Frozen Dreams II

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by illy1996, May 22, 2024.

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  1. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    This one is fairly easy to work out so here goes.

    We need to plant Sprouting Spoons on Main Field and Green Meadow only. Cones and Ice Cream Scoops will drop from crops and trees on Main Field and Green Meadow only.

    Milled item, Plain Ice Cream: 448 Sprouting Spoons, 20 Cones and 5 Oats.

    Ice Cream Scoops will be required for the mini game to swap cards.

    We will be given one Plain Ice Cream to try the mini game.

    To achieve the CR and EP items needed for the CR, we need to play 47 games so, with the freebie:

    Sprouting Spoons: 448 x 46 = 20,608
    Cones: 20 x 46 = 920
    Oats: 46 x 5 = 230

    To complete the event, we need to play 60 games so, with the freebie:

    Sprouting Spoons: 448 x 59 = 26,432
    Cones: 20 x 59 = 1,180
    Oats: 59 x 5 = 295
    At game 52, we can get a Neon Bulb which is need to build a Neon Rodeo Ranch.:inlove:
    *Edit: What I failed to notice is that the Neon Rodeo Ranch also requires 4 Picassos! :wuerg:
    As always, please let me know if you see any errors here, I am not the greatest at maths or reading the details in FAQs! :pxD

    I am probably going to do this one though I may be a bit behind on drops as some of my critters take longer than my normal farming day to finish but I will give it my best shot.:music:
    Good luck all! ;)

    * Think I may have changed my mind on this one ... please don't send me any drops. :)
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
  2. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Thanks for posting details for this event Illy1996, I am very on fence with New Neon Workshop As it will be very hard and difficult to build Neon Rodeo Ranch as it requires 4 Picassio Horses

    1) Need millions of CC to buy in the market if you are very lucky they appear in your market

    2) Need many hundreds of power feeds during breeding event as we hardly get great skips during breeding these days

    3) It takes long time to reap 3 racing lessons with this Neon workshop

    4) It also need lots of tools to build it too

    I am thinking of those low on power feed or tools

    I will post in the feedback of this event hopefully they change requirements to build this Neon workshop

    You not have to do this event to get Neon bulb as there is farmers Society quest to gain Neon bulbs
    BellaMary69, Nala777, Moraine and 6 others like this.
  3. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you illy ! Now I got it right ! xD

    2 Picasso Horses can be got as reward in this event. And another one from doing the FSQ

    1. Main Game Reward - After playing 57 mini games, you get 1 picasso horse
    2. Tasklist Reward - 14840 game points, that is, 51st task in the list, you get 1 picasso horse

    Fire Horse can be bought for 40 star coins
    Mustang for 25 star coins.

    With a little bit effort for long time/medium time players, I think they can achieve a neon rodeo ranch.
    I have 1 picasso horse already. 1 pegahorn & 6 Fire Horses. So I think I can make it to 4 picasso.

    For next weekend breeding event - use horse for mammal badges. We need 61 badges.

    Neon Light Bulb
    You can win the Neon Light Bulb from special Events and Quests only!
    It is not a drop item from harvest

    • 1 Neon light bulb can be got from this event
    • 3 Neon Light bulbs can be got from FSQs
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
    BellaMary69, Nala777, Mooboy and 9 others like this.
  4. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    There is also 1 Picasso Horse awarded in the quest.

    I think this workshop is best used during Happy Workshop Days bringing the 41 + hours to 9 :)
  5. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Thank you illy1999 for posting numbers.To get the Neon Light Bulb to craft the Neon Riding Lesson, th 51 Plain Ice Creams ask for 22848 Sprouting Spoons, 1020 Cones and 255 oats.

    Since it's the limiting factor in crafting the new manufactory undrage, I'd say it's best to aim for it. There's 1 Neon Light Bulb after playing 52 mini-games and 3 when completing the new FSQ. I'm guessing the the Neon Light Bulb will also be used in the crafting of other neon factory upgrades in the future...

    There's 1 Picasso horse to be had after playing 57 mini-games and another once players reach 14840 points. There's a third Picasso Horse as a prize in the new FSQ.

    The tools aren't the problem, at least for me with all the tool crates I get, I'm swimming in them. I'm not impressed with the mechanics of this new crafting and certainly not overwheled by the prizes of the event.

    EDIT: was about to post when 12dd12 did... ;)
  6. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you everybody for all your extra info. I would have liked (to work towards) a Neon Rodeo Ranch but, having just put out my existing ranches in the Manufactory, I see I have 6 Pink ones so a Neon is not an essential! :p
    Maybe later when I have completed all the other projects I am working on! :music:
    12ss12, BellaMary69, Nala777 and 7 others like this.
  7. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks illy for starting strategy! I will attempt to do this event and at least reach level 52 to get the "Neon Light Bulb" as I can always Make the Neon ranch when I get all 4 Picasso's:oops: Up date: It seems due to unpopular feedback we now only need 3 Picasso's! Thanks everyone for your thoughts and input, IF I am lucky I will reach level 60!
    Good luck to all who are going to keep cool with Ice Cream!:music:
    Last edited: May 25, 2024
    12ss12, Mooboy, BellaMary69 and 8 others like this.
  8. Flower

    Flower Regular

    Thanks for the math, illy1996 :D

    The prizes are not tempting at all, particularly the Neon Ranch with its 4 picassos (i don't have any) and its super long time to harvest, as Mooboy very wisely pointed out.

    Despite all that i'll try to do it and see how far i can get. Without events i get bored with the game.

    Wish you all good luck with crops, drops and wheel ;):)
    12ss12, Jarrow, Mooboy and 7 others like this.
  9. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    Whew, thanks illy starting the thread and all those numbers. This is another pass for me as RL is busy and I prefer to just do relaxing/ordinary farming for the foreseeable future.

    I will send drops to those who indicated they will give this a go. Good luck everyone whatever your goals :)

    PS to my good friends and neighbors, please do not send me drops.
    Jarrow, BellaMary69, Nala777 and 4 others like this.
  10. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I'm sitting this event out on all my farms. I have no time to waste on this event. I don't care about the neon workshop. I have crates that give me workshop items galore. And this event seems to be built entirely around that neon rodeo ranch...a huge meh for me.

    Additionally, the upcoming season offers a chipmunk stable (regular side) and a longan tree (season pass side) as prizes at level 39. Since my farms splurged on the season pass last time out, I have no need to rush to level 39 this time around, nor to purchase the season pass.

    I hope everyone is well and gets to spend some time relaxing. I am trying to sew. Life has an interesting habit of getting in my way. My husband came down with an upper respiratory infection (not a virus or a cold) while we were traveling and it's hanging on. He's miserable. Therefore, so am I.
  11. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    I don't get the hullabaloo of the neons, yes they are nice, but how much do we use workshops ? So that I'm going to pass on, even if the price is reduced.

    The grow, mill, frustrate vent, and slug feast of an event I am going to leisurely give it a go. No need to send me any drops though.
    12ss12, Jarrow, dumbunny and 7 others like this.
  12. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Commissioner

    I'm in for this event only because I haven't done the last few and I'm bored and want some ice cream lol.
    Good luck to those participating!
    12ss12, Jarrow, dumbunny and 7 others like this.
  13. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    "The event is bad.
    Worst event Ever.
    I'll ignore it."
    Edit: Event finished!
    Cloud row activated!xD
    Last edited: May 29, 2024
  14. teeceebeemee

    teeceebeemee Advanced

    I agree. I mean, if I saw one (a neon rodeo ranch) lying in the street, I would pick it up (and sterilize it)(and not let the kids play with it - for a while) but I am not going to work for it....xD
  15. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I hardly put out any workshops during normal farming i dislike workshops for few reasons as they require 1 x Animal Feeds + Animals ( Many Require more than one animal per workshop) for Rodeo Ranch it needs 2 x Horses)

    Me being Tactical, Practical Wise Farmer :p;) take facts the cost of animal feed and animals to feed any workshop compare the overall costs to produce workshops products for example Riding lessons

    Many of you can buy Riding lessons in your market for less than the costs than to produce using Rodeo Ranch Workshops (Using Yellow/Orange/Red Workshops) these only produce 1 x Riding Lesson only Pink Workshops give 2 x Workshop Product

    Neon Rodeo Ranch gives 3 x Riding Lessons the downside to Neon Rodeo Ranch it takes 41 Hours 30 Mins :wuerg::wuerg:

    Also with any workshop buffs only adds +1 to your workshops using Yellow/Orange/Red/Pink and Neon

    We get Happy Workshop Day only once a month (All workshops @ 9 Hours):p

    I do not have any Pink workshops, i refuse to build Pink workshops i not been lucky to win Pink workshop either

    I am happy to have many basic workshops used them on Happy Workshop Day using workshop buffs too

    I do this event anyway :p

    Our Feedback to this event worked it is now only 3 Picasso Horses to Build Neon workshop :p:p
    Last edited: May 24, 2024
  16. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I'll do this event.
    I love coloured workshops, which gives several products using only one animal feed. I usually have only 16 workshops producing something, one manufactory in main farm and another in baha. They are relatively short ones. Most of the time my workshops are in storage, but sometimes when there is happy workshop day (9h for all workshops), I have time and several +1 workshop buffs, I drag them out to fields.
  17. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I've been reading all points of view on whether to try to build a Neon Rodeo Ranch. I think there are valid reasons on both sides.

    For me....I've completed all FSQ's including the breeding ones so I can invest in breeding animals for pink workshops and now a Neon ranch. Certainly I can understand if you are still growing your farm, building inventory to comfortable levels, working on other farm goals, etc.

    I don't put out workshops often, but when I do, I want the most efficient result. Using colored upgrades improves that efficiency by using 1 (now 2) animal and 1 feed. It is why I like Neon stables.

    This workshop on its own may seem less than attractive due to the breeding animals required and long harvest time.

    When used in combination with Happy Workshop Day, 100% Workshop bonus (making output 6 riding lessons), you can get a nice stash of products. If you have an Overall Revenue bonus, givers that impact workshops, farmwheel bonuses, that could really make a big impact on harvest yields.

    I'm in and wish all the very best in whatever you decide to do.
  18. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    With the lack of space to have everything out at once, the manufactories and the workshops have been kept in inventory on my part. I buy what I need from the market and never had a problem with spending some CCs for them.

    PnP is right: soooooo many cloud rows and givers have impact on the workshops that at some point using them will be good. For me it will be when I have free space in the Sunflower Hills that I plan to put them out there. The 41h+ for the neon rodeo lesson is not that high, some of the pink upgrades have a 48h harvest time...

    2 years ago I had 3 manufactories going in baha and had 2 menageries that I could use to produce the needed animals to keep them going. With all the new stalls that BP has made available, I had to take them out. Even now, keeping animal pens out is chipping away on land plots to harvest the new crops...

    I'll go for the neon light bulbs, just because they're the real limiting factor into crafting the neon workshop upgrades, this means that we'll need them for future neon workshop pens to! :wuerg::cry:

    I do not know who/why people finished the breeding FSQs, how many thousands of power feeds did they "invest" or was that real $$$ spent....
  19. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    My main goal is Piccolo boxes. I may get something useful (or less useful :sleepy:). Thanks to them I can make instant stalls, I can harvest extra plants etc. I try to use those boosts sparingly and wisely. I have only couple of menageries out. I try to save all feed I can get to day, when I have one field full of stables (best one of each) and all kind of boosts and time to click with boosts. It is good way to fill barn with animals.

    I have finished most of breeding FSQs, simply because I can. There is not much else to do. Crates give all kind of breeded animals and events require all kind of badges often, so I'll breed those lower breeded one to higher ones and I finally can finish those quests. I never count power feed, it is one of the things I always buy from all kind of coin shops. Piccolo boxes give decos giving plenty of power feed, wheel spins give it etc. I save all my power feed to breeding, I do not waste it to stalls or workshops any more. When I started to play, I sometimes used it to feed chickens, when I run out of chicken feed :oops:xD:p In that time there was no breeding.
  20. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    Yahoo! Power to-the-people! The squeaky wheel gets the oil!xD
    Oh, the ultimate Luxury! I used to DReam of having enuf pfeed to feed it to chickens!xD
    dumbunny, Brookeham, Flower and 6 others like this.
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