Event Gift and Trade: October 2024 Offers and Requests

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Farmers.Almanac, Oct 4, 2024.

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  1. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please use this thread to post your wishlists, requests, give-aways, offers, trades. Please stick to one post, and update it or repost it updated, if you wish. To keep the thread user friendly, multiple posts and posts that do not contain offers or requests will be deleted. Please use IGMs to discuss offers and agreeing on gifts/exchanges.

    Please be sure to check before agreeing to a gift exchange if the items are giftable / tradeable. A guideline can be found in the FAQ, but please double check the availability of the items in game to avoid disappointment.

    Happy gifting and trading!

    Note: If you farm name is different to your forum name please indicate this so other players may contact you

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
  2. CliffFarmer1

    CliffFarmer1 Someday Author

    Hello fellow Farmers!
    I would like to receive the following items, please.

    Capybara habitat

    Ceiba trees and XXL Ceiba trees

    deco items;


    Again thank you for helping, CliffFarmer1:)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2024
    farmerumf likes this.
  3. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Duke

    Hello all, happy Gift and Trade!

    I'm looking for the following (if they are allowed to be exchanged/gifted):
    ackee trees
    magellan's beech trees
    chestnut trees
    candlenut trees
    hawberry trees
    cork oak trees
    wendigo caves

    I have too many xxl tree and stall upgrades to name here that I can trade; please let me know what you need and I will see if I have it.
    Thank you!!!!

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2024
  4. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    Hi all, I'm looking for the following giver items:

    Lost and Found, (Found ;):D)

    Still looking for:

    Chasing the Letter



    Abies alba
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2024
  5. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Hello, fellow farmers, I have many Yellow/Orange stables, as well as some extra Neon; XL/XXL trees to give away.
    Edit: Alas, I used my last Gift license this morning and have to wait for the daily free one to send more items. From my understanding, I can only Trade with those in my market; I have 74 Trade licenses, so if you're in market 27, send an IGM and maybe we can do a trade.

    This G&T, I'm looking for the following deco items:

    Catmania MSR - Don't Play It Again, Paws

    Veggie Town MSR - Chasing the Letter

    and a Hair Gel factory - received with huge thanks! :inlove:
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2024
  6. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Hi Fellow Farmers ;):D

    It Gift and Trade Event :D:D

    I would like the following to work on Some Quests:

    • Tupelo Tree
    • Plane Tree
    • Boxing Gloves Factory
    • Black Belt Tailor
    • Air Bubble Production
    • Hair Gel Factory
    • Safety Cones Factory
    I have too many gifts to list to Trade, Please IGM to Ajjg1966
  7. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran


    I would appreciate it if someone could help with the following.


    Tiki Totem
    Safty Cone
    Candle Factory
    Black Belt
    Boxing Glove
    Picnic Blanket

    Giver/Deco Items:

    Colorful Celebration

    LIttle Librarians
    The Picture of a Librarian

    I will keep checking the requests and help out where I can.

    Happy Gift & Trade to all!

    sanddollar15, illy1996, chevrefeuile, shellhappybj, TheSheepFarm &
    Jarrow, I am sorry I did not see the gift you sent me yesterday!

    Thank you very much for your gifts and kindness!

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2024
    shellhappybj and sanddollar15 like this.
  8. zilverDolfijn

    zilverDolfijn Someday Author

    Hello everyone,
    RECEIVED with thanks! :inlove::)
    I'm looking for a Komodo dragon (been working on the Tour the Farm II and got stuck for lack of the dragon). Hopefully one of you has one stored away in a fire-proof barn and wants to get rid of it. :music:8)

    zilverDolfijn - main 235 - Baha 560 -confectionery 4 - florist 3 - bakery 3
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2024
  9. ChristmasTreeFarm

    ChristmasTreeFarm Someday Author

    Retired farm with trees to give away:

    Albino Redwood
    1 Mirabelle Plum and XXL upgrade (only upgrades available for Mirabelle Plum)
    Prehistoric Fir
    2 Red Alder
    Silver Wattle
    Slope Point
    and XXL upgrade
    2 Tule and 1 XXL upgrade
    2 White Poplar
    2 Wish
    Yellow Elder and XXL upgrade
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2024
  10. pedrofish31

    pedrofish31 Forum Apprentice

    Hello, looking for following items:

    Baha trees:
    -budha's hand - received, thank you!
    -pistachio - received, thank you!

    Main tree:
    -beech - received, thank you!
    -chestnut - received, thank you!
    -rowan - received, thank you!
    -gold leaf - received, thank you!
    -lemon - received, thank you!

    Thank you!
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2024
  11. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Hello everyone!
    After a series of trials and curve balls, I'm back on the farm. Seems I am in need of several items.
    Will be happy to trade if I can meet your needs for the following. Blessings and Happy G & T !!
    desert poplar



    Poodle Moth

    Bearded Reedling
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2024
    shellhappybj and sanddollar15 like this.
  12. cat_71

    cat_71 Forum Apprentice

    happy gift & trade :)
    if possible could use (thanks in advance)

    trees (just 1 unless otherwise noted)
    xxl upgrades
    pecan (recieved)
    elm (recieved)
    yellow elder (recieved)
    silver wattle (recieved)
    prehistoric fir (recieved)
    mountain juniper
    red alder (recieved)
    silver leaf
    norfolk pine
    dappled willow
    elderberry (recieved)
    tree fern (recieved)
    salak palm
    star apple (recieved)
    soapberry (recieved)
    pistachio (recieved)
    pandarus palm
    pomegranite (recieved)
    mongongo (recieved)
    any upgrade
    nightgleam(2) (received)
    night trumpet (2)
    demonic oak
    creepy willow (2)
    crimson eye creeper (2)


    rake factory

    if upgrades available any
    sleep mask factory
    beach towel
    ear warmer
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2024
    Wriskica likes this.
  13. ..Jethro..

    ..Jethro.. Forum Apprentice

    Hi all farmers, the item im after is a midnight oak tree, fullmoon item
    I have many nice item to trade...
    MeadowCrossing and sanddollar15 like this.
  14. porkchop2

    porkchop2 Padavan

    Still looking for Something Fishy to finish a cloud row. If someone has one on a farm they don't use anymore would love to have. Have lots to trade!
  15. Wriskica

    Wriskica Forum Apprentice

    Hi all farmers! Happy trading :)

    This turn I will be looking mostly for deco items as I want to finish my cloud rows. In addition to this, if anyone has spare pink workshops (any), I will gladly trade for it. I have many stalls, upgrades (including some neon), so feel free to PM.

    Here are deco items I still miss:
    1. Sound of silence
    2. Fire away
    3. Stinky treasure
    4. The boom cigar
    5. Soup explosion

    6. Trick candle shenenigans
    7.A wolf in baker's clothing
    8. Festive seesaw
    9. Rapid snowball fire
    10. Campfire friends

    Thank you all! Let me know if you need anything and I will gladly send what I can. :inlove:
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2024
  16. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum General

    Happy G&T fellow farmers! May your dreams come true. :inlove:

    I am missing numerous 'new to me' stalls and trees...will have to add as I go through to see what I lack!

    Capybara - Wendigo - Chipmunk - Longan Tree - Plane Tree - Ackee Tree - Candlenut Tree - Not sure these are available for trade - Marula tree - Wild privet berry - Swamp cypress Tree - Albies alba Tree - Goliath beetle.

    I have many XXL's - givers - and possibly stalls / workshops for trade. Be free to DM

    Thank you everyone for all of your generous gifts and trades! I have all that I need. I have been rather ill, so I forgot to check G&T. Was signing in and doing bare minimum. Again thank you! :inlove::inlove:
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2024
    Wriskica and sanddollar15 like this.
  17. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Hello everyone, here's what's gathering dust in my inventory that I'm ready to get rid of. Just send an ingame message to my Northy farm. If you're looking for some Moonlight Mania items, just ask, I may be able to craft it for you.

    Main land base trees:

    Albino redwood (17), Aspen (18 ), Bayberry (2), Birch (8 ), Bitternut (2), Bristle pine cone (23), Chapel oak (8 ), Chequer (12), Crooked (4), Cucumber tree (16), Dappled willow (2), Dogwood (5), Elm (3), Field maple (10), Franklinia (11), Ice fir (10), Judas (2), Larch (2), Magnolia (4), Mountain juniper (1), Red Alder (1), Red Anjou (5), Silk tree (6), Silver leaf (5), Silver Wattle (5), Sweet chestnut (2), Sweetgum (8 ), Tilia (9), Toromio (15), Tule (5), Weeping willow (2), Wollemina (8 ), Yellow Elder (30), Yellow Trumpet (4), Yew (6), Yggdrasil (13)

    Bahamarama base trees:

    Abiu (6), Acacia (6), Ahuehuete (3), Bird of Paradise Palm (36), Boojum (1), Bottlebrush (22), Cannonball (11), Cashew (3), Desert rose (9), Grapefruit (9), Helena olive (19), Jacaronda (2), Jackfruit (15), Jujube (4), Kapok (7), Lepidodendron (22), Mahogany (5), Mangosteen (10), Mangrove (2), Mongogo (10), Monkey tail (1), Myrrha (3), Nutmeg (4), Pitanga (17), Pomelo (5), Ponytail Palm (7), Potato tree (40), Raffia (29), Rainbow eucalyptus (2), Rambutan (7), Ravenala (7), Salak Palm (2), Scarlet Wisteria (30), Shavingbrush (32), Sigillaria (2), Soapberry (8 ), Soursop (3), Star Apple (11), Superb Cyanea (18), Tiki (7), Tree Fern (5), Wood’s Cycad (12), Ylang-Ylang (2)

    Main land animals:

    Anthill (13 base), bat roost (1 pink), beehive (8 red), bison ranch (14 base), blue jay (1 base), boxfish (24 base), butterfly (1 red), cat kennel (1 orange, 1 red), chameleon (38 orange, 9 red), chamois (4), chicken coop (122 red, 4 pink), chinchilla (19 base), cowshed (4 red), crow roost (5 red, 1 pink), dog kennel (3 red), dormouse (11 base), dovecote (8 base), duck shelter (2 red, 4 pink), eagle (9 base), falcon (29 base), fish pond (5 red), fox stall (6 base), gecko terrarium (14 base), goat pen (2 red, 4 pink), goose stable (5 red, 1 pink), guinea pig (22 base), hamster stall (21 base) (10 orange, 2 red), hedgehog (9 base), horse stable (3 red, 1 pink), ladybug (3 base), lynx stall (2 base) (5 orange, 5 red), mole stall (11 base), ostrich pen (3 red), owl park (1 base), peacock cage (6 red), pheasant roost (19 base), poodle moth (9 base), porcupine stable (10 base), rabbit hutch (131 red, 1 pink), roadrunner (18 base), robin nest (39 base) (10 orange), rooster coop (4), salamander (7 red), secretary bird (19 base), sheep pen (4 red), stag beetle (12 base) (12 orange), stork nest (19 base), toad (4 base), tortoise (87 red), turkey (7 red, 3 pink), walrus (9 base), wolf den (11 base)

    Baha animals (some stalls require an opened statue in the Monkey temple):

    Agama (22 base), anaconda (6 orange, 12 red, 3 pink), anteater (19 base), axolotl (11 base), camel (3 orange, 14 red, 4 pink), classic anaconda II (1 base), classic parrot II (18 base), classic sloth II (20 base), crab pool (22 base) (12 orange, 5 red), crocodile (36 base), dolphin pool (2 orange), eel aquarium (28 base), elephant (1 orange, 11 red, 3 pink), flamingo lake (24 base), giraffe range (24 base), hippo hollow (10 base), hummingbird (3 base), jellyfish (29 base), kakapo (22 base), koala (7 base), lion (10 base), lobster (1 base), manta ray (25 base), mantis (8 base), meerkat (33 base), monkey (1 orange. 7 red, 4 pink), ocelot (19), octopus (59 base) (22 orange), okapi (10 base), panda (4 orange, 7 red, 4 pink), parakeet nest (13 base), parrot (10 red, 4 pink), penguin (8 base), red panda (30 base), rhino (28 base), sea pony (16 base), seal pool (14 base), shark lair (35 base) (1 orange, 13 red, 1 pink), tarsier (26 base), toucan habitat (9 base), zebra (41 base)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2024
  18. luzon02

    luzon02 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello everyone
    I would like to receive the following items


    -Ackee fruit
    -Marula fruit
    -Desert poplar catkin
    -Longan fruit
    -Wild privet berry
    -Tupelo berry
    -Abies alba cone
    -Cedar cone
    -Aspen catkin
    -Ficus fruit
    -Coral tree blossom
    -Heavenly bamboo
    -Rhododendron Bloom
    -Jocote fruit
    -Black sapote fruit
    -Joshua tree fruit
    -Cannonball fruit
    -lilac tree blossom
    -Jabuticaba grape
    -Honduras mahogany fruit


    -Toucan habitat
    -red panda

    Thank you!!
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2024
  19. muckel6666

    muckel6666 Forum Greenhorn

    ich search the item: treasure trove

    i can give : well-read horror oak or many more if i have that
    please contact me
  20. luzon01

    luzon01 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello! I'm looking for the following items to complete some quests. I'll be really grateful for anything you guys can give me.

    Chestnut, Magnolia, Mirabelle, Hawberry, Marula, longan, abise alba, demonic oak, cannonball, chapel, slope point, kapok, honey locust, rambutan, ambarella, ravenala, rainbow eucalyptus, winter poplar, a wish, abiu, bitternut, soursop, ebony, filbert, mongongo, monkey orange, red alder, wollemia, ice Crean bean, tree fern, cottonwood, pintanga.

    Quetzal, Capybara, Loris, crane, green tree monitor, silk, guinea fowl, frilled lizard, goliath beetle, mouflon, eel, koala, pangoli.

    Also any tree or animal from the halloween - moonlight area

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2024
    Wriskica likes this.
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