Feedback Fall Festival

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Farmers.Almanac, Nov 15, 2023.

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  1. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the "Fall Festival" Event in this Feedback thread. We are looking forward to capturing your initial reaction to the event, as well as the final opinion after participating in the event.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future events.

    The FAQ of the Event can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    We are looking forward to your feedback!

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
    007Farming likes this.
  2. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I want to post this somewhere that is allowed and that I'm sure Shooger.Sweet will see it.

    Shooger.Sweet - YOU ROCK!

    I bow to your greatness.

    Yesterday, I followed the links to the German forum. I speak and read just enough German to be, um, "dangerous". Three posts it took for them to get all the information out and I was still scratching my head and not because of the language difference.

    This morning, I get up...get my cuppa, come here and VOILA! Our beloved Shooger.Sweet has given us an FAQ that is one post, concise, and easy to follow and understand (and I'm not talking language differences).

    And to Shooger.Sweet AND Farmers.Almanac - Thank you both for your rock steady support - day in and day out - on this forum.

    And now I trudge onward to my farming, secure in the knowledge that if I become confused (and you know I will), I can come to the FAQ here and easily find the information I need.
    desi20, xiop, MeadowCrossing and 5 others like this.
  3. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Hear, Hear! Can't add any more, Dumbunny said it. Thank you Mods. ;)
    I decided - :wuerg: - to do the two events on my three farms (don't know how you do it, Dumbunny) and managed to get going on two yesterday afternoon and after an hour or so this morning, I am on track even though I am still very confused (no fault of the FAQs, just normal me!). But I feel the compensation package both the main one and the extensions should give everyone a chance to reach their targets. :music:
  4. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Thankyou both for your kind words. Yes, real life gets in the way occasionally with our spare time :cry: and we all appreciate your patience in waiting for the information to be posted :inlove: Good luck to everyone completing your goals in this event and those trying for a place in the Top 3000 :) GOOOOOOOOOOO all the EN Players :music::music::music:

    Your Farmerama Team
  5. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Add my thanks to you both for your kind words. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve our community.

    We wish everyone well with the event and are rooting for any EN player going for the Top places.

    Happy eventing :)
  6. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    Add me to the thanks to our great mods, and best wishes for the contenders!
    Nordais, xiop, MeadowCrossing and 3 others like this.
  7. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I find it very strange that some consumable items show in left side inventory on Event area, but not all. Those crates which show, can be opened there. But the only crate I need and I want open there is Crate of Manure and it is not among those crates. I wish it could be opened there. Now I must go another area, open crates and come back to event area. (There is same problem with Moonlight fields as well).
    MeadowCrossing, FLOWER59 and Nordais like this.
  8. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    I also want to Thank our Mods here on the EN forum, both Farmers.Almanac and shooger.sweet for giving up their free time to help us all either with our tech problems, or posting FAQ's. Cheering for all our EN friends and neighbors, and hope we see some familiar names in the Top 3000! Good luck and I hope you all reach your goals!:inlove:
    Brookeham, Nordais, xiop and 2 others like this.
  9. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    With still 29h left on the clock, I'm amazed that I'm still in the top 3000 with a 234K donation. The top 500 is starting to look grim with all the teams trying to position themselves with their writings. There's the Polish team, Russian, Hungary, etc, and some that I cannot identify (I think the accounts are German...) with the same symbol and counting at least 50 accounts... These accounts/players make the Harvest Festival a year long chore than something that we can enjoy. I'm greatful for the reward crates, they do make the event enjoyable, but at the same time that top 3000 just shows how easy it is for some to bypass the rules of this game.

    I'm a bit dissapointed with the drop rate for Pumpkin Juices, on both my main and baby farms they're the limiting element to mill lattes. I won't be focusing on mass producing things for next year's event. To all the players: enjoy things while you can!

    P.S. Yes, both mods are doing a mighty fine job, kudos to them! :D
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