Catch Me!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, Jun 12, 2024.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Spawning event where players must need to mill a special feed to feed the critters that will be appeared on the Main field and Magical Glade.

    Event crop:Event drop:Event mill feed:
    Doubloon Berry
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 EP
    Plantable on the Main field only
    Empty Coin Purse
    You will get these drops when harvesting your main field and magical glade when harvesting your crops and trees only!
    Full Coin Purse
    Ingredients: 190 x Doubloon Berries, 15 x Empty Coin Purses
    Time: 15 seconds
    can be produced in the main and tropical mills - Events feed tab!

    Depending on your goal, here are the numbers:

    Getting all Chest Tokens:
    (40 milled feeds)
    Getting the cloud row:
    (55 milled feeds)
    Getting all Lab Upgrades:
    (64 milled feeds)
    Finishing the event:
    (72 milled feeds)
    7600 Doubloon Berries
    600 Empty Coin Purses
    10m milling time
    10450 Doubloon Berries
    825 Empty Coin Purses
    13m 45s milling time
    12160 Doubloon Berries
    960 Empty Coin Purses
    16m milling time
    13680 Doubloon Berries
    1080 Empty Coin Purses
    18m milling time
    1 Scaredy Cat giver
    1 Panic Mode! giver
    4 Chest Tokens
    1 Scaredy Cat giver
    1 Panic Mode! giver
    4 Chest Tokens

    1 Cloud row
    1 Scaredy Cat giver
    1 Panic Mode! giver
    4 Chest Tokens
    1 Cloud row
    3 Lab Upgrades
    1scaredy Cat giver
    1 Panic Mode! giver
    4 Chest Tokens
    1 Cloud row
    3 Lab Upgrades

    2 Piccolo Wonder boxes
    15 BBs

    Good luck everyone!
  2. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Thanks Nordais for the nice summary. I think I'll give this a go. 13 680 crop is the standard for main field for one event, is it not ?
    Nala777, BellaMary69, Jarrow and 4 others like this.
  3. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Padavan

    Yeah, it's a pretty "average" event - we're gonna use a bit of green goo and few propellors for this one, but that's to be expected, too.

    Thanks for crunching the numbers, Northy! I'm in on at least this farm and SL's. DB's farm has been fallow for over a week. I just don't have the time to do all three every day. I let this one go fallow for a couple weeks, so now it's the other.
    Nala777, BellaMary69, Jarrow and 3 others like this.
  4. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks again Northy for doing the sums! ;)

    I will be in this one, probably shifting it along with a bit of the yellow gold which has accumulatedvwhen I wasn't doing all events! That may change now that my main project is completed! xD
    Good luck everybody! Yaaarrrrgh, Doubloon Berries, it be then! :music:
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2024
  5. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    For 1 field that a pretty high number. With both fields (Main land & Green Meadow), usually to finish an event we need about 21000-22000 event crops. The event is graded medium-hard, it will all depend on the drop rate!
  6. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Commissioner

    Thank you for starting us off Northy! I'm in for this.
    Good luck everyone!
  7. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Northy, for numbers crunching and starting the thread! I will attempt to do the whole event milling
    the 72 Full Coin purses, if that fails:oops: I will go for 64!:p Good luck everyone!
  8. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    "The event is bad.
    Worst event Ever.
    I'll ignore it."

    Edit: I've finished the event.
    Cloud row ready!
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2024
  9. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Don't forget to harvest your Crate O'Lures S each morning, and keep pilling them up before opening them. Usually there's a better chance to get the best lure like that...
  10. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    This farm is late to the party. I came down with a nasty case of Norovirus on Wednesday. Just now starting to feel hoo-man (say that with a Ferengi accent) again. Not doing the farmer's market today because I don't want to give this to anyone (you're still contagious for 3 to 5 days after you feel better!) plus the weather is supposed to turn ugly any minute.

    Since this farm is starting later than the other two, I'm only trying to get those 4 badges to open the fishing things. At least that's my goal considering this farm's lack of green goo and propellors.
    gardengal, Sue46, BellaMary69 and 6 others like this.
  11. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Get well soon dear dumbunny! There's so many respiratory infections going on even with the heat wave we're having!

    I didn't realized that the first tree tokens were easy to get, I was just sowing/harvesting until I had enough crops to finish the event but I'm glad I came back and checked and milled my first 33 feeds! I know, I know, activating 1 more crate o'lures S dispenser won't changed a thing in the end, but 2 more lures still means more fishing to be done (and I dooo love the fishing event). :inlove::D
  12. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Hey dumbunny, I hope you get better real soon! Maybe it is just your body telling you to get some rest!
    Please take care (((hugs)))

    I now have all my crops and drops to mill the 72 Full Coin Purses. I must say I am looking forward to feeding that crazy
    Treasure Chest! I love it!:music: I also love the fishing event!;)
  13. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Nearly done with the crops (one more harvest should do it!) then will plant long term crops day and night to get the necessary drops. Can't see any problems (famous last words). :music:
    Good luck all those still going for it. ;)
  14. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    Cute graphics and easy for me to do (no strategy involved!). Only issue is drops. I need to make four more filled purses for the CR so fingers crossed drops will fall in time on the two fields.

    Update: After login this evening, I harvested my field of chives and trees on main and MG and obtained the needed drops to make the remaining purses! Phew, and no tricks of needing to continue to get another giver to complete the CR! Over and done for me. :D
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2024
  15. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    PM23's farm had to put out long term flowers overnight to catch up on drops, but that farm has finished the event, as has SL's farm!

    This farm is SOOOOOO close! Just got the first piccolo box, so it's within sight. Not bad for starting two days late. Helps that I got a 100% bonus two days in a row - that really helped with the crops.

    And thanks for all the well-wishes, everyone. I'm so much better. Started in sewing yesterday, then the DH got what I had (it was inevetible), so now today he's feeling better (he gets over things much quicker than I do). So now today, we are heading to our respective workspaces and making! I have six aprons in work...the hard part is that this apron is sized and I can't get the sizes mixed up. That would be bad. Really bad.
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