Update for "New way to spin the farmwheel quickly"

Discussion in 'Game Related Chit Chat' started by ctindaldavies, Mar 26, 2023.

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  1. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    Hi, this is an add on to @yusufça's post a couple of years ago HERE
    Someone may have already posted this, so if they have please let me know and I will delete.

    I found this week that my Dev Tools has dropped the Replay XHR option which enables you to simply right click and repeat the wheel spin code without it actually happening on screen. This may not have happened to everyone.

    Instead when you get to this step, right click and choose Copy as Fetch.
    Then navigate back up to the header of the dev tools and navigate to Console (instead of Network).
    At the bottom of the script already there, paste in what you just copied (either right click/Paste or Ctrl V) and hit Enter.

    To replay hit UP arrow and Enter

    Repeat as often as you want. It actually works out quicker in the end you can hit the up arrow and enter as fast as you want. The spins won't show until you have closed dev tools and spin the wheel again manually.
    007Farming, mika-1986 and -sillytree- like this.
  2. -sillytree-

    -sillytree- Forum Greenhorn

    Thanks for the update. Also, Resend is still available in Firefox. :)
  3. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    2 hands, ESC to left, mouse to right, record 99 spins 2min 13 sec (1,34 sec per spin)... above is total mystery to me what it means "me and my WIN7" and no Edge or something like that, Old updated Chrome and Opera... :)
  4. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker


    Firefox is a free browser you can download. It works with Win7 and above.

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 likes this.
  5. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    Yes yes BUT not updated and when so and FLASH don´t work... and that about 3 mins to 99 spins is enought to me
    when finnish boy don´t understand anything about those hints - sorry. So I do "old way" and use 2 hands, enter and mouse :) p.s. even Farmerama don´t open in my Firefox so no need to do spinning with it :eek:o_O
    Tarsis63 and BlackCaviar like this.

    MARLYMAR Forum Ambassador

    you guys ALL have me lost how exactly do you make it spin faster in easy to understand words lol :pxD;)
    farmerumf likes this.
  7. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    1. Go to the Main Farm Map
    2. Click on the Windmill
    3. Start spin then immediately press Escape.
    Check your winnings when you have finished spinning.

    MARLYMAR Forum Ambassador

    cool thanks :p;) thats easy enough lolxD
    zilverDolfijn and MeadowCrossing like this.
  9. teeceebeemee

    teeceebeemee Advanced

    I do it in the city, with page size down to 100% so I don't have to move my mouse pointer so far. (left hand on Esc, right moving mouse.) I take under 4 mins to do 99 and I check the green goo to see how much I get.
  10. Juniorama

    Juniorama Someday Author

    We just need a "spin all" function!! :)
  11. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    That would be OK for the green tickets, but the prize listing of spinned tickets is limited. Doing a "spin all" on the party ticket wheel (blue tickets) could result in usiing 200+ tickets with prizes being kicked off the prize list and no way of knowing what they were.
    teeceebeemee and sanddollar15 like this.
  12. rivak

    rivak Forum Veteran

    I'm not sure I want a 'spin all' function for the green tickets. With my luck, I'd wind up with a boatload of Yellow Shearing Stables and not much else if I used it.
    007Farming and MeadowCrossing like this.
  13. teeceebeemee

    teeceebeemee Advanced

    How about where we could select how many to spin .... anything to reduce the sheer tedious-osity of it....