Sticker Serie

Discussion in 'Game Strategy Discussion' started by -Päärynä11, Aug 29, 2024.

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  1. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    "I guess I will just make yellow and orange."

    If I understand correctly, we don't make yellow stickers - all stickers begin as yellow and we place them to get orange tokens.
    As Northy mentioned above, we craft the orange stickers with orange tokens and glue.
    If we have red tokens, we can craft the red stickers from the orange stickers without first placing the orange stickers.

    I exhausted my supply of base/yellow stickers but still have orange tokens. As I get new/yellow stickers (from events or Season), I craft the yellow to make orange. Then, I either wait and hope to win a red token so I can craft a red sticker from my orange sticker, or I place the orange sticker to earn the red tokens. For now, I'm mostly in wait and see mode for more red tokens.

    I only maxed out the yellow left side and am at 58%/Orange and 76%/Red.
    Jarrow and Flower like this.
  2. Roxlkee

    Roxlkee Junior Expert

    So I shouldn't place any of my orange stickers and then I can turn them red?

    Edit: Got it and that worked. Why didn't I understand that before? Thank you
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2024
    Jarrow, Flower and MeadowCrossing like this.
  3. snatchsquad

    snatchsquad Junior Expert

    Thanks for that, I didn't get it either :p
    Jarrow, Flower and MeadowCrossing like this.
  4. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Crafting orange or red stickers doesn't require glue, you just need a yellow or orange sticker with 1 token. The fastest way to get orange or red tokens is to glue stickers, the ratio is 2:1, so gluing 2 yellow (base) stickers will give out 1 orange token, gluing 2 orange stickers rewards 1 red token. This means that players must have a huge amount of yellow (base) stickers. The lucky coins that can be used in the gumball machine may help with winning old random stickers (unsing 3 coins at a time gives players a 70% of winning a sticker).

    You're not the only one that didn't understand it, the FAQ is a bit confusing there. It's a balance between gluing stickers to get tokens or keeping glue, waiting for tokens as prizes to be able to craft orange/red stickers. Once a sticker is crafted it will remain with its colour at the end of the Sticker Serie Event. I'm guessing that the next edition of the event will require more yellow/orange/red stickers to activate the bonuses. Thus, making stickers more desirable.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2024
    Jarrow, MeadowCrossing and Flower like this.
  5. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Indeed! It is confusing...even though I 'get' it (can do it), I can't express it so :D
    Thanks, Northy for clearing up the cobwebs!
    Nordais and Jarrow like this.
  6. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I don't know if anybody has asked this question but I haven't seen it here so forgive me if I missed it. :p

    When all three sticker albums are at 100%, is there any benefit to continuing to craft and place stickers? Do we continue to get prizes? :music:
    I think the prizes are really good but if they don't carry on, I will save my glues, etc, till next time..:inlove:
    Nordais, Jarrow and MeadowCrossing like this.
  7. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I believe it won't give new prizes. If you try to glue new stickers after 100%, there is red ! , which says you won't get any Sticker points. It would be nice to get more piccolo boxes, Neon Stables etc. :inlove: Now there are glue and tokens for next time in my barn.
    Nordais, Jarrow, lode99 and 1 other person like this.
  8. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Nope, no more prizes after reaching 100% on the side bar. You still can get orange and red tokens for next time tho. Both farms were able to get the red stickers to complete the red albums on the first day, I was so surprised to be able to! :p I ran out of glue of course and I'm not sure I'll be able to collect enough for the other two albums. My baby farm can't for sure, don't have free stickers left!
    Jarrow and MeadowCrossing like this.
  9. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I was pretty amazed too ... I changed my thinking to working through from Yellow to Red and didn't place any Yellows or Oranges until Red was done but somehow I didn't quite manage to do the Oranges. I will finish it - as soon as I win more glue of course! :p

    Thank you for your responses! ;)
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2024
    Jarrow, MeadowCrossing and Nordais like this.
  10. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    The issue on the baby farms is the lack of stickers. Because they don't do all the events (at least mine don't). But anything I get for those farms is gravy anyway, so there is that.

    This farm and sewinglady's have maxed out red stickers on the first day. I don't know that the bonuses from the yellow and orange sticker sets do us as much good as maxing out the red ones. I get most of my EP/TEP from givers so that's where the most "bang for your buck" lies.
    Nordais, Jarrow and MeadowCrossing like this.
  11. Mellowmalt

    Mellowmalt Advanced

    hey guys, with the sticker season coming to an end I still haven't gotten anywhere substantial yet so I wanted to get people's onservations on this event and how it works. I get the collecting, gluing and upgrading. In the Faq it says the bonus lasts till the current season ends.

    So my question is more what players need to do long term when a new sticker series starts (and I presume there will be 4 per year?)

    The stickers that have been turned red stay red right and the bonus lasts till the end of the sticker series.

    So once a new series starts, the players that have all their stickers upgraded already, is it just a matter of gluing them in the album all over again to activate the bonuses for the season again?
    Nordais likes this.
  12. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    The new sticker event will ask for more red/orange/yellow stickers to get the bonuses. Everything is carried to the next sticker event: glue/stickers/coins. More red stickers needed for the bonus means more glue to paste them in the album, same for the orange & yellow sticker. Just like everything esle, it's always more and more and more and more.

    I didn't do the orange nor the yellow albums this season, I kept my glue for the red album for the next sticker serie. That's the best bonus in my opinion.
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  13. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    This round, like Northy, I got red pages to 100% because of the great boost to our givers which helps with leveling up. Northy actually reminded me of that affect recently after I noticed how quickly neighbors and I level up compared to before the serie. :)

    I also did Orange/crops because I harvest lots.

    If I need more orange stickers, I work on yellow, but only make enough to get a token for Orange. I wasn't paying attention before but I am more judicious now in watching how many I need to make/place to reach my goal. I don't do all events so miss some glue here and there and going forward, I may also only focus on Red.

    This serie:
    Red/Givers 100% = 65 stickers @ 3 glue to place one sticker = 195 glue
    Orange/Crops 90% = 113 stickers @ 2 glue each = 225 glue
    Yellow/Trees 56% = 112 stickers @ 2 glue each = 224 glue

    Atm, I have 198 glue remaining. Will be interesting to see how many more will be needed to get red to 100% next serie.
    Last edited: Today at 1:52 AM
    Nordais likes this.
  14. Mellowmalt

    Mellowmalt Advanced

    what do you mean it will go up?

    I'll never catch up lol

    what was the requirement for the first season for red then? If it was 65 this season that will give me an idea what to expect.