Treasures of the Past

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, May 29, 2024.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    This is a 3 paths type event (main/baha/moonlight) with a puzzle twist into it. There's no drop in this event, instead there's 3 tiles with cool time of 5 hours that will reward 5 ambers.

    Main farm path:Bahamarama path:Moonlight world path:
    Green Clover
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 EP
    Plantable on the Main field only!
    Yellow Clover
    Time: 6 hours
    Gives (2x2): 240 TEP
    Plantable on the Bahamarama Plantation only!
    Purple Clover
    Time: 5 hours
    Gives (2x2): 200 EP
    Plantable on the Full moon field only!
    8200 Green Clovers needed to complete the event7100 Yellow Clovers needed to complete the event7000 Purple Clovers needed to complete the event
    Each player will get 1 Ancient Key to open one path of their choice (see tiles #5, #8 & #11 bellow) and to obtain the needed tinctures to mill the starter seeds with the Flower Bulbs booked by the system every 5h. Don't forget to queue behind super long animal feed in your windmills to take advantage of the 5h Flower Bulbs bookings:


    Each path is played one at a time (unless players purchase the 34.99$ Deluxe Historian Basket which contains 1 more Ancient Key).

    If players can harvest throughout the day, I strongly suggest to start with the Purple (Moonlignt Mania) Path because players can use CAC on 202 (1x1) plots, has the lowest number of event crop needed to complete it and has the shortest harvest time which means opening the first amber tile faster. Looking at the design of the board, there's no need to play a second path to open the amber generating timer tiles (see #16, #17 & #19 above).

    Of course, the cloud row can only be won after completing all three paths with only 30 ambers (see tile #18 ). The three givers needed to complete the cloud row are offered in the puzzle section of the event. So this means that players must do the whole event! (thank you PnP for pointing that out, I've missread the FAQ).

    Now, for the puzzle section of the event. To be able to play puzzles, players will need to harvest amber generating tiles as much as they can. Each amber collected will generate one puzzle piece. There's fifteen puzzles for a total of 395 tiles meaning that players must harvest another 395 ambers to finish the entire event. That brings the total to 425 ambers needed to complete the 2 parts of the event (Paths + Puzzles). That means players will need to harvest 85 times 1 single amber tile or 29 times the 3 tiles that generate 5 ambers.

    There's new set of 3 givers that can be won by completing all the puzzles (waiting for confirmation that it's not 500EP/TEP but more than that per giver), some 1785 Season Points, one Piccolo Wonder Box with the grand prize being a new Neon Light Bulb needed to craft Neon Manufactory upgrades.

    Good luck everyone! This event is not made for the faint of hearts!


    Time frame for the event is 2 weeks:

    30th of May 2024 - 12th of June 2024
    Difficulty: Medium - Hard

    Givers obtained in the 3 paths are meh for more experienced players, not something to shout about for newest ones. The 3 givers or the clou row are given as prizes ine the puzzle section: they only offer 500 EP/TEP each! :wuerg: No consolation prize for players who won't finish the event!

    EDIT 2:

    changed the amber harvesting numbers: in total we need to harvest 85 single tiles of ambers to get the 425 needed to complete the event. If players wait to open all amber generating tiles, they'll need to harvest 29 times those 3 tiles.
    Last edited: May 31, 2024
  2. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Thanks for making sense of this, Northy!

    I think I goofed on SL's farm - put out the Howies and I didn't need to. Oh well.

    I am ONLY doing this event on sewinglady's farm. All the others are sitting it out.

    No time. First market is in 3 days and I'm trying to inventory and price merchandise, still sewing aprons (got three that I MUST finish - strawberry prints!) and then the regular stuff of life that always needs tended.
    Nala777, Sue46, 12ss12 and 7 others like this.
  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    The three givers needed for the cloud row are not on the path, but rather you get them from the puzzles

    I'm undecided about this event. I have had a horrible headache all day and to try to keep up crop requirements, milling ahead, collecting amber and then puzzles for the next 2 weeks sounds like a big task that I'm not really looking forward to. Will decide in the morning....
    Nala777, dumbunny, 12ss12 and 7 others like this.
  4. Flower

    Flower Regular

    Thank you very much for the calc and the tip, Nordais!

    There's puzzle and no drops :D Count me in :)

    What exquisite plants :inlove:
    Nala777, gardengal, dumbunny and 6 others like this.
  5. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    "The event is bad.
    Worst event Ever.
    I'll ignore it."
    Edit: I've finished the event.
    Cloud row activated!xD
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2024
  6. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Nordais for the detailed strategy. I am going to attempt to do and complete this whole event!:p
    I do think I will start with the Full Moon field! Good luck and I hope we all have fun!;)
    Nala777, BellaMary69, Raelyn and 7 others like this.
  7. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    Thanks, Northy, I think I'll give this a pass and just work in the Moonlight fields - not for the event, but for the new things and a few quests I've almost completed.
    Wish success to everyone who does it!
    Last edited: May 30, 2024
    Nala777, BellaMary69, Raelyn and 7 others like this.
  8. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    We do have 2 weeks to do it, if players have the Main field and Bahamarama plantation free of stalls and trees, I think it's quite doable in that time frame:

    30th of May 2024 - 12th of June 2024
    Difficulty: Medium - Hard
  9. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks, Nordais, for starting this thread. ;)

    I read the FAQs quickly and decided I couldn't do it as I am away for some of this week but now I see it is for two weeks, I will give it a go. I will start with the Moonlight Field crop, that way I don't have to do much thinking regarding the other fields before I am able to give full concentration again! Plus, with no drops, I don't have to worry that I haven't set the fields up! :p
    The prizes are not that exciting but it is a fun event (in theory!) and if I finish, it will be more than I expected.xD
    Good luck all! :inlove:
  10. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I have given this some more thought, but I still have a headache so I'm not confident that my thinking is correct.

    For me, I don't think I can do this event. I believe I will come up short of ambers and therefore not complete the puzzles to get the needed givers for the cloud row. Of course, growing the crops over 2 weeks is not a problem, but getting them done early in the event so to spend the majority of the event just collecting amber and working puzzles as we have enough pieces for a puzzle is going to be where I fall short.

    My normal farming day will allow me to collect amber 3 times. I refuse to stay up late or get up in the middle of the night to collect amber. I would need to get those crops done very quickly by throwing everything I can at the event as I would need to be done growing all crops (all 3 paths) by end of day 3 or no later than morning harvest of day 4 and that would leave me collecting amber up to the final day of the event. No room for mistakes. No room to miss collecting amber.

    Is it possible? I think so but for now I feel very stressed. Thoughts? Suggestions? Am I overlooking something?
  11. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you Northy, for the thread, thread and numbers. I haven't read the FAQ. But I am jumping straight into the Event.
    xDxD Same template for the past past few events xDxD
  12. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Wait. This event runs 2 weeks? Um, no. This farm and PM23's are still going to sit it out. But, I do appreciate 2 weeks of MM for all da farms!
    Nala777, Sue46, BellaMary69 and 7 others like this.
  13. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Commissioner

    Thank you @Nordais I'm in for this one. I like when 3 lands are involved.
    L O V E MM and will work on other goals there after finished with that part.:inlove:
    Good luck to those participating!
  14. Raelyn

    Raelyn Forum Apprentice

    If I am correct, you dont have to constantly mill anything, just the 5 initial crops for each section (1 at a time of course). Technically only one Field will be growing even crops at a time, which will not take 2 weeks, then its back to catching up on stocks. The time consuming part is waiting every so many hours to collect the amber in order to do the puzzles. I think it will be worth it to complete if you have the time to pop in and collect the ambers when they are ready. I dont think it will be that bad. :) GL in whatever you decide.
  15. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    You may have missed it but this was shown to us in the April Fools Day shenanigans as something that the Mods/Developers think that we may say...;)xD

    But it is helpful to use the mill for
    This means we can start the second or third paths with more than five seeds.
    Last edited: May 31, 2024
  16. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I have my stupid head on and can't work out how to start on the path. I started with the MM field and have the required amount for Tile 6 but nothing shows for me to donate! :(
    Anyone able to give me a helping shove? :p

    Might have sussed it ... I am trying to start at Tile 6 but I should be trying Tile 10 and I haven't quite got enough crops to "uncover" it! xD
  17. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    What I don´t get?

    I try one buzzle and it takes 5 ambers? 15x5 ambers is 75 ambers. And 29x5 is NOT 425, it is 145 if I´m right. So is there something wrong with those buzzle-numbers?


    Staff says in other place that:

    "Hello Nordais,

    You will need 1 Amber for each puzzle piece. There are a total of 395 puzzle pieces, plus you will need 30 Ambers for the cloud row making the total of 425 Ambers."

    OK, 28,3333... x 15 is that number 425...

    Last edited: May 31, 2024
  18. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thank you @Raelyn for your encouragement. I'm still not well, was in the ER yesterday and so I've decided to skip this event and focus on self-care. I'll work on the new MM quest and keep up with Season requirements. Edelweiss Valley on hold for me.

    Best wishes to all doing the event :)
  19. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Yes, sorry about the confusion. Players need to harvest 85 times one single tile giving out 5 ambers, or harvest 29 times the 3 amber generating tiles at the same time. I'll edit my post.

    Get well soon PnP, sending you positive vibes your way.

    Don't forget to use your farm (orange) coins in the shop, it's the last day of the month and things will reset tomorrow.
    Nala777, BellaMary69, Jarrow and 3 others like this.
  20. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Hope you get well soon, PnP! I hate being sick. Worse, I hate having a sick DH. He's still not 100%. Second round of antibiotics. Hoping that does the trick...and hoping you got what you need, too!

    Okay, I changed my mind, sorta. SL's farm is going like gangbusters and I decided to start PM23's farm down the path without purchasing a basket. So it's dabbling. SL's farm has completed the green portion, and has started down the yellow portion. Has two of the amber givers up and running. Played the first puzzle (just to get rid of that opening pop-up when entering the event window) - played very smooth - yay!

    Yes, remember to put in long timed mill items ahead of milling event items so you'll reap another 5 when the game system checks. Every little bit counts.
    Nala777, Mooboy, BellaMary69 and 3 others like this.
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