Ace High v7

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, May 1, 2024.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    A 5 part race and Suzy left her place for Mr Mouse. Players should have Sunflowers (main land crop) in inventory to do this event.

    Event crop: Camelina 5h30 Main field & Green Meadow olny

    Event drop: Fuel Can comes from crops & trees on Main field & Green Meadow only

    3 Milling items for the races:

    Biofuel (advance 1 step): 80 Camelines + 4 Fuel Cans + 6 Sunflowers + 15s milling time

    Biofuel XL (advance 3 steps): 210 Camelines + 11 Fuel Cans + 8 Sunflowers + 15s milling time

    Deluxe Biofuel (advance 1 step - doubles reward): 410 Camelines + 28 Fuel Cans + 12 Sunflowers + 15s milling time

    Race 1:
    44 steps
    Race 2:
    60 steps
    Race 3:
    63 steps
    Race 4:
    71 steps
    Race 5:
    64 steps
    3100 Camelines
    162 Fuel Cans
    124 Sunflowers
    14 Biofuel XL
    2 Biofuel
    4560 Camelines
    245 Fuel Cans
    176 Sunflowers
    19 Biofuel XL
    2 Biofuel
    1 Deluxe Biofuel
    4900 Camelines
    263 Fuel Cans
    186 Sunflowers
    20 Biofuel XL
    1 Biofuel
    1 Deluxe Biofuel
    5320 Camelines
    285 Fuel Cans
    202 Sunflowers
    23 Biofuel XL
    1 Biofuel
    1 Deluxe Biofuel
    4490 Camelines
    235 Fuel Cans
    174 Sunflowers
    21 Biofuel XL
    Space Racer giver
    Space Racer curtain (x2)

    Using the Deluxe Biofuel on the last step
    Space Racer curtain (x2)

    Using the Deluxe Biofuel on the last step
    Space Race
    curtain (x2)

    Using the Deluxe Biofuel on the last step
    Cloud row
    The Biofuel can be used to move up or down in the race line, players can use them to chose which path they want to run into and/or prizes. Numbers above list the minimum amounts of event crops & drops to finish the race. If players want to use more Deluxe Biofuel to double prizes or change line more than the minimum Biofuel can give them, numbers will climb up per race.

    Grand Total to finish the event the fastest way:

    22370 Camelines
    1190 Fuel Cans
    862 Sunflowers
    98 Biofuel XL
    7 Biofuel
    3 Deluxe Biofuel

    Good luck everyone!

    P. S. If players are running low on drops, don't forget to post in the SOS tread in the Game Related Chit Chat room created by Nala777
  2. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Thanks for starting the strategy thread, Northy!

    And, oh my. Lovely giver once fully upgraded. Decent CR, too.

    Unfortunately, I'm not farming at the moment. Opening the farms once a day to collect daily gifts and maybe spin the wheel if I need to burn off green tickets.

    The good news for those who participate, is that the sunflowers can be purchased with CCs daily from the red shopping basket. No need to spend serious coinage on those in the market. So if you're low on them, purchase every day and voila! enough for the milling of the fuel.

    Good luck to all who decide to race!
    ç.çiftçi, 12ss12, MARLYMAR and 6 others like this.
  3. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you Northy for doing the sums. ;)
    I am not doing this event either, I am not really interested in any of the prizes. :p
    Good luck at the races everyone going for it! :D
    ç.çiftçi, dumbunny, 12ss12 and 8 others like this.
  4. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    Thanks, Northy - as always, amazed how you are able to create such clear charts out of the FAQ!

    At the moment, I'm with Dumbunny and not playing much, so doubt I'll do this event as I'm not fond of the race and am more focused on real life things (but one never is a girl's prerogative to change her mind!) :D

    No need for friends to send me drops - please send to those who say they will do the event. Good luck all!
    ç.çiftçi, dumbunny, 12ss12 and 6 others like this.
  5. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Overlooker

    Thanks Northy for the strategy thread. RL is quite busy now a days, so I am sitting this one out. I have already posted the SOS thread, in case anyone needs drops.

    DB, really nice tip for the newer farmers. Hope you are feeling better now. Take good care of yourself.

    Haha, MeadowCrossing, same here. One never knows... ;)xD
    dumbunny, 12ss12, MARLYMAR and 4 others like this.
  6. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Northy for the strategy post and crunching all the numbers! I will attempt to do all 5 races and see how it goes!:music: Good luck to all us crazy fiyers!:oops:
  7. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    "The event is bad.
    Worst event Ever.
    I'll ignore it."

    Edit: I've finished!
    Cloud row activated!xD
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
  8. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Northy ! I am in. I just now filled my fields with refined crocus enhanced with crafting buffs and cloud row. So will be ready for the event in another 8.30 hrs.

    Take care dumbunny !

    Same has been my case for nearly several years. Real life is very demanding !xD:)
  9. upa70

    upa70 Forum Mogul

    after studying the prizes available, even using the double-up bonus fuel, apart from 1 piccolo box, cant see anything else worth all the effort and time. already got too many givers to put out in the limited space we are given for them (have an inventory full). not even the cr is that appealing.

    have never liked this event, probably my least favourite of all..sitting this one out again o_O
    BellaMary69, 12ss12, Nala777 and 5 others like this.
  10. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Overlooker

    Welcome back OneTwo.

    BellaMary69, 12ss12, Jarrow and 4 others like this.
  11. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    I have just flown my last race 5 :music: and have CR up and running. I did not go for extra Curtains as I want to get back to
    growing crops for society quests I am working on! I did use 1x1's on both lands with water, manure and green water till I had more than half crops grown and then finished with just water and manure! Good luck to all and happy flying!
    OOps forgot to say I used a 200% harvest buff and a Jack gift!;)
    Last edited: May 3, 2024
  12. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Happy bank holiday, i.e. Sunday only to everyone!

    I'm asking here, has anyone calculated EVEN AT THE BIGGEST, how many thousands of plants are required to "wind" up and down and collect all SG, SSG, PF, Upgrade curtains and other good rewards, on the way to doing all 5 levels of the game?

    When I got lucky in the Wheel of Fortune Party section and now I already have 34,000 plants in a pile, usually I would like to collect here when I participate, almost all the prizes with the same effort.

    Well, I'm not asking anyone, and I'm not telling anyone, I'm just wondering if anyone knows roughly the amount of such an event plant?

    Best regards: Nuubi from Finland
    Jarrow and dumbunny like this.
  13. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Wow ! That was superfast ! I just finished the first race. xD
  14. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I decided to do the event on SL's farm when it won a 100% bonus on the wheel. So that farm is all done and back to normal farming. I will say that the fully upgraded giver is a nice bonus - 200%. When your farm needs hundreds of billions of EP to level up, every multiplier counts.
    ç.çiftçi, 12ss12, Jarrow and 3 others like this.
  15. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Hi 12ss12, Yes It was very fast, I surprized myself!xD I am very happy to see you have some free time from your busy real life
    and hope you get to enjoy some time on your farm. We all have missed seeing you on the forum and your posts!! Good luck and Happy Farming!;)
    dumbunny, 12ss12, Jarrow and 2 others like this.
  16. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Yes It was very fast, I surprized myself!xD - xD

    I too missed you & everyone sanddollar ! :inlove::inlove: That is what keeps me from quitting the game. I could not login more than once a day and that was not enough to play the events. So instead of becoming stressed out and fretting that I could not complete the event, I did what was best. Took a break.

    Now its summer vacation for us. One important assignment has come up which keeps me busy till June 7th. But my rehabilitation with Farmerama is also important. ;) You, see I have lost that urge to login to the game in my free time. Hence now this, rehabitation with Farmerama ! xDxDxD So I have made it a point to login 3 times a day and slowly start to take over playing the game in full. xD
  17. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    @12ss12 Brilliant my friend! I am happy you are back and have brought your sense of humor!xDxDxD
    So get those planes flying up,up and away! Good luck and Happy Farming!
  18. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    so nice to see you again @12ss12
    I've finished. Thank you again Northy, you saved my brain from getting a wrinkle. No brain cell were used during the event. Very happy about that.
  19. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    We got on the road a day early to beat the storm that was incoming according to the weather forecasters. Wind, rain, snow and graupel...we saw it all today! Safely in Idaho Falls, Idaho for the night. Will head south into Utah tomorrow. Hoping we have better weather (esoecially the wind - so hard to drive in high winds) for the next couple legs of the journey.

    Hope everyone finishes the event! Good luck to all!
  20. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Travel safely dumbunny!

    Both farm are done, just have to put out the wonder stalls & trees to see what they get gift.
    sanddollar15 likes this.
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