Feedback Birthday Baking

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by shooger.sweet, Jan 17, 2023.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the "Birthday Baking" Event in this Feedback thread. We are looking forward to capturing your initial reaction to the event, as well as the final opinion after participating in the event.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future events.

    The FAQ of the Event can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    We are looking forward to your feedback!

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  2. upa70

    upa70 Forum Mogul

    figures look good for plantings, approx 21 full harvests of both fields every 4hrs (with muck and water)..... lets hope drops are generous;)
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  3. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Baron

    Love that there is a new mini-game! I am not personally a fan of anything timed, and since this one has two features that impact time - once you fill a box, it pauses for a second while it wraps that box, which can cause you to mis-click, and sometimes it won't let you move a macaron to another box, and I can't figure out when it lets you, and when it doesn't - I am having a less than optimal experience. However - the prizes on offer are good, and at an exceptional value. So the concept is excellent, it's just the implementation that could be a little smoother. Great graphics, as always!
    elimeno, 456farmer123, upa70 and 2 others like this.
  4. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I hate that mini-game>:( I usually love these kind of sorting games, but timed one, no thank you!
  5. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    So if you finish the mini-game AFTER the timer has rung, you DO NOT RECEIVE THE REWARD for that level. You do get the star coins. Just no goodies from the prize list.

    There is no way to reset the timer - it's grayed out. And I cannot click fast enough to finish in under 20 seconds.

    This is absolutely awful and I do not think I will continue.
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I missed the Season points by 1 second. The timer is not long enough and as it already costs 2 boxes to start the game, it is really too large a requirement to need to donate another 1 to extend the time. That requires more than 1 harvest to be able to play the mini game making progress very slow.

    I can't keep an eye on the timer and look to see which macaron to move and where.

    This event could be a lot of fun without the timer. Birthday parties should be loads of fun and I've celebrated with BP for more than 10 years, but this year's party is a bit of a disappointment.

    Hoping for a farmwheel bonus to help with the extra crops needed.
  7. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Mini game mechanics don't work well enough for the time given.
  8. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum Demigod

    Love the concept of the mini game but not enough time to do it. Please give us more time and make this a fun game. I play this game because I don't have to do things at speed. I know now why you give us so many days to play it - in order that we can keep growing crops and hope for the drops to make up for wasted tries. We can't even move onto the next level until we complete the current one.
  9. asta.neiti

    asta.neiti Forum Pro

    Only 20 seconds time >:(
  10. 456farmer123

    456farmer123 Padavan

    20 seconds is really not enough especially when you get to sort 5 boxes of macaroons.
    The fact that you can't stack different colored macaroons together to move it around was not stated clearly when the event started and that created some confusion on players as well.

    I think it would be better to have prize list separately from star coins, like the alchemy puzzle games. Birthday celebrations should be a fun and rewarding event for all.
  11. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    The worst Birthday Event ever! I feel like I am being bullied, "You'll get wonderful prizes, but you won't - Ha Ha!"

    I have Cloud Row up and running. Mini-games get harder and harder, but there is also more time, but even over 50 seconds was too little to get more than star coins. I got completely stuck in one game, my third approach finally solved it and after that I was able to play next game.

    It also annoys me a lot, that macaron do not come from box while another box is wrapped and decorated with bow. When I try to click them in normal pace, the macron stays in box and I'm already clicking where it should go, so I have one up in that box and I must click it back and click again the macaron I wanted to move. It wastes a lot of time. Very frustrating.
  12. arun6789

    arun6789 Forum Greenhorn

    this event sucks...the time you loose from finishing a set then the bow tying before you can carry on with the next macaron makes all the difference to whether or not you complete the game in time....or not!-.-
  13. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    BIG POINT This is Birthday Event is the worse ever Birthday Event, Since Farmerama has began, All Birthday Events suppose to be fun and Joy to play, also reward us our loyalty for playing this game for many years

    The FAQ is not very clear at all :cry: why do we have a timer to play Mini Game within 20 Seconds if we fail to complete mini game within 20 Seconds then we are not rewarded for any completed game rewards in the table provided based on number of mini games completed as we only rewarded 20 Star Coins per game, For example what if all mini games played not completed within 20 Seconds take into consideration of Lagging Issues/Loading Issues or Mini Game Freezing Issues

    if we run out of moves we get 5 Star Coins on Top of 20 Star Coins per game but if you look at the coin shop if you did the sums we would be gaining more star coins than what we can buy from Event Store if you notice all items are set to only flagged for one purchase each only :mad:

    What a Joke I am going to quit playing this Event I am not the only one with this Ill Feeling that this game is going downhill Fun playing this game, Joy playing this game getting less, The rewarding Factor playing this game getting less Rewarding and less appealing Please Big Point listen to our feedbacks :mad::cry::mad::cry:
  14. ag56

    ag56 Forum Pro

    This game is a sham! If you have 4/5 boxes to sort 20 seconds is not even enough to figure out how to approach sorting. I played 20 games and got the bonus only 3 times. Doing this game just for the stars to buy stuff at the shop is not worth the effort. I'm going just play to get CR and then quit.

    Now I understand why this game has so many issues/problems. Nobody tests the events... I would like to see a developer to finish all games in 20 seconds.
  15. -manli-

    -manli- Forum Apprentice

    a terrible game
    elimeno, shellhappybj, Mooboy and 8 others like this.
  16. istanboy

    istanboy Forum Pro

    I concur with many of the players above. I don't like this mini game at all. I won't continue. UNHAPPY BIRTHDAY :-(
  17. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Baron

    For all the reasons given above by other players, I too will not be continuing this event. Nothing positive to note about this event.
    shellhappybj, Sue46, Mooboy and 5 others like this.
  18. EssaB

    EssaB Junior Expert

    Personally, I would like to thank Bigpoint for the timely reminder of why I hardly play this game any longer, and why I stopped spending real money on it. This game has all the hallmarks of BP - lovely graphics but game play that is horrible.
    elimeno, shellhappybj, Sue46 and 6 others like this.
  19. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    Within the first two games I felt so disappointed that I couldn't make it within the given time, at the first two stages, immediately I failed! That was not fun, tried to continue, learned to not expect the prize at all and just kept playing for star coins until I ran out of will to participate in this event.
    It's not very much fun to see the "nice goodies" and then not being able to actually win them. I suggest next birthday event to be an "easy to a total breeze" if you want to make your players really happy. Make the last three levels hard if you have to... but the whole game from step one?!
    elimeno, tukilla17, Mooboy and 6 others like this.
  20. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    I will start by saying that I don't believe the powers that be really care what we here in the English forum say BUT I will say this anyway! It is a shame that whoever is in charge of making these games don't take the time to play them! The so called birthday party game was nothing short of impossible to do as a TIMED game! "WE" the people playing this game took time to grow all the crops required only to find out there was NO WAY IN HELL we would be able to get the Rewards! I agree with all that has been posted above me! Very, very disappointed in the events lately!
    elimeno, tukilla17, Mooboy and 6 others like this.
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