The Dutch Chit Chat

Discussion in 'Gabfest' started by thea1963, Aug 6, 2024.

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  1. thea1963

    thea1963 Someday Author

    The Dutch Chit Chat is a place to talk with another players ( everyone is welcome here )

    A note from the mod-team

    • You don't need to quote the player's post immediately above you. They will know you are responding to them.
    • Yes, please post only in English on the forum. Translator can be used if needed :)
    • Though you are trying to invite and encourage Dutch players to stay involved in the forum, please understand that all sections are available to all players as we do not exclude anyone and so anyone should feel comfortable to join in the chit chat
  2. miekje9

    miekje9 Active Author

    Hi my name is miekje9 from the dutch fansite
    Happy to be here
    I have been playing from the beginning
    The fansite started for people who needed more structure and overside to play games
    That is why i use picto's in the table of events
    After Ron Died I stopped but now the forum is down and people need information so they can play
    BellaMary69 and Borkie like this.
  3. Borkie

    Borkie Forum Apprentice


    I'm Borkie, and I'm from the northern part of the Netherlands. Since 2013, I've been playing Farmerama on a daily basis, and I just can't imagine my life without it. Even though I'm currently busy with my studies and work, I always make time for my favorite game. Farmerama is not just a pastime for me; it's a part of my daily routine that brings joy and relaxation. Looking forward to connecting with fellow players and sharing our love for the game!:inlove:

    P.S. Just a heads-up;) Dutch people are known for being very direct in their communication. We always mean well, though!

    Given the time, I'm putting out some treats for the night owls and heading to bed. Nighty night!:p
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2024
    BellaMary69 and sanddollar15 like this.
  4. miekje9

    miekje9 Active Author

    I do not say no to that
    BellaMary69, sanddollar15 and Borkie like this.
  5. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Forum Apprentice

    I added this to my favorits bar, same as the Dutch ChattersNet for Farmarama, but I'll doubt if a lot of chit chat will follow because we still have to set the game settings to english to end up in this forum. That will have to change first for this box wil get some serious action

    Any one a clue wenn that might happen?

    O and it is not that nice( not the word I would use normally but els mods will edit my post) that the credit points we had in the dutch forum are lost,now we are all newbees again, even after 12 years.

    Good morning btw.
    BellaMary69 and Borkie like this.
  6. Borkie

    Borkie Forum Apprentice

    Klaartjuh told us it could take a few weeks before it would work with the English forum... So for the time being I start with the game in English, go to the forum (when it works -.-) and then end the game in English but keep the forum as it is. Then I start the game in Dutch, so I can play in our own language but read the English forum... it takes a few steps more, but it works:music:
    And yes, it would be nice to get our creditpoints back that we earned on the Dutch forum:)
    popje4, BellaMary69 and Butsmuts like this.
  7. miekje9

    miekje9 Active Author

    I am afraid you will not get those points we were legends and we will be again
    Oldwief, popje4, BellaMary69 and 2 others like this.
  8. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    If you just want to read English forum, you can add to your bookmarks. Usually when I change language of the game itself, it kicks me out from the original forum and I am just guest there. I change language of the game, when I plant more than couple of trees, while in English version of game basic trees and XXLs are not next to each other.
    I hope you'll have your Dutch game in the future, we Finns lost first our forum and soon after that game in our language.
    BellaMary69 and Borkie like this.
  9. boerwimmels

    boerwimmels Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, here is another cheesehead; hope to see you very often on this forum...
    BellaMary69, janniekwak and Borkie like this.
  10. Borkie

    Borkie Forum Apprentice

    I'm sorry for your loss:oops: It wouldn't surprise me if that would happen to the Dutch version too:cry:
    BellaMary69 and janniekwak like this.
  11. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Forum Apprentice

    We think the same will happen to us indeed. I personally think they are in te (slow) procces of shutting down all other languages and reduce it to one or perhaps two languages.

    If I wanted to play a English game, I would have started a English game. Now they change the rules during a game.
    BellaMary69 and Borkie like this.
  12. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend



  13. miekje9

    miekje9 Active Author

    And an other sunny sunday here
    I will have a cup of tea to start it off
    popje4, BellaMary69 and Borkie like this.
  14. Borkie

    Borkie Forum Apprentice

    I know you like your cuppa, but i need my coffee first thing in the morning;) freshly ground:p

    BellaMary69, janniekwak and Butsmuts like this.
  15. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    Goeiemorgen (goodmorning)

    Northern Dutchie kaaskop (cheesehead) here too.
    I've been playing the game since it's beginning, but in English, due to English friends. It made it easier to communicate about the game.

    I hope all the Dutch people will start to feel at home here, and I hope all of you realize that this forum too is kept alive by volunteers, so please don't bash them.
    We're very fond of our Mods here.

    It's BP that makes weird/unwanted decisions for the game, and that is never the Mods. They just try to help us best they can.
    I too still enjoy this game every day. :)
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2024
  16. Borkie

    Borkie Forum Apprentice

    Hello fellow northern Dutchie8)
    I know the English moderators are volunteers and that they do their utmost best:inlove: I respect and appreciate that dearly. It's just the way English people communicate that makes me itchy:music:
    I'm checking out the German Forum, because the way Germans communicate is more similar to the Dutch way. And there is much more activity on the German Forum. I'll check in from time to time on the English Forum and catch up.
    I'll always enjoy playing the game daily too;)
    popje4 and BellaMary69 like this.
  17. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Forum Apprentice

    Morning, a other day a other round.
    On my second cup of coffee and trying to log in and harvest, game is slow this morning. More people noticed that?

    I'm on the German forum as well. Way more activity and less icky communication and over the top friendly.
    Its just the communication way of the UK. I already predicted that in the first hours after the news of shutting down the dutch forum came. The Scottish are more direct I learnt in the past decade.( don't call the Schots, english by the way, they don't like that!)
    Not even sure if all the mods here are from the UK them selfs. They try their best, I'll give them that.
    I'm not bashing them, just pointing out the difference.

    These days Facebook is a good place as well. Altho I was on the brink of deleting my FB account, but for Farmarama I stay. The Dutchies now are gathering there as well.

    Have a nice day you all.
  18. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Forum Apprentice

    Goodnight farmingfreebird,
    Thank you for welcoming the Dutchies.
    I don't think anyone blames the mods for weird decisions from BP, they are the messengers. We don't shoot the messengers.
    Still getting used to the shortcuts in the messages, I was just getting used to the Dutch ones. ;)
    I noticed people use colour in the text, not used to that either.
    Trading via the forum is difficult, I don't know the English names for items and there are too many to translate them all. So that will have to be done via fb or the chatgroup (if I don't forget, I missed the most recent one).
    I hope this forum becomes a bit more active. I don't post that much, but I like to read the chit chat.
    Have a good day and goodluck with the coming events.
  19. boerwimmels

    boerwimmels Forum Greenhorn

    Can we write in Dutch here?

    Hello boerwimmels and welcome to the EN Forum :)

    Only English is allowed to posted here. If it is not your native language, you can try using a translator.

    Last edited by moderator: Aug 28, 2024
    Borkie and popje4 like this.
  20. popje4

    popje4 Forum Apprentice

    hahaha it's called chit chat for Dutch.....and then it's only allowed in English?? Sorry I couldn't find the translation machine that quickly...
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 28, 2024