Opening Crystal Falls Zone III

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by exflirt, May 23, 2024.

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  1. exflirt

    exflirt Forum Apprentice

    Hi team, if you could give me some guidance I would appreciate it.

    I had the first two zones of Crystal Falls open and am halfway through the Crystal Falls I challenge in the Farmer's Society. So I've supplied a fair number of tree fruit and crops to the completion of the challenge. However, during the last season I decided to open Section III using Farm coins because I needed the extra space.

    My question is: what happens now with that challenge that I'm halfway through? If I complete it will it open Zone IV? Is there any point in completing it? Did I just waste months of supplying crops and tree fruit? If so, is there any upside?

    Thank you for your guidance!
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello exflirt,

    You will need to complete the Farmer's Society Quests to acquire the associated space. There are 6 zones in total.
    2 zones are opened by Farmer's Society Quests, 2 zones through Shop-O-Rama and 2 zones through the Monkey Temple.
    You can find more info in the FAQ.

    Can I assist you further?
  3. exflirt

    exflirt Forum Apprentice

    I think I understand, maybe just one more question to clarify.

    So if I complete the Crystal Falls I challenge that I'm in the middle of, will it open whatever the next zone is on the island? Which for me would be zone 4?

    Thank you!

  4. Jarrow

    Jarrow Forum Apprentice

    It was my experience that the 'next' zone will open in order independent to how you fulfilled the requirements. So since you already have three zones open, yes, you would open zone 4 with completing the quest. If you decided feed the Monkey Temple or the Shop-O-Rama with coins before you completed the quest, you would still open zone 4.

    Happy Farming.
    Nordais likes this.
  5. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    As Jarrow explained, each zone is opened in order, regardless of which method you use.

    Can I assist with anything further?
  6. exflirt

    exflirt Forum Apprentice

    That is what I needed, thank you. No further questions from me.

    Appreciate the help, Jarrow and shooger.sweet!

  7. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    On behalf of all who assisted, you are welcome :)

    No further questions. Closing thread.
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