Inutep's Curse II - Strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by 12ss12, Oct 9, 2024.

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  1. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Inutep's Curse II
    10th of October 2024 - 16th of October 2024

    FAQ -Inutep's Curse II

    We need to play 40 mini games.
    1 game is for free. So need to mill 39 mill item - Jeweled Ankh to play 39 mini games.

    event plant needed : 10,725 Crypt creeper - plantable in Full Moon Field only
    event drops needed : 507 Golden Scarabs - drops while harvesting crops and trees on the fullmoon field and mushroom forest only!

    This is the first part of the game.

    Out of the rewards from first part you will get Ancient Seed Pouches which will be needed to play the second part. From the pouches, you will get Water berry seed, Valley rose seed, Prickly fungus seed. These are plantable on the Main Field and Green Meadow only! Once harvested, the seeds reward Herbs that are to be donated to the Herb side of the Task list to get the rewards. These harvested seeds cannot be replanted. You can buy the herbs from market also. Moreover if you need a certain type of seed? You can exchange one type of seed for another with Kitty by depositing from barn.

    If you are not able to ge sufficient number of herbs from market, then to get sufficient number of Ancient Seed pouches, another 20 mini game is necessary, which means total crypt creeper required will be 16225 and drop golden Scarabs required will be 767.

    Tips :
    Don't forget to sow the event seeds (water berry / valley rose / prickly fungus) in 2x2 plots to get more out of your seeds. Also, after playing a X number of mini games, players will active bonuses for event seeds, so make sure to activate them once you're ready to harvest (+1 event crop at mini game #10 and #20, +2 event crop at game #30, + 3 event crop after game #38, +2 event at mini game #55). Bonuses can be added one over the other. It's best combined with super grow to max out the bonuses.

    Thank you, @Nordais for the reminder.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2024
    Mooboy, peony, teeceebeemee and 13 others like this.
  2. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    "The event is bad.
    Worst event Ever.
    I'll ignore it."

    Edit: Finished!xD
    Edit II: Just sold the last of my excess crops for a total of 1.7b ccs!:D
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2024
    Nala777, Mooboy, peony and 7 others like this.
  3. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Inhabitant

    12ss12 - thanks for starting the strategy thread!

    At this point, I think that only sewinglady's farm is going to do this event. The rest of my farms are going to sit it out. This is because I just don't have time to play three sets of mini-games.
    Nala777, Mooboy, peony and 8 others like this.
  4. Flower

    Flower Forum Connoisseur

    Thanks for the numbers, 12ss12!

    This cloud row is not an attractive prize at all -.- On the other hand, we have 4 piccolos in case we do the whole left list, which won't be easy in only one field o_O I'm still undecided.

    Wish the best of luck to everyone!
    Nala777, Mooboy, peony and 5 others like this.
  5. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Thank you 12ss12 for starting this tread. Just a head's up, to be able to get the givers for the cloud row one need to reach event crop donation level 70 to get the last giver. I do not have time to come up with numbers yet.

    Don't forget to sow the event seeds (water berry / valley rose / prickly fungus) in 2x2 plots to get more out of your seeds. Also, after playing a X number of mini games, players will active bonuses for event seeds, so make sure to activate them once you're ready to harvest (+1 event crop at mini game #10 and #20, +2 event crop at game #30, + 3 event crop after game #38, +2 event at mini game #55). Bonuses can be added one over the other. It's best combined with super grow to max out the bonuses.

    Good luck to all.
    Nala777, Mooboy, peony and 10 others like this.
  6. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I don't know how far I'll get, as we are really, really, really busy. We may not even be home Saturday or Sunday, and won't be near internet connection :p . But. glutton for punishment that I am, I'll get as far as I can and not worry about the rest. Good luck everyone!
    Nala777, Mooboy, peony and 6 others like this.
  7. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks again, One-Two, for doing all the sums. I am not a fan of this type of event and the prizes aren't that exciting but I do like the mini-game and I am happy to use the MM fields, especially as I can plant what I like on Mushroom Forest. :p
    I think I will use it to practise my strategy with this type of event as I usually mess up and waste the bonuses. xD
    Nala777, Mooboy, peony and 4 others like this.
  8. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    I will be skipping this one.
    Low on super grow, low on manure, low on everything else too.
    I think I'll avoid the stress this time. I would really like all those piccolo boxes, but to do that, I'll have to feel a little more focus than a woolly flu brain that I have right now. Also... my moonlight barn is low on everything too.
    I hope you all will enjoy this event, I'll just watch and cheer for you guys from the sidelines. :)
    Nala777, Mooboy, peony and 6 others like this.
  9. miekje9

    miekje9 Active Author

    Must be for game design again i think
    With level 2 it says 1 15% i think it is not 115%
    So again confushion about the faq

    I checked other fora and it should be 1 x 15%
    Does the mod tema here contact game design to make better picture for the mods here
    Or do i have to contact support again

    It should be clear for everybody who visits this forum

    to be clear this is not on the mod team here they work with what they get from game design
    Game design have to step up there game
    This is the next faq with flaws in it
    Nala777, Mooboy, peony and 2 others like this.
  10. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Sorry to hear that farmingfreebird. Wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon.

    I have added your tips to my first post above. I didn't have time to add it yesterday. Nor today. So I borrowed yours. Thank you.

    We have learnt to live with flaws. ;) Just like you said, the game team should give flawless FAQs to the mods. :)
  11. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    To get first set of 3 givers for the cloud row:

    1180 Prickly Fungi
    1449 Valley Rose
    1418 Water Berries

    To get the second set of 3 givers for the cloud row:

    2100 Prickly Fungi
    2448 Valley Rose
    2600 Water Berries

    To finish the event:

    2500 Prickly Fungi
    2894 Valley Rose
    2825 Water Berries

    Edit: added the numbers for first set of givers
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2024
    hatzeva, Nala777, Mooboy and 6 others like this.
  12. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Inhabitant

    SL's farm played the first mini-game. I kept thinking the board looked wider than before in the FAQ, but maybe I'm just remembering wrong as the pieces looked the same and went together the same.

    Upon looking at the left side bonuses for completing mini-games, I have decided that TIMING IS EVERYTHING. Northy is right - there are bonuses for harvesting the event plants on the main field and green meadow - so you have to play those games when you have event plants that need harvesting. But there are also EP/TEP bonuses. The first ones are good for 18 hours. Since you get the most "bang for your buck" from an EP/TEP bonus when you harvest your giver fields, those need to be active when you do that. My plan is to play those games this evening and then the bonuses will still be active first thing tomorrow morning.
    Nala777, Mooboy, Jarrow and 4 others like this.
  13. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    I'm in, for the whole event. The cloud row is unappealing - I really wish they'd make these 'bonus animals' cloud rows separate from the good EP ones - but the givers are better than most of the stuff on Haunted Manor and I'm always up for piccolo boxes.
    I have a track record of hugely over-producing final crops for this game as I usually hoard bonuses. Let me see if I can get this one a bit closer to the actual goal.
    hatzeva, Nala777, Mooboy and 5 others like this.
  14. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    Whaddya doin' Peony?

    I think it might be 60 to finish, but 40 to get the cloud row.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2024
    Nala777, Mooboy, Brookeham and 6 others like this.
  15. peony

    peony Advanced

    xD I haven't even started yet.

    Congratulations David. :inlove:

    At level 50 we get all the givers for Cloud Row. I think less will be needed.
    Nala777, Mooboy, teeceebeemee and 4 others like this.
  16. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Thank you peony, I'll amend my post with the new numbers.
    Nala777, Mooboy, teeceebeemee and 3 others like this.
  17. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    37 games from LEFT to do 100% from RIGHT.

    All becoming plants to market...

    Tomorrow begins (LVL38) with +3 bonus and still +100% and other +100% from PartySpins "in action" ! Nice lucky from the Wheel!

    edit: ouh my... so so bad market prizes, from 8000 to 12000 only... :(
    Tarsis63, Jarrow and Nordais like this.
  18. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Prices are getting down. My market prices are not that low, but I think they are now lower than they were in start of selling. They went up quickly. I sold some over 100 000 a piece.
    Jarrow and Nordais like this.
  19. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    I don't even have to use a "white lie" or otherwise "file in the lens" when I say that the event is now done and "only" 654 extra seeds, but at those market prices it probably doesn't make any sense to use green drops for cultivation and of course that +3 event plants are on.

    It's quite a dilemma how to get the benefit, maybe the longest plant with green drops once all the areas are big fields, then the shorter one without green equipment and a roof will sell at the market or not.

    To top it all off, BEFORE I always had that +100% on everything bonus, now there wasn't any +200% and yet it was so easy, has this been SOMETHING EASIER in terms of the number of plants, for example?

    edit: I had to try it, I got something, I even saw the manure prices when I made +14 million profit from the market, the discount percentage was, according to some buyers, right when the real lots were +35% and others -40%
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2024
    Nordais, Jarrow and PrairieMaiden23 like this.
  20. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Got the cloud row on the left side. Completed the right side in full. Finished the event.
    Jarrow and Nordais like this.
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