Yarnspinner Nights

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by *WisdomTree*, Nov 29, 2023.

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  1. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    I regret doing this event, I'm close, so I will be there. But seriously, the crop needed from one Bahama field, too much, waaaaay too much. I was lucky after 150 deluxe spins I got some nice harvest boost, spent too much SG and more SSG than I wanted. I suppose I did get some Christmas spirit off of it as I kept saying to myself, "Bah, humbug".

    Note to self for future: Not only read numbers, but interpret them to harvests needed.

    Good luck to all of us that struggle, and happy sanity for the rest of us.

    PS: on the open box vs chances debate, it doesn't matter if you open just one, or 100 in a go. The chance per box is the same, and it doesn't change with number of boxes. It is possible to open 10000 boxes and only receive manure. The feeling and expectation though is changing. After box 999 I am expecting something slightly better, the chance is still the same. Except perhaps the chance of disappointment is increasing.
    Mooboy, Brookeham, dumbunny and 5 others like this.
  2. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Farm Mathematics Section going at Magical Glade:

    I have cultivated 48 small fields, put blue, brown and red fertilizers on them, I get back 48 times 7 plants. Also, I have 10 large fields that are all "spiced", I get back 100 plants. When I renew these 10 fields, I get MORE 90 plants, after renewing, those small fields mentioned above will be completed at the same time.

    Oddly enough, when the need is 9925 plants, according to my calculations, I will have 10 plants left over when I deliver everything that is needed there to the task of the event. IF I miscalculated, I can still cultivate those 10 "extra" plants again, 10 in a large area.

    This way, the "mathematical brain" gets a workout and I "save" an awful lot of time (which would still be more than 30 hours... LOL) and a lot of effort, most people think I do the opposite, I waste energy and green and red fertilizer.

    However, when I work like this, I can light 3 hours in 36 minutes - I calculated that if all 113 areas were small and without red and green, I would have still lacked less than 100 plants, so I would have used 3h 36min more, in total from the current cultivation time, so 3x 3h36min time, more than 10 hours. Now I think I save almost 7 hours from that 10+ hours.

    I claim that, the calculation of an elementary school student does not always succeed in this game, BUT yes, even a small person would have finished after ten hours, without perhaps having been able to count, however, this "end of age" 51-year-old got brain teasers and content for his otherwise boring day, by doing this.

    TO EVERYONE, absolutely everyone, a lot of ENCOURAGEMENT that you can finish the event according to your goals without a nervous breakdown.

    Surely someone thinks that "my pride stinks" with that Finn, but as stated many earlier posts from myself, in this same message thread: I had 40 small fields for many days, I removed a few JUMBO trees to storage and finished with 120 field fields and more before the event ends. And there was no need to remove everything, there were still 2+4+4+6 boxes of GIVERS in that area during the event, which do not fit in my PET area, and 13 JUMBO trees in addition to them.

    Unbelievable, I didn't think I'd make it to the finish line! This bragging is just proof that yes, at school, at any level, it's worth studying mathematics at least a little, even if you're more interested in, for example, studying languages. Here I am, a Finn, studying English hard... when there is no forum in my own language.

    Such a story, to cheer up the morning, written at 9:20AM this country's time.

    Yours Nuubi
  3. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Nuubi! You know I luv ya, right!?!?! I read every one of your posts - sometimes twice - but in the end, I can usually figure out what you're trying to say. I can only imagine that you are doing the same with our posts. Language barriers suck.

    And you're right - it's all about the math. Who knew this farming game would require so much math! Not me, and here I am with all these farms... ugh.

    Okay, back to the topic: all 3 participating farms have the CR up and running. I'm going to make sure I used all the coins and the blankets this morning.

    And as for the crates - I don't think there's a "wrong" way to open them. I know that some people cannot wait and will open one or two when they receive them, while others are like me and save them up. One thing about those green wheel spins...they drive me nuts. Every time I think I have them down to a manageable number, the cloud rows or some event or Fuzzles gives me more and I'm back up close to 99. Probably wouldn't be an issue if I just had one farm, but when you're fooling with at least 3 every day, it becomes a bit of a time suck. "And whose fault is that?" you are thinking to yourself. Well, I blame myself. And Farmer_Broke. Mostly myself for having listened to Farmer_Broke.
  4. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Finally got the cloudrow, I didn't realize how long it would take with the baha event crop! I even too some shortcut with comfort fields overnight... I'm so glad that I didn't try it on my baby farm! (dumbunny has so much courage and patience to play sooo many farms!).

    I'm getting lost with all the new cloudrow being offered: calendar, event, monthly buying....

    We just had over 30cm of snow (that's just over 12'' for our US friends) and shovelling took all the energy I had! Winter's starting with a roar!

    Good luck to the ones who are still working on this, don't give up you're almost there!
  5. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    HI |Everyone, Sorry have not posted lately due struggling with Mental health and trying be psoitive with Life

    I have got The Cloud Row ;);) which gives us chance to Win Suzy Tree, Super Tree or Jumbo Tree

    I have 15 Suzy Trees, 22 Super Trees and 24 Turbo Jumbo Trees in my Barn I have recently place them in My main field due to this event, Normally they are Kept in Magical Glade

    Winning any of these is Bonus :p;) I have very health stock of Suzy Super, Super Grow and Turbo Mulch because of this I do not buy Suzy, Super Grow or Turbo Mulch from Events using Coins from Event Shop

    I hardly used much Super Grow and Suzy Growing Event Crops as the toughest crop to grow was Cake Flowers 13375 of them :wuerg:, I did not win any harvest crop +1, 100% or 200% Boosters, nor used my 3 Jack O Gifts nor 100% Crop Booster Gold Slot as i was very curious to see it can be done within Event Window just using CAC+Water+Manure;)

    I always have contingency Backup Plan if i fall short on crop requirements for events using Jack O Gifts, Crop Harvest Boosters etc Most of the time I do events in my own Stride complete events within event window, Sometime Real Life gets in the way as we all have that lol xDxD

    I let my crates build up before i open them in bundles of 50,100,200 or 500 only selective crates give really useful handy prizes other crates are ok give things i already have ample stock off

    Events that gives us New Trees or Stables is always good to have as it helps with New Quests and can be used for Barter and Gifts to Trade too ;):p

    I hope others too manage get the Cloud Row ;);)
    dumbunny and Nordais like this.
  6. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Lot of time still :) over 5 hours...

    Done - CR + Crate O buff + "lot of money = 37000++"
    dumbunny and Nordais like this.
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