Island Farm Work 101 v2

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, Aug 21, 2024.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    This is a grow and throw with some milling for those who want to. The event consists on dragging one of the four animals into one of the three training space and waiting for them to train to gain a level. There's three training spaces: crop (needs Farmer's Purses), drop (Watering cans) and fruit (mangoes - baha tree).

    If players do not have the mango tree opened in the Golden Banana Temple (room 2, third tree) they cannot finish this event. Also to avoid using power feed to awaken the animals, players will need bananas (baha tree - Room 2, first tree) and pineapples (baha crop - Room 2, third crop).

    After each training session, animals will need to be awakened with wither the milling product (Sack of Fruit) or 2 power feeds.

    Main event crop:Baha event crop:Drop:Milling item:
    Farmer's Purse
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 EP
    Plantable on the Main farm only!
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 TEP
    Plantable on The Rainforest only!
    Watering can
    You will get these drops when harvesting your main land and green meadow from crops and trees only.
    Sack of Fruit
    Ingredients: 250 x Kenaf + 15 x Pineapples + 15 x Bananas
    Time: 15 seconds
    It can be produced in the main and tropical mills - Events feed tab!
    Each training completed with grant a random prize + 3 Star Coins. To get the cloud row, we'll need 150 Star Coins, that means we'll need to complete 50 training sessions to do so. Each of the four animals can be trained 15 times ( 5 levels x 3 training spaces). This can be done in different ways so numbers are hard to come by.

    To get the alloted prizes associated with each fully trained animals, we'll need to do 58 trainings out of 60. Here are the numbers per animal:

    Panda:Red Panda:Tortoise:Monkey:
    Step 1:775 Farmer's Purses (lv 2)
    16 Watering cans (lv 1)
    40 Mangoes (lv 1)
    4 Sacks of fruit or 8 power feeds
    1000 Kenafs
    60 Pineapples
    60 Bananas
    1 minute milling time
    6m 30s of training
    265 Farmer's Purses (lv 1)
    42 Watering cans (lv 2)
    --- Mangoes
    3 Sacks of fruit or 6 power feeds
    750 Kenafs
    45 Pineapples
    45 Bananas
    45 seconds milling time
    6m of training
    265 Farmer's Purses (lv 1)
    16 Watering cans (lv 1)
    90 Mangoes (lv 2)
    4 Sacks of fruit or 8 power feeds
    1000 Kenafs
    60 pineapples
    60 bananas
    1 minute milling time
    6m 30s of training
    --- Farmer's Purses
    42 Watering cans (lv 2)
    40 Mangoes (lv 1)
    3 Sacks of fruit or 6 power feeds
    750 Kenafs
    45 pineapples
    45 bananas
    45 seconds milling time
    6m of training
    Step 2:775 Farmer's Purses (lv 3)
    26 Watering cans (lv 2)
    50 Mangoes (lv 2)
    3 Sacks of fruit or 6 power feeds
    750 Kenafs
    45 pineapples
    45 bananas
    45 seconds milling time
    20 minutes of training
    510 Farmer's Purses (lv 2)
    46 Watering cans (lv 3)
    90 Mangoes (lv 2)
    4 Sacks of fruit or 8 power feeds
    100 Kenafs
    60 Pineapples
    60 Bananas
    1 minute milling time
    20m 30s of training
    1285 Farmer's Purses (lv 3)
    26 Watering cans (lv 2)
    70 Mangoes (lv 3)
    4 Sacks of fruit or 8 power feed
    1000 Kenafs
    60 pineapples
    60 bananas
    1 minute milling time
    30 minutes of training
    775 Farmer's Purses (lv 2)
    --- Watering cans
    50 Mangoes (lv 2)
    3 Sacks of fruit or 6 power feeds
    750 Kenafs
    45 pineapples
    45 bananas
    45 seconds milling time
    10m 30s of training
    Step 3:920 Farmer's Purses (lv 4)
    112 Watering cans (lv 4)
    150 Mangoes (lv 4)
    5 Sacks of fruit or 10 power feeds
    1250 Kenafs
    75 pineapples
    75 bananas
    1m 15s milling time
    50 minutes of training
    1695 Farmer's Purses (lv 4)
    66 Watering cans (lv 4)
    150 Mangoes (lv 4)
    5 Sacks of fruit or 10 power feeds
    1250 Kenafs
    75 Pineapples
    75 Bananas
    1m 15s milling time
    50 minutes of training
    920 Farmer's Purses (lv 4)
    112 Watering cans (lv 4)
    180 Mangoes (lv 5)
    4 Sacks of fruit or 8 power feed
    1000 Kenafs
    60 pineapples
    60 bananas
    1 minute milling time
    40 minutes of training
    1695 Farmer's Purses (lv 4)
    112 Watering cans (lv 4)
    250 Mangoes (lv 5)
    7 Sacks of fruit or 14 power feeds
    1750 Kenafs
    105 pineapples
    105 bananas
    1m 45s milling time
    1h 10m of training
    Step 4:200 Farmer's Purses (lv 5)
    15 Watering cans (lv 5)
    2 Sacks of fruit or 4 power feeds
    500 Kenafs
    30 pineapples
    30 bananas
    30 seconds milling time
    20 minutes of training
    200 Farmer's Purses (lv 5)
    15 Watering cans (lv 5)
    2 Sacks of fruit or 4 power feeds
    500 Kenafs
    30 pineapples
    30 bananas
    30 seconds milling time
    20 minutes of training
    200 Farmer's Purses (lv 5)
    15 Watering cans (lv 5)
    2 Sacks of fruit or 4 power feeds
    500 Kenafs
    30 pineapples
    30 bananas
    30 seconds milling time
    20 minutes of training
    200 Farmer's Purses (lv 5)
    15 Watering cans (lv 5)
    2 Sacks of fruit or 4 power feeds
    500 Kenafs
    30 pineapples
    30 bananas
    30 seconds milling time
    20 minutes of training
    Total:2670 Farmer's Purses
    169 Watering cans
    240 Mangoes
    14 Sacks of fruit or 28 power feeds
    3500 Kenafs
    210 pineapples
    210 bananas
    3m 30s milling time
    1h 36m 30s training time
    2670 Farmer's Purses
    169 Watering cans
    240 Mangoes
    14 Sacks of fruit or 28 power feeds
    3500 Kenafs
    210 pineapples
    210 bananas
    3m 30s milling time
    1h 36m 30s training time
    2670 Farmer's Purses
    169 Watering cans
    340 Mangoes
    15 Sacks of fruit or 20 power feeds
    3750 Kenafs
    225 pineapples
    225 bananas
    3m 45s milling time
    1h 46m 30s training time
    2670 Farmer's Purses
    169 Watering cans
    340 Mangoes
    15 Sacks of fruit or 20 power feeds
    3750 Kenafs
    225 pineapples
    225 bananas
    3m 45s milling time
    1h 46m 30s training time

    The grand total:

    10680 Farmer's Purses

    676 Watering cans
    1160 Mangoes
    58 Sacks of fruit or 106 power feeds
    14500 Kenafs
    870 pineapples
    870 bananas
    14m 30s milling time
    7h 6m 30s training time

    Do not be afraid of the training time, 3 of your animals can be trained at the same time. This means that players shouldn't wait until the last minute to train their animals!

    Doing the 58 training will give 174 Star Coins, just the amount needed to get every single items in the Star Coin Shop.

    For the crazy players that want more, they can train the Panda and Red Panda both to level 5 with 200 more mangoes. That will grant them 2 more random prizes but will cost more power feeds / Sacks of fruit and training time.

    Awakening animals is left to the discretion of players: growing 14500 Kenafs on the Rainforest is quite a huge feat.

    Good luck everyone!

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2024
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Nordais for organizing the information to get us started :)

    I'm in...while I would prefer the CR to have a shorter cooldown time, I like the rewards in this event. I'm also pleased it is only on 1 main field with the option to mill the wakeup item or use PF. If a player is going to grow both crops, I like that they are the same harvest time, though I'm not really sure why we need so much more of the crop for milling especially when the Rainforest has less plots available than the Mainland.

    Best wishes to all who participate :)
  3. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Nordais for starting the thread and for always doing such a great job for us all! :)
    Not being a fan of these sleeping animals, I will just do normal farming until the next event! Good luck to all
    who do this event. To any of my awesome neighbors I do not need an event gift so please help someone who does!
    ç.çiftçi, Flower, Jarrow and 2 others like this.
  4. peony

    peony Advanced

    Is it possible to get Cloud Row without planting any event crops?
    Flower likes this.
  5. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Overlooker

    If I am reading the FAQ correctly, each critter, needs Farmer's Purses, so I think it is not possible to get the CR without planting that crop.

    Northy, as always, you did an awesome job with the charts and info. Especially, thanks for highlighting the need to have open the Baha tree statues in order to complete the event.

    I've done this a few times in the past, and it's not one of my favorites, so I will skip it. With Sanddollar, I'll keep doing normal farming and cheer on everyone else. To my dear neighbors/friends, please do not send me any event drops!
    sanddollar15, Flower and Jarrow like this.
  6. peony

    peony Advanced

    Thanks Meadow.

    Anyone have another idea?
    Flower likes this.
  7. Flower

    Flower Regular

    Thank you, Nordais, for such a detailed chart!

    This is definitely not an exciting event because of the time we have to wait :sleepy:, but i always do it and always use PF (i mill them) to wake up the animals.

    So, i wish patience to all those participating xD and good farming to those who are not
  8. peony

    peony Advanced


    We will get 3 star coins when each training is completed. Cloud Row requires 60 star coins.
    So 20 training completed...

    I will do this with harvesting training.
    We can also do the same with the drops that during normal farming. Only the event crop will not be planted.

    Baby farms will be used to get items. Same way... Without event crops...

    Not for those who want all the rewards but this way is more fun for me.. Stress-free...

    Have some fun.. Haha...
  9. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    To get the necessary star coins to buy the cloud row + 4 givers, one needs to do a total of 50 training sessions with the 4 animals. The mangoes and drops make 40 trainings only, so you'll need to grow event crops at least for 10 training steps. There's no real gain in just getting the cloud row unless you play so many baby farms that the can get the givers and send them your way in the next G&T.

    Edit: Sorry I didn't see your last post before answering this one, lets hope that the givers will be tradable...
  10. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    "The event is bad.
    Worst event Ever.
    I'll ignore it."

    Edit: Finished!
    Cloud row... waiting...

    and no powerfeed harmed.....
    :music:naah naah ne-nah-naah:music:
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2024
  11. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Nordais for starting this thread. ;)

    I am going away for three weeks and, though I would probably try to do any events that appeal, this is not one of my favourites so I will be skipping it. Let those critters have a rest from training on my farm. :music:
    Please do not send drops to me, save them for those doing the event and forgive me if my gifting goes a bit astray! :D
    Good luck all! :inlove:
  12. peony

    peony Advanced

    Thank you. :inlove:

    It will be a very fun event for me.
  13. miekje9

    miekje9 Active Author

    I had a slow start today due to a hospittal visit with my mum
    But they are training now
    Everything going smoothly
    yagmur_5, Jarrow, Flower and 4 others like this.
  14. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Best wishes for your Mom. Hope she gets to feeling better :)
    Jarrow, Flower and BlackCaviar like this.
  15. miekje9

    miekje9 Active Author

    Just checking everything
    Nothing serious so far
  16. peony

    peony Advanced

    That's it.

    Hi MeadowCrossing!
    If you choose to buy Cloud Row, I can send you missing items during G&T.
    Jarrow, Flower and MeadowCrossing like this.
  17. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Overlooker

    Thanks for the kind offer, Peony, but my focus now is on completing the Season and plodding along with quests. I enjoy your enthusiasm for this event and wish you happy farming!
    Jarrow, Flower, Nordais and 2 others like this.
  18. ag56

    ag56 Forum Inhabitant

    @Nordais I saw your post in Feedback.

    The charged givers are offering good crates all around. Their 26h/28h cooldown time is not a problem for my main farm with the daily cloud row that offers -10% time on givers.

    Which cloud row is that?. Want to check if I have it. Thanks.
    Jarrow, Flower, Nordais and 1 other person like this.
  19. peony

    peony Advanced

    Wish you too happy farming!

    Easter Magical Stalk Row: -5% time for giver items for 1 hour
    Cooldown time: 24 hours
    Eggs-pert Painter Magic Stalk Row: 10% time reduction on deco items for 2 hours
    Cooldown time: 23 hours
    Fishing Bonzana Magic Stalk Row 2: 10% reduced growing time for giver items for 1 hour
    Cooldown Time: 16 hours
    Fruit Punch Magic Stalk Row: 3% reduced time for givers for 1 hour
    Cooldown time: 22 hours
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 22, 2024
    Jarrow, Flower, Nordais and 2 others like this.
  20. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Do we REALLY need those 14500 kenaf´s if use PF every time to wake up animals? Done that event every time and remembering that kenaf is an event about plants, the one that wouldn't have to be grown, now do you have to deliver it as it is to some levels? Isn't that optional, so to speak?

    edit: check FAQ twice, "required product´s" tab´s there is zero times "kenaf"?! It is Optional I think but Farmers Purses we have to use and plant!
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2024
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