Sticker serie

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by thea1963, Oct 13, 2024.

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  1. thea1963

    thea1963 Someday Author

    Hi all,

    If you have album 3 on 100% is it right that you get no rewards anymore if you place new stickers there?
  2. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello thea1963 :)

    When you get all three albums to 100%, you've won all the rewards.

    May I assist you further?
  3. thea1963

    thea1963 Someday Author

    Okay, thank you and what happens with the glue and tokens that i have in my inventary and what i get as a reward by quests and events this month? , it is strange that a can make stickers because everything stays on 100% , is that a bug?
  4. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Any glue or tokens that you have in your inventory at the end of the Sticker Series will be available for the next series.

    No it is not a bug. Players can continue to upgrade stickers if they wish.

    May I assist you further?
  5. thea1963

    thea1963 Someday Author

    Is it possible that the mod-team can update the faq with all these information?
  6. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    I have added the information about remaining glue/tokens to the FAQ.

    Can I assist with anything further?
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
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