The Dutch Chit Chat

Discussion in 'Gabfest' started by thea1963, Aug 6, 2024.

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  1. enk52

    enk52 Junior Expert

    Popje you can go to a browser, firefox or chrome. Than you type Google translate
    You can type what you want to tell in Dutch in the leftwindow and in the other it comes in English. Than you can copy it to here.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2024
  2. popje4

    popje4 Forum Apprentice

    yes and then I have to go from there... that machine translates to the game...
    I find it very cumbersome and I don't know whether it is written correctly with my deselicty,

    but thank you for the answer, I think it's stupid

    but I'm probably not allowed to say that....:p
    thanks enk
  3. enk52

    enk52 Junior Expert

    I can understand you, so well done:)

    You're welcome
  4. Borkie

    Borkie Forum Apprentice

    I have another suggestion, try DeepL. Then you can type in Dutch and after you're done typing you can klick the DeepL button and it wil translate your message in English. I will send you an IGM "duifje" and explain it, because I may not place the link here:music:
    Gert-Jannetje and popje4 like this.
  5. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Forum Apprentice

    Congrats, becoming a grandmother again!

    I had the same issue when I started here, it should go away after a couple of times.
    I also had a "not a robot" checker, both are gone now.
    Good so see you here, I hope you are well.
    Borkie and peony like this.
  6. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Forum Apprentice

    Seems like the weather finally flipped on us, and autum has arrived
    Gert-Jannetje, Borkie and peony like this.
  7. Yzaura

    Yzaura Forum Greenhorn

    Is there a "speculaasjes" section on this forum where there are spoilers about upcoming events? I cannot find it...
    Gert-Jannetje likes this.
  8. KittyLover

    KittyLover S-Moderator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Yzaura.

    You can find the rumors here
  9. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Forum Apprentice

    Hello Dutchies!
    Started the scary movie event a day late due to other activities, but luckily I had a good spin on the windmill: 100% bonus.
    Hopefully I can catch up the lost time. How is it going with the other boertjes (farmers)?
  10. Oldwief

    Oldwief Forum Greenhorn

    Hello fellow Dutch farmers. I am not amused to be displaced to an English forum. Have to play the English version of the game to stay at the forum. Well, at least we seem to be tolerated here. That is nice. I think.-.-
    Butsmuts and Gert-Jannetje like this.
  11. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Forum Apprentice

    You can log in, open the forum and go back to the Dutch farm.
  12. Oldwief

    Oldwief Forum Greenhorn

    Yes, I know, however, I like to save time by opening the English game. :)
    Gert-Jannetje likes this.
  13. popje4

    popje4 Forum Apprentice

    • double posting isn't allowed. You can use edit to adjust your post
    Good morning everyone, I thought I'd take a look here:), but it's very quiet... but maybe I'm on the wrong page... have a nice day everyone

    hi....isn't it an exchange?:)
    I thought it was today but I could be wrong xD
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 5, 2024
    Gert-Jannetje likes this.
  14. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Forum Apprentice

    Hello popje, you are in the right place. A lot of Dutchies are on the German forum. I chose the English one due to language barrier.
    I missed the exchange event, I think. I'm not sure. I miss a lot of information since the Dutch forum is closed.
    I still don't agree with the closing of the Dutch branch.

    I found it! It's called trade and gift event, finished yesterday.
    So, yes, I missed it.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2024
    Butsmuts and popje4 like this.
  15. popje4

    popje4 Forum Apprentice

    What I don't understand is that I get a double post every time

    while I really only post something here once? how is this possible??

    sorry gertjan that you mist it....
    Gert-Jannetje likes this.
  16. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Forum Apprentice

    If nobody posts something in the time between your posts, it counts as a double post, weird, I know. It was the same on the Dutch forum, but that rarely happend because it was more alive than here. Here it's almost dead silent a lot of the time.
    Butsmuts and popje4 like this.
  17. popje4

    popje4 Forum Apprentice

    yes, I know, but I don't post two in a row, so...
    I know that's not allowed in Dutch either... but I still get that message...
    Gert-Jannetje likes this.
  18. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Forum Apprentice

    I agree that it's a little bit odd. Even if the posts are a year apart you can get flagged if nobody else placed a post after yours. Maybe there should be a exception rule if there is a certain amount of time between posts.
    Oh, I forgot: Goodmorning! I hope you all have a lovely day.
  19. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Forum Apprentice

    morning all, how are you doing?
    Gert-Jannetje likes this.
  20. Roadrunner14

    Roadrunner14 Forum Greenhorn

    Good morning, it is ridiculous that we have to talk english to each other. Isn't there a Dutch corner, so it is easier for players to comunicate. Where is this going:wuerg:-.-
    Then you also get a reCAPTHA
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 20, 2024
    Butsmuts likes this.