Event December 2024 Gift and Trade: Offers and Requests

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Farmers.Almanac, Dec 6, 2024.

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  1. mrsed61

    mrsed61 Forum Apprentice

    I am looking for a bearded reedling

    I am level 224 so I have many too many things to trade to list - let me know
  2. donkey50

    donkey50 Forum Apprentice

    In search of a bearded reedling stable

    I have lots to offer in trade let me know what you would like

    Thanks in advance
    007Farming likes this.
  3. luzon01

    luzon01 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello! I'm looking for the following items to complete some quests. I'll be really grateful for anything you guys can give me.

    Chestnut, Hawberry, Marula, longan, abise alba, demonic oak, honey locust, rambutan, ambarella, ebony, mongongo, monkey orange, wollemia, tree fern, cottonwood, Fishtail Palm trees, pecan, ackee,

    crane, green tree monitor, silk, guinea fowl, frilled lizard, goliath beetle, koala, pangolin, Seagull,Quokka, Bearded Reedling, Wendigo Stable, catfish, porcupine.

    Also any tree or animal from the halloween - moonlight area
  4. Growalot

    Growalot Old Hand

    I'm on a nostalgia trip at the moment, so I'm looking for a Barn Cat 2010 and a White Chocolate Bunny 2010.

    If anyone has a spare or would like to trade, please IGM me: Growalot

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