Harvest Helper subscription sale not showing

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by exflirt, Jun 1, 2024.

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  1. exflirt

    exflirt Forum Apprentice

    Hi team, here I am again, having trouble purchasing the Harvest Helper subscription that I saw only last night. Am I doing something wrong?

    According to the mini event calendar this is supposed to be available until Monday, the 3rd of June, yet it does not show in the bank or in my sales tab where all the other sales are showing. As last month, all I see is the Seasonal Helper's Pack.

    I have already logged out and back in several times and cleared my browser cache. My ID is 57463409. I don't want to miss this again.

    Thank you!
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello exflirt,

    Have you tried accessing it through the Event timer?


    If you don't see it, can you try a different browser to see if that helps.

    Can I assist you further?
  3. exflirt

    exflirt Forum Apprentice

    It did show up there, I did not remember the sales appeared in the event timer. My purchase went through successfully.

    Shooger.sweet, you are so helpful and knowledgeable - thank you! NFQ
  4. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    You are welcome.
    Glad your purchase was successful 8)

    ~NFQ~ closing thread
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