The Sea Witch

Discussion in 'Game Strategy Discussion' started by Nordais, Mar 19, 2025.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    The event has suffered the same faith as the Carnival Queen after being sent to the Event Field: players will need to grow 3 different event crops to mill 4 different tiles,1 event drop that is require to mill a Scuba Tank to be able to play 1 line!

    Now players must mill extra animal tiles to help them into making the longest line into a the biggest contour while trapping other tiles inside.

    Event crop 1:Event crop 2:Event crop 3:Event drop:
    Bottle Bamboo
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 EP
    Plantable on the Event playfield only!
    Sea Anemone
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 EP
    Plantable on the Event playfield only!
    Red Coral
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 EP
    Plantable on the Event playfield only!
    Diving Goggles
    You will get these
    drops when harvesting
    your crops
    on the Event playfield only.
    Mill item 1:Mill item 2:Mill item 3:Mill item 4:Mill item 5:
    Pink Bigeye
    Ingredients: 20 x Bottle Bamboo, 20 x Sea Anemones
    15 seconds
    Manta Ray
    Ingredients: 20 x Sea Anemones, 20 x Red Coral
    15 seconds
    Ingredients: 20 x Red Coral, 20 x Bottle Bamboo
    Time: 15 seconds
    Rainbow Duck
    Ingredients: 35 x Bottle Bamboo, 35 x Sea Anemones, 35 x Red Coral
    15 seconds
    Scuba Tank
    Ingredients: 13 x Diving Goggles
    15 seconds
    There's no real number to be calculated here, the milling items (Pink Bigeye, Manta Ray, Krabby & Rainbow Duck) are meant to help create longer line, but they're not neccessary.

    Also, a new harvesting bonus will be introduced: 3 times a day players will have a +2 event crop bonus lasting 1 hour.

    *Happy Hour Bonus:
    During Happy Hour, enjoy +2 extra revenue for the 3 playfield event crops.
    • Every day between 12:00 CET - 13:00 CET
    • Every day between 17:00 CET - 18:00 CET
    • Every day between 00:00 CET - 01:00 CET

    The only things that are worth mentioning are the 3 goals to achieve to get the 3 Lenny's Laboratory upgrades:

    1) Reaching a cumulative score of 288500 points
    2) Creating 60 lines
    3) Trapping at least 30 tiles inside a shape made by a continuous line

    There's only one thing left to say: good luck everyone!


    To get the cloud row and its 3 givers, 70 lines must be created. That's a relatively low number.

    There's also 3 special givers (Shark-Grooming Product and Fun'n'Jump) that offer EP/TEP multiplier bonuses for givers:

    Shark-Grooming Product
    Gives: 500 EP x Farm level or 500 TEP x Baha level, 100% extra EP/TEP when harvesting givers for 5 hours
    Time: 30 hours
    Size: 1x2
    Condition filled:

    Create a line made of 25 tiles
    Fun ’n’ Jump
    Gives: 500 EP x Farm level or 500 TEP x Baha level, 130% extra EP/TEP when harvesting givers for 2 hours
    Time: 30 hours
    Size: 1x2
    Condition filled:

    233700 cumulative points
    If you're aiming for the 3 Lenny's Laboratory upgrades, the Fun'n'Jump giver will be part of the prizes gained to achieve it.

    Edit 2:

    Each line asks for 1 Scuba Tank, the number of drops required are:

    Objective 60 lines
    1 Lenny's Laboratory upgrade
    780 Diving Goggles
    60 Scuba Tanks
    15 minutes of milling time
    Objective 70 lines
    1 cloud row
    910 Diving Goggles
    70 Scuba Tanks
    17 min 30 sec of milling time

    There's also different prizes offered for filling specific tasks. While the list is extensive, here are the ones requiring event crops :

    Place 10 Pink Bigeyes
    (2m 30s milling)
    Place 10 Manta Ray
    (2m 30s milling)
    Place 10 Krabby
    (2m 30s milling)
    Place 5 Rainbow ducks
    (1m 15s milling)
    200 Bottle Bamboo
    200 Sea Anemones
    200 Sea Anemones
    200 Red Corals
    200 Red Corals
    200 Bottle Bamboo
    175 Bottle Bamboo
    175 Sea Anemones
    175 Red Corals
    Prize :
    2 Barn Bills
    Prize :
    25 Sticker Glue
    Prize :
    1 Season Token
    Prize :
    2 Barn Bills

    In all, player should try to aim for at least:

    575 Bottle Bamboo
    575 Sea Anemones
    575 Red Corals
    910 Diving Goggles
    Mill 10 Pink Bigeyes
    Mill 10 Manta Ray
    Mill 10 Krabby
    Mill 5 Rainbow Ducks
    Mill 70 Scuba Tanks
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2025
    Flower, daruba, Raelyn and 13 others like this.
  2. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum General

    Thanks, for another awesome 'Cliff's Notes' info. This is an easy one for me to skip - 100% sure this time :D,,,that after careful consideration, I'll change my mind and try it!

    Best of luck to those with sharp eyes who do it! 8)
    Last edited: Sunday at 11:44 AM
    Flower, gardengal, Nala777 and 4 others like this.
  3. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you so much Nordais for working this all out. I read the FAQs a couple of times but never really grasped it! I didn't even notice the Happy Hours! Yikes. But that is definitely a bonus, as good as a CAC, if you can time it right (well I will be able to benefit from two of them anyway!). :)

    It is for two weeks so hopefully we will have a good idea what we are doing before we get too long through the event. Good luck all! :music:
    Flower, Nala777, AniE and 6 others like this.
  4. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Expert

    Will I get flashbacks from 2010 or will the tasks just become absurd?
    In the early days, the event requirements were like this, then we got help to cope and now thanks to the event area, it's back to the stone age.
    Do what you can and have fun. Forget most of the event again. :(
    Feeling kind of disappointed about the requirements for Lenny's upgrade.

    "The event is bad.
    Worst event Ever.
    I'll ignore it."
    Flower, AniE, Jarrow and 8 others like this.
  5. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    Things to note:
    1 - it's using the event field, so at least until they give us another event, we can continue to farm normally on main and baha fields.
    2 - we've had this game mechanic before, so it's familiar to anyone who's been farming for a year or more.
    3 - The happy hours are an incentive to get us to use 1x1 plots...figure out when they are in your time zone (there are apps and webpages for that) and plan accordingly.
    4 - the cloud row is nice and the reset is every other day.
    5 - the extra givers for the pet playground are nice (well, except for the 30 hour reset).
    6 - 3 Lenny's Laboratory upgrades are available.
    7 - There are THREE event stickers available. If you're short on those, go as far as you can - you can get ONE sticker for just doing one mini-game (5 "lines" created).

    So for those reasons, I'll be doing what I can on this farm and SL's and probably the two baby farms on #9. The farms on #13 are fallow and shall remain so for the near future.

    The bad news is that I'm sewing like a mad woman (think if Lenny the mad scientist rabbit and the sewing hen character from the tile games had a child). I've got 27 market bags in work. So I'm going to do this with a timer (alarm set to LOUD) and hope I can get through it.

    Thanks Northy! For starting the strategy thread and distilling the FAQ into understandable and concise information!

    PS: I think that Germany springs forward this weekend. So the current times for the +2 harvest are 5 a.m., 10 a.m., and 5 p.m. for MST (Alberta in CA, Montana and states south in US). But, when Germany springs forward, the times shift an hour up. (5 am becomes 4 am, etc.)

    PPS: (second edit) Upon re-reading the FAQ, I am noting that it takes ONE scuba tank PER LINE created. In previous iterations of this event, we got a set number of turns - I think it was 20? Twenty scuba tanks is 260 diving masks used to mill 20 scuba tanks. So DROP RATE is going to be the actual important factor here. Also, Do NOT bother to mill the other creatures - MILL the RAINBOW DUCK. If you need help making a large circle, it's the wildcard duck that will help you out.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2025
    Flower, Jarrow, gardengal and 5 others like this.
  6. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Again "They" have taken a fun event (link event) and just HAD to put it on event field:cry: and then complicated it! BIG deal "They" are adding "Happy hour Bonus" for an hour!!? and you have to be around to use it...maybe , I just don't understand the concept!
    Anyway Thank You Northy for the great post and starting strategy. I will start this event but I am not sure how motivated I am to do it! Good luck everyone!
    Flower, Jarrow, gardengal and 6 others like this.
  7. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Baron

    Thank you Nordais for the numbers that seem to make sense - at least a good starting point!
    Flower, Jarrow, gardengal and 3 others like this.
  8. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Germany switches to daylight saving time on March 30th.
    Flower, Jarrow, gardengal and 5 others like this.
  9. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    "The event is bad.
    Worst event Ever.
    I'll ignore it."
  10. Mellowmalt

    Mellowmalt Advanced

    a rainbow duck requires x2.5 the resources to make over the other sea creatures.

    I know drop rate is the essential one but I am not convinced rainbow ducks are the way to go. My thinking was no rainbow ducks and extra other creatures instead.

    A rainbow duck helps no more than having all other creatures on hand. A rainbow duck only helps if one runs out.

    Like in a card game if one needs to play a 2 and one hasn't got a 2, then one can play a joker instead.

    But in this game it is like the card game but we can decide to mill a joker costing 2.5 the amount or the right card instead. In a card game a joker can be extremely useful but here this game is more like chess where planning and preparation is the key. Then one does not need any jokers imo. But I could be wrong.

    The bonus harvest times are hardly a bonus either, I highly suspect we must make use of the bonus times to be able to have a chance completing this so I see that as a necessary step to stick to the bonus harvesting times over it being an optional bonus we can choose to use to help us out.
    Nala777, Jarrow, gardengal and 3 others like this.
  11. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Rainbow ducks are required to be made/used to meet some of the extra prizes of the event, so they're not a total waste to craft.

    The bonus harvest is a must, with the event field producing only 1 usable crop per 1x1 plots (so 160 crops per harvest), making it go up to 480 (+2 crops per 1x1 = 320 bonus event crops) per harvest is quite powerful. There's something I'm not sure of yet: do we also get a creature tile back after completing a line like in the previous version of the event?!?

    I'll be sure to align my harvests with the 1h bonus windows (unless they're so out of sink with my gameplay).

    For players that have to work/study all day, getting one of the +2 event crop means the same amout as 3 regular harvests! This is BP answers to players who couldn't finish events from the event field due to time constraints.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2025
    Flower, Nala777, Jarrow and 5 others like this.
  12. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    Northy turns this

    into this!
    Brookeham, Nala777, Raelyn and 9 others like this.
  13. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    I couldn't remember if the EU is one week or two weeks out of sync with the US. Gotta stuff that in my brain somewhere amongst all the other useless knowledge.

    Thanks, Paaryna11 for setting me straight!
    Nala777, Jarrow, gardengal and 3 others like this.
  14. Mellowmalt

    Mellowmalt Advanced

    I'm glad the requirements have been lowered but I am still suspecting this will not be an easy event.

    I worked out that the drop rate should be at 22 scuba drops per harvest. This is how I will be able to tell on the first harvest how

    Easy <------> Mission Impossible
    this event will be. Any less than 22 and this event will be very tough.
    Nala777, Jarrow, gardengal and 4 others like this.
  15. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum General

    Our family is scattered over the globe and I use a time zone app called World Time Buddy to keep track. It shows things like DST and ST...very helpful :)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2025
    Brookeham, Nala777, Jarrow and 3 others like this.
  16. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    Well, so far this morning, I forgot which farm I was on. Ugh. Good news is that this farm is set for life and this event.
    Nala777, sanddollar15, Jarrow and 2 others like this.
  17. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Baron

    I don't know how I feel about this event yet, it's convoluted though. I just want the Lenny's Lab upgrades. I guess after getting in sync with the +2 harvest windows, it might be okay. However ~ that's IF I can get in sync with it. I'm bad with numbers, is there a possibility of utilizing each of these +2 hour windows every day based on growing time with water and manure?

    Good luck to those participating.
    Thank you for starting the thread, Northy, and for making it easier to understand than the FAQ.
    Nala777, sanddollar15, Jarrow and 2 others like this.
  18. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    The windows are 5h, 7h & 12h appart. Event crop + water brings the growth time to 4h20m and with water + manure 3h58m. Of course this is based on Germany time, so they may be hard to synchronize depending on your time zone. I don't know if there's a message that let us know if the +2 crops is active...
  19. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    For my time zone, happy hours will be 7:00-8:00 AM, Noon to 1:00 PM and 7:00-8:00 PM.

    I play via SAC and wonder if I need to log out or refresh the game prior to happy hours just to be sure the crop bonus counts.

    Edit: It is happy hour now and my crops show the normal amount and not the bonus. I refreshed my game and now they do.

    So be sure the bonus is active in order to get proper credit.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2025
  20. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Thank you pnp, I'm in the same time zone! Until Europe goes to summer time.