Level up packs

Discussion in 'General issues' started by FLOWER59, May 21, 2024.

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  1. FLOWER59

    FLOWER59 Forum Apprentice

    Why aren't the Full Moon Fields active during the time when you are offering a Level-up Pack that includes:
    '500 % more EP from harvesting (Full Moon fields) for 168 hrs. Activates with purchase!'

  2. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello FLOWER59 :)

    If I am remembering correctly, the very first offer of Level Up Packs did not include fullmoon fields, but then they were offered during a time when the fields were open. Keep in mind that typically in October, we have had Fullmoon fields open for the entire month.

    While the FullMoon field and Mushroom Forest are not open, Haunted Manor is and the Level Up Pack % does apply there.

    As far at the timing of the offers, we do not know the information that was the basis of the decision of when to offer them. They have been offered each month but the timing is not always the same.

    May I assist you further?
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  3. FLOWER59

    FLOWER59 Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for the reply and the historical info. It is appreciated. Over the years, there have been many inconsistencies in the names when referring to the Moonlight Area. As you mentioned, there are 3 fields with different names and at times a different name has been used for the whole area that encompasses those 3 fields. The pack refers to 'Full Moon Fields' which could mean just the one field named 'FullMoon field' or one could assume it meant the whole area of the 3 fields since the word 'fields' is plural. It may seem that I'm being picky, but I think it would be helpful if names were more consistent especially where new players are concerned.
    Again, thank you for the clarification and your good work on the forum!! You may close this thread.
  4. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Thank you for your kind words.

    The 'full moon fields' (plural) does indeed apply to all 3 fields and should the Level Up Packs be offered when Moonlight Mania is active, then the EP% will apply to all the fields.

    However, during times like now when only Haunted Manor is open, that is all it can provide an EP boost to.

    You're welcome :) Closing thread as requested.
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