Cant Find Base Silo on my farm I have an upgrade that I cannot use or place onto my Silo

Discussion in 'Technical issues' started by Mooboy, Sunday at 2:14 PM.

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  1. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Hi Can you help me find My Silo Base soo can place my upgrade on it , my. Farm ID is 26151208

    My appreciate get back to me ;)
  2. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Mooboy :)

    You have Four-Stars Silo 3 in your deco inventory which is already an upgraded version. I do not see any additional upgrades.

    May I assist you further?
  3. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    No wonder I can't find The Base Silo my Four star silo now placed Pet Playground thanks you now close this thread;)
  4. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    On behalf of Farmers.Almanac, you are welcome.

    ~closing as requested~
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