    sedomances Someday Author

    They changed the requirements once more. Right now we need total of 5100 Miracle Egg Plants and 1080 Easter Lilies.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2022
    Bisquitte, habalala, IpsiDei and 2 others like this.
  19. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    Thanks to everyone who helped change Bigpoint's stupidity. Good luck lovely people. :)
    upa70, Bisquitte, xiop and 3 others like this.
  20. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you so much for letting us all know, it is still early here in the USA and coffee has not started to work yet!:p
    Bisquitte, Mooboy and sedomances like this.
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