Fall Festival III

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by *WisdomTree*, Nov 15, 2023.

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  1. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    So fun to see so many known names from the EN forum. Go Go Go :inlove::D
  2. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Overlooker

    @WisdomTree, thank you so much for info about donating the lattes to the top 3k. I had no idea there were rewards for doing that. We have family visiting, preparing for the holiday, running errands, etc. and I completely missed the fine print in the FAQ...well to me at my age and with my eyes, it's fine print! I just donated all milled lattes and reaped a huge bundle of goodies. Thank you and everyone here who generously shares your experience. Sure is a huge help to folks like me!
    dumbunny, BlackCaviar and Nordais like this.
  3. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Oh my. I said I wasn't going to do it. I wasn't going to empty the barn. SL's farm has donated all that I dare to donate. Not taking my barn down to the poles and dust. If I make through, okay. If I don't, okay. I'll be at an appointment when this thing ends this afternoon, so it just has do be enough.
    Nordais likes this.
  4. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    Is it over? I am confused about the end time, or is there still 90 mins to go? (at time of writing...)
    dumbunny and Nordais like this.
  5. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    I think 35 min left! Congrats to You, Zerodegrees and Northy I hope you all can hang in there till it's over!:music:
  6. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    I tought it was weird that the event would end at 6pm eastern time.... but I kept on looking at the timer, not the event announcement for the end time. WOW was there some last minute donations made!! Crazy!!! At least you made it to the top 500, Congrats davidb1yth007!

    Zerodegrees almost made it into the top 10, I'm impressed! Dumbunny/Sewinglady also made some huge donations (just wondering where she found all that stuff to give in the end)! At least there was some upset in the plans of the super teams to write things down with their respective crests....

    I had said to myself that I wouldn't participate and I'm saying the same for next year... please remind me that I am not to participate next year! xD
  7. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Oh, I'm going to be growing amaranth and rainbow corn every chance I get...I still cannot believe SL's farm finished at #1573 - and Northy! Not bad, either! Bummer about zerodegrees getting bumped to #11, but still! And DavidB, top 500! WooT!
  8. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Well done all those who made to the final 3000! :inlove:
  9. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Big Congratulations to you all!:inlove::inlove: The barn values you all turned in are amazing, and for me kind of crazy!:music::pxD
  10. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    Thanks all. :) I quit playing Farmerama at the turn of the year so there was only so much I could do at the end. :p I did return to do like 5 events in 2023 purely for fun but no normal farming. I'm satisfied with my ranking considering what was possible this year.

    This was my 8th consecutive year participating in the TOP competition - 2016 being my first. I thought it was only fitting to burn my barn down to the ground during this event to celebrate my 8 years of farming. :music:

    Congrats to davidb1yth007 on making the cut for top 500, and to dumbunny (sewinglady) + Nordais (Northy) for finishing in the top 2000! :D
  11. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    zerodegrees, I am sooo happy for you and I hope you enjoyed "Burning the Barn down!" You will be missed;)
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2023
  12. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Add my hearty congratulations to those who placed in the Top 3000 :) Well done!
  13. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Wish you all the Best Zerodegrees, It has been great knowing you for 8 years. At least you went out like a Bang Take Care onto New Pastures ;););) 11th Place :D:D:D

    Well Done to Davidb1yth007 making it into Top 500:D:D:D

    Also well Done to Sewinglady and Northy :D:D:D
  14. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Congratulations to all the English forum winners!!Especially to my dear neighbor and friend Davidb1!!!;)
    Unfortunately I spilled a soda on my laptop.....and fried my hard drive. :mad::cry::wuerg:
    My patient, sweet hubby allowed my to occasionally share his from work to try to finish in Top 1000 :music:....or 1000 and some change
    Thanks to all who sent me gifts to help!! :inlove:
  15. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    Oh, Brooky, that is Such Bad Luck! I have a spare laptop, but you are a bit far-far-away!
    Thanks for the glad tidings and well done on staying in the top 3000. It was so scary especially when the accumulated scores broke down with two hours to go. I thought it had finished! My mind is still reeling when last years 500th was 6.4 billion and this years ended up being 18.7!! Oh,well, back to virtual reality! Tee Hee!
    PS: Sad to see you go, Zero Degrees, Its been great playing alongside you for all them years...
  16. TommyBurns

    TommyBurns Active Author

    Congratulations to everyone who made it into the Top 3000, you are all amazing. zerodegrees, that does seem a fitting way to end your farming days but I'm sure you will be missed by many.

    TB :inlove:
    zerodegrees and Nordais like this.
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