Happy Snow Day

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, Feb 5, 2025.

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  1. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    Meadow, try using Comfort Fields instead of 1x1s, if possible.
    Congratulations, SD :music::D
    Good luck, Pups :music::D
    Good luck!
  2. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    My participating farms (this one and SL) are still growing crops and collecting drops. Haven't started the slog of delivering just yet. I suspect that SL's farm will have enough of both to do the entire event with this morning's harvest. This farm is lagging a bit behind. A wheel bonus would set the ship right, but we all know how rare those have become.

    Congrats to all who are done!
    Nordais, Jarrow and sanddollar15 like this.
  3. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    @Nala777 Thanks for the suggestion. I've never used them...this is a good time to experiment! Will put them down after the next harvest. :)

    Question: Just harvested a few long grow crops and put down 4 CF. Added water/manure/S/SG (also have CAC running) and in 6hrs 18m will harvest 25 snowmen. My 1x1 are giving 6 per plot with CAC, water and manure. How can I get more crops per plot with CF? I suspect I have some buff running which gives an extra crop as 1x1 w/CAC gives 4 crops. Except for using fewer resources, how are CF better than 1x1 plots? I'm awful at math and my grey cells are slow, but I'm trying to understand why CF are more advantageous than 1x1. If I'm getting 6 crops per 1x1 and can harvest total of 48 crops on 1x1 in just under 8 hrs and get 25 crops from a CF, what am I missing? (for novices like myself, one CF takes the same amount of space as four 1x1).
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2025
  4. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Nordais likes this.
  5. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Nordais and sanddollar15 like this.
  6. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    The main advantage with CFs is added buffs. With CAC and SSG, they deliver 23 - 3 (for replanting) = 20 per plot. Add a +100%, this equates to 35 - 3 = 32, add 200% and it is a 40+ figure. :oops:

    But the real advantage is using less SG and SSG per plot. With a field of 44 CFs, each harvest (with only CAC and SSG) will give you 880 - 132 = 748 crops. The same plots in 1x1s will give you 528 crops, taking into account replanting. :p

    Yesterday, I had CAC going, won a +100% on the Wheel and with SG and SSG, WI and FC, I was getting 40 crops per square minus 3 for replanting making a total of 1,628 crops in less than 4 hours. :inlove:

    If you have a Diamond 100% or 200% buff going and win another +100% or +200%, the numbers from one plot are brilliant, just wish I could remember the figures! :D

    Of course, the downside with CFs is that you can only get a maximum of 44 drops from on one field so if drops are poor, CFs are not so good. :sleepy:
    It's early for me so I don't think I am explaining this well. :wuerg:
  7. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    You'll get enough crops and you can plant something else which gives drops better :p

    If you have problems with drops, remove whatever you have on green meadows outside those 150 plots for event plants when they are ready ( I presume you do not have longer crops there). Move them to storage, Magical glade or Sunflower hill. Do same thing with Main farm as well, you can leave Howies there. Do not grow the longest crop on Main farm, you should have it only before event starts. After that use something relatively long (you can harvest them twice or three times a day and they'll be just ready, when you come to harvest). If you have any magic trees on your storage, it is time to have them in some park.
    Nordais and Jarrow like this.
  8. Mellowmalt

    Mellowmalt Advanced

    I've reached the Crate O' Wonders section on both sides so 4x crate O' Wonders.

    I had high hopes. Opened them up and got ......... 1 x stork nest and a few wonder trees.

    Literally the worst outcome out of all outcomes lol. But I've had plenty of luck getting stuff elsewhere I'll take such abysmal luck on the wonder crates.
    Nordais and Jarrow like this.
  9. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Thanks for info on CF. I'll look again later today. Just starting the day and doing the quick routine of harvesting CR and giver areas. I don't have EV open and since I've only been playing 3yrs, don't have many CRs or other higher giving options. From what I noticed last night, the CF didn't seem to offer the best results for what I have to work with. I'm doing ok, I think! Finished 60 on left side last night, planted long grow on both fields overnight for drops and will continue with 10hr crops on Main and event crop on Meadow Will see how it goes :D Thanks again for ideas and suggestions...sincerely appreciated.:inlove:
  10. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    @MeadowCrossing I have been playing since 2015 and have NEVER used CF:music: I am sure they have their purpose I for one
    have never really been interested "I" like to keep it simple! Drops do not seem to be an issue this event. I also grew a 10hour crops (Yellow Peas) as I need them for a quest I am working on. Also on Mainland I had 4 howies If you have them use them lol and then grew the event crop on Green Meadow. I think you are doing great having started late! Good luck and Have fun! :):)
  11. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    You have never done any instant crops for drops? o_O Comfort fields and refined plants, first instant roses, than instant carnations etc. The old way to get missing drops ;) Nowadays there are seldom needed.
    Nordais, lode99, Jarrow and 2 others like this.
  12. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    @-Päärynä11 I checked out doing instant crops (I think) about two years ago and really have no ability to consistently do what's necessary. Just too much for me at my age and where I am. Nowadays, I read comments/suggestions in the Forum and try some of these - as long as they are simple for me to do. If something works and doesn't need much of my attention or effort, then I keep doing it (like moving around my two Howies!). Just have lots going on in RL which involves a major change for us, so the game has to be a 'fun' diversion when I need a break :D
  13. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Lol No I have NEVER done any of those things and It seems I didn't have too!:music: I have had a few friends and neighbors TRY to have me attempt to use such things but I seriously am not interested!:p I use buffs and super grow to start crops and when fields are full with event crop I do regular farming with water and manure. Long crops to help with drops and I put 4 howies on whatever lands are giving drops. I also take trees off as I feel they don't give good drop rate and take too long! :) It is interesting how we all use our farms in different ways but get the same results! (finishing and event on time!);)
  14. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I think I made those instant plants once last year in one event, can't remember which one it was, while I suddenly had a lot of extra event plants after being very luck with wheel and event gave nice prizes from every milled item.
    Nowadays there are so many boosts and variety of crops giving drops, so there is no need for those instant plants for drops normally.
    Nordais, sapeli, Jarrow and 2 others like this.
  15. sapeli

    sapeli Active Author

    Sure - I use that type of gaming att event plants in CF and try to get both "sunflower-in-picture-extra" to GOLD place and +100% or +200% to DIAMAND place, in this event Gold place crops +100% (that SIPE above) and get first +200% harvest bonus to DP and then +100% Harves bonus DP also, best I mentioned was 72 per field so 44x72 = 3168-44 = + 3124 Event plants in 1h00min and sure mentioned just att 5 times 3124 = over 15000 BUT i don´t have Jack O Gift´s in use all the time.

    And I have used instant-roses earlier...

    so: DONE 100% this event
    Nordais, Jarrow and MeadowCrossing like this.
  16. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum Demigod

    Cloud row up and running. Donating was so boring but need to be done so I slogged away at it. Pity there was not a Donate All button. It was a lovely game without all the mini games to worry about. Good luck everyone.
    Nordais, Brookeham, Jarrow and 3 others like this.
  17. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    I heartily agree - a grow and throw! After all the complicated stuff we've had lately, this was a refreshingly easy event!

    All done to the piccolo box on SL's farm (actually finished late Saturday on that farm). This farm has the CR up and running and is about 6 donations of event plants to done on the left side, right side is done. So hoping I can grow enough event crop in next two days to get that last piccolo box.

    Mellowmalt: Those crates of wonders are full of old wonders, which can be a blessing in disguise if you started late and cannot obtain older (i.e. now unavailable) wonder trees. But honestly, most of the time, they just take up space in our inventory and turn into 'meh'. Also, I save crates up, seldom open crates if I just have a few of them in inventory. I know it probably is all in my head, but I think there's a better chance of getting the "rares" from a crate if you open a whole lot of them at once (and I mean hundreds of them).
  18. AniE

    AniE Forum Commissioner

    I thought the crate o stickers would give actual stickers 8).
    Nordais, Jarrow and PrairieMaiden23 like this.
  19. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    Nope. Actually, as crates go, not my favorite...not even close. Save 'em up: might get a few CCs or farm coins out of 'em when you get over a 100 or so.

    If you need more stickers, use those gold coins with the stars in the center to try for additional stickers in the gumball machine (available from the little tent - bottom right corner) - just be sure to use TWO coins - that gives you a 33% chance to get a sticker or THREE coins - that gives you a 70% chance of getting a sticker. No chance to get a sticker with one coin.

    Okay, this farm got the second piccolo box, so all done. Now I'm off to grow more cranberries and lilacs. Ugh.
    AniE, Nordais, Jarrow and 1 other person like this.
  20. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Enjoyed the low stress of this event. I have oodles of drops left over. I'm not sure I'll complete the left side, but I am on step 67 and completed right side and have the CR which was my goal! Graphics are so cute - one can't but help smile as the snowmen go in reverse from a puddle to a cheerful fellow. This is the type of winter event I prefer - don't need actual snow and blustery days...keep my winter virtual! :)

    I'm sure if I'd cleared my Meadow from the beginning when I had an extra crop bonus from some buff, I'd have easily finished this yesterday, but I wasn't ready to tear up my field and devote the time I'd have needed to complete it sooner. Love that it was a simple, straight-forward mechanic and no milling!!!

    Good luck to those still making snowmen and catching snowballs.
    Nordais and Jarrow like this.
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