searching for lost giver items

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by sunshineaz, Jul 1, 2024.

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  1. sunshineaz

    sunshineaz Forum Great Master

    It would be nice if there was an easier way to find that elusive item that was placed on a cloud row long ago.

    I have a cloud row that I can not finish as I can't find the item.

    I have removed all my givers on every land and searched there but no success.

    I then started searching cloud rows. I have so many rows that after a very long time searching, the game locks up and I can never complete the search. I have tried many times and have never been able to complete the search for that 1 giver item to complete that 1 cloud row that I need.
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    There are too many rows in the game to search through. I do like we can search for specific cloud rows, but do agree a search feature for individual givers would be nice but that sure would be a big technical task (I think), as there are so many givers that have been available in the game since its inception.

    You can always ask the mods to search for a specific giver if you post in Technical Issues ;)
  3. breaalina

    breaalina Forum Greenhorn

    do like we can search for specific cloud rows, but do agree a search feature for individual givers would be nice but that sure would be a big technical task (I think), as there are so many givers that have game zone been available in the game since its inception. If you do not know how to prioritize, then we recommend starting with the messiest places to find lost things as quickly as possible, since such areas are the most common for losing things. You will need to clear them to find lost objects. That will help in any case since there will be no possibility to lost something in the future.
    BellaMary69 likes this.