Turkey Farmerama Forum

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by ekremdenizakyoll, Mar 23, 2023.

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  1. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Junior Expert

    I agree! I support this too.
  2. OllieBoll

    OllieBoll Forum Greenhorn

    I second this! It should not be hard to create one thread for each language, just so we can maintain our communities which are clearly falling apart under the current policy. Why hasn't been there any input from officials in this thread? At least have the dignity to give us a proper answer on this issue, even if it's no? Just ignoring this request is quite rude, considering how much time and money some of the players have spent on this game...
    Gert-Jannetje and Butsmuts like this.
  3. depocu_74

    depocu_74 Forum Apprentice

    NOT: It would be better if you write Turkish language support instead of the country name, because the translation translates the name of our country as HİNDİ and this does not look nice at all.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 28, 2025