Folk Stories II

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by *WisdomTree*, Jul 12, 2023.

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  1. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    13th of July 2023 - 18th of July 2023


    You will need to breed animals to receive the Bundle O' Folk Stories. Once opened, they provide you with some starter seeds for each event crop. For each breeding process completed, you will receive 1 x Bundle O' Folk Stories!

    Bundle O' Folk Stories
    You will receive these items for each opened crate:
    3 x Heirloom Corn, 4 x Pink Valerians, 3 x Doggy Delights, 4 x Donkey’s Tails

    Event Crops:
    Heirloom Corn
    Time: 48 hours / With water 38.24h / With water + manure 34.34h / With water + manure + super grow 8.38h
    Plantable on the Green Meadow only!

    Pink Valerian
    Time: 36 hours / With water 28.48h / With water + manure25.55h / With water + manure + super grow 6.29h
    Plantable on the Green Meadow only!

    Doggy Delight
    Time: 48 hours / With water 38.24h / With water + manure 34.34h / With water + manure + super grow 8.38h
    Plantable on the Green Meadow only!

    Donkey’s Tail
    Time: 36 hours With water 28.48h / With water + manure25.55h / With water + manure + super grow 6.29h
    Plantable on the Green Meadow only!

    Note: There is no booking of event crops. To grow the required crops, you need the Bundle O' Folk Stories rewarded through breeding to win some event crops. Once you have as many starter seeds as you need, when harvested, you can continue to grow the event crops of that type.

    Note: The 3rd item in each step is the favorite!


    From the barn
    Breeding animals
    Shetland Ponies16---
    Elkhound Mixes-16--
    Tabby Cats--32-
    Scottihs Folds--8-
    Crazy Chickens---8

    If you choose to breed for all crops, 490 breeding are required.
    Event CropsDonkeyDogCatChickenTotal Requirements
    (for 3-step options)
    Heirloom Corn-3044086041,316
    Pink Valerian5803405204201,860
    Doggy Delight4804681201281,196
    Donkey’s Tail5603806403801,960
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2023
  2. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks, *WisdomTree* for doing the sums - I couldn't get my head round it. :p

    Correct me if I am wrong but we could, in theory, do the event without planting crops, given enough PF. I calculate (and we all know what my sums are like! :wuerg: ) that for about 500 PF (during the Happy Discount Day), we would get enough crops to complete the event. Please tell me if I am wrong as I would hate to mislead others with my crazy plan! :music:
  3. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    Since the event will be on the green meadow, why not use it for event plants?

    But using the power feed we get the required event crops with 490 breedings.
    490 breedings = 490 Bundle O' Folk Stories

    490 Bundle O' Folk Stories gives us:
    1,470 x Heirloom Corns
    1,960 x Pink Valerians
    1,470 x Doggy Delights
    1960 x Donkey's Tails
    Mooboy, Flower and MeadowCrossing like this.
  4. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Thank you *WisdomTree* for the tables and numbers. Seems that the event crops can be grown on the Main field and not the Green Meadow.

    Now my question is why would they ask for the same amount of breeding animals in certain sections but 2 out of 3 would only allow you to progress 2 steps and not 3? I do hope that newer players won't fall for that trap and donate in the wrong requirements! :eek:

    That last giver FARMERAMA Town Musicians Redux is a must have for me so I'm in! :inlove:

    The Babyboom, Farm-Coin-Palooza and Happy Discount Day will Start: Thursday, 13th of July at 10:00 CEST (UTC+2) End: Friday, 14th of July at 22:00 CEST (UTC+2) so 490 power feed is not that expensive to get that giver!
  5. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    The FAQ is wrong. They will fix soon. ;)

    I hope, too.
    dumbunny and Nordais like this.
  6. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Went to the German forum and copy/paste for translation and yeah, Green (wild) Meadow... but I don't care I'll breed myself out of that event! xD:D
    dumbunny likes this.
  7. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    That's great - I am taking a break from planting and building up my animal stocks plus I am working on breeding FSQs so breeding suits me too. I get to do the event, no planting (no SG, no SSG, no CAC) and using the +200% and +100% harvest revenue in the Diamond slot means I get more for my animal feed! Win win! :inlove:
  8. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Well the cloud row is a big ol' whoop-de-doo. But there are some decent prizes, including the givers if we just plunk 'em on the park.

    So the green meadow, too? So now all the, um, "stuff" (I really want to use a different word there) I moved to the green meadow yesterday afternoon has to be pulled up?

    We'll see. I might just try breeding through it. We do get a discount day all day Thursday and part of Friday.

    Reread that FAQ - on second thought, that CR isn't so awful.
    Mooboy, Flower, RowSie and 2 others like this.
  9. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    Hang on.... where did this event come from? Pfft.

    So this weekend we will have 3 EVENTS GOING AT ONCE?
    Pikku-Piika, Mooboy, Flower and 3 others like this.
  10. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Changes have been made: the booster jumped from 120% to 250% now for 4h (not 24h - typo in the event as of now that will be corrected). The last giver was and is still the best thing that comes out of this event.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2023
    Mooboy and dumbunny like this.
  11. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Yup! Only the Rainforest and Crystal Falls both in baha will be left for "normal" farming, that is if your intent is to play all 3 events! :eek::wuerg:xD
  12. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    Where's that big ol' finger emoji ;)

    Thinking I might not go for the cloud row...someone correct me if I am reading the FAQ incorrectly please. The CR is 250% bonus on stables/workshops. Yet each individual giver is a bonus on ALL items EP. So includes givers... thats such a better boost that just the CR.

    EDIT - nevermind I see what I have miscalculated. The CR will be better for stables etc overall.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023
    Brookeham likes this.
  13. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I think it's just two events this weekend. The event that is multiple weekends is EVERY OTHER weekend, so we get this weekend off. At least I sincerely hope we do.

    Besides we should be done with the breeding event in no time - gotta get through it while we have the discount day/baby boom!
  14. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    dumbunny - Summer Games Weekend Quest II (on Baha) is this weekend. ;)
  15. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    The summer weekend event is this weekend:

    Weekend 2: 15th of July at 14:00 CEST - 17th of July at 22:00 CEST

    All done with the breeding event, all that clicking is a little boring but the animals themselves are oh! so very adorable! :inlove:
  16. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    So, have I got this right?
    - You can choose only to breed....any animals...? And it will give you all the crops you need?
    - You can also choose to breed only a little bit, which will give you event crop seeds which will behave as normal (if very long growing) in that you can harvest and replant the harvested seeds?
    dumbunny likes this.
  17. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Oh crumb! That means I'm going to have to move all the Howies to the Baha field for tomorrow's harvest, plus I need to put in 24 hour crops right now!

    And yes, Shimmer, you can do this whole event with just breeding animals - I recommend you breed horse, chicken, dogs and cats as we need them for several levels.

    Sewinglady's farm has finished this event completely - no planting.
    Shimmer likes this.
  18. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Overlooker

    Dear Wisdom Tree, thank you for running the numbers and for all info. I am truly in awe at how you put all that together so quickly. It took me ten minutes to figure out that the crates from breeding went to my inventory and had to be opened there before they show as available for planting! Ha, no idea how far I'll get with this. Just going to do what I can and not stress.

    Thanks everyone for the reminder of the Baha weekend event...I totally forgot that and want to do it. Really appreciate all the help found here in the Forum! Well done, all of you!

    The game is surely giving my grey cells a good workout!
    PrairieMaiden23 likes this.
  19. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    There is no need to grow those event plants if you breed a lot of animals.
    lode99 and MeadowCrossing like this.
  20. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Yes, that's right :)

    I chose to breed for all the crops, but yes, you can choose a combination of breeding and/or planting. I had enough PF so I was able to keep that field open for what I want/need to grow.
    MeadowCrossing and spotsbox like this.
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