FAQ The Sea Witch

Discussion in 'Event FAQ's' started by shooger.sweet, Wednesday at 9:01 AM.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Reminder! All the info in this FAQ was correct at the time of testing. Some info could get changed when going LIVE, the FAQ will be updated as soon as possible with correct information, so thank you for your patience and understanding, and don't forget to refresh every now and then to check for updated info (particularly translation of names).

    The Sea witch
    20th of March 2025 - 2nd of April 2025
    Difficulty: Medium - Hard
    * From what level can we participate in this event?
    You can participate into this event from level 3.
    * How can I access the event?
    You can access the event from news layer, event timer and event map entry:
    map entry.png
    * What is special about this event?

    info layer 1.png
    • There will be three special event crops:
    Bottle Bamboo
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 EP

    Plantable on the Event playfield only!

    Sea Anemone
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 EP

    Plantable on the Event playfield only!

    Red Coral
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives (2x2): 220 EP

    Plantable on the Event playfield only!
    Every player will get 10 of each seeds at the beginning of the event. If you drop under 5 plants the system will check every 5 hours and replenish up to 5 seeds.

    Note: No boosters effect the Event Playfield (pumpkin jam, carrot-apple chutney etc.)
    • There will be a special event drop:
    Diving Goggles
    You will get these drops when harvesting your crops on the Event playfield only.
    • There will be five special Mill products:
    Pink Bigeye
    Ingredients: 20 x Bottle Bamboo, 20 x Sea Anemones
    Time: 15 seconds

    Manta Ray
    Ingredients: 20 x Sea Anemones, 20 x Red Coral
    Time: 15 seconds

    Ingredients: 20 x Red Coral, 20 x Bottle Bamboo
    Time: 15 seconds

    Rainbow Duck
    Ingredients: 35 x Bottle Bamboo, 35 x Sea Anemones, 35 x Red Coral
    Time: 15 seconds

    Scuba Tank
    Ingredients: 13 x Diving Goggles
    Time: 15 seconds

    They can be produced in the main and tropical mills - Events feed tab!


    Note: Each player will receive 1 of each Mill product at start of event!
    • There will be a Link 3 mini-game requiring you to grow event crops to mill the items for the mini-game and earn points to fill 3 progress bars for special rewards.
    * How can I get more drops?
    • They can be gifted to/from neighbours and friends, for free as long as it is one of your 5-7 free daily gifts, or for BBs each after. You can receive up to 20 gifts per day.
    • You can get some in the event baskets.
    • If you have a Magic Tree, it will not reward drops this event.
    * Is there anything else I should know?
    Yes. The event takes place on the Event Playfield available on the Map:
    game layer.gif
    The event playfield consists of one hundred and sixty 1x1 plots. Only water and manure can be used on the event playfield.

    You need to grow event crops and collect drops to mill the special items to play the Link 3 mini-game. The event has 3 parts -

    1) Each Line played, counts towards the Main Progress Bar to earn the Event rewards. To see your progress, click on the Gift Icon:
    progress bar.png

    2) Each total of Ocean Creature combination points earned go towards the Prize list bar to earn extra rewards.
    task list.png
    3) Complete the special Mission tasks to earn more rewards. They can be completed in any order.
    • Players can complete missions at any time.
    • Missions that require the same action but in different amounts like (mission 2 and 9) will share completion requirements. This means you do not need to complete mission 2 in order for mission 9 to start being completed.
    • Missions needing shapes (surrounded creatures inside a completed line) need to use the exact total of creatures surrounded required by mission task.
    This is how the event place looks like:
    Click the Camper Van to open the Event Layer:
    event entry.png

    event layer.png

    This is how the mini game looks like:
    Click the play button to open the mini-game layer. You need 1 x Scuba Tank to play each line you make.
    • If the player decides to leave the mini-game layer, the configuration will be saved.
    • If the player decides to leave the board the inventory items will be saved.
    mini game layer.png

    Here is how the mini-game works:

    info layer 2.png
    You need to make lines of the same coloured ocean creatures. A minimum of 3 ocean creatures need to be selected for a turn.

    Each ocean creature joined rewards points. Connect ocean creatures in a continual shape to surround other ocean creatures inside the shape. Each ocean creature captured inside the shape rewards bonus points.

    Mill the coloured ocean creatures to add them to the inventory. Use them to swap with another ocean creature on the board.

    *This editions brings a Wild Card!
    You can connect the rainbow duck to any coloured creature.
    Ocean Creature Combination Points


    Ocean Creature Bonus Points:

    (animation for instruction purposes only)

    That is not all! With each game you play the combination points are totalled in the Prize List bar where you can earn extra rewards.

    * Which are the event requirements and rewards?

    Main Game Rewards

    main rewards.png

    Prize List Rewards

    task rewards.png

    Mission Point Rewards

    mission rewards.png

    * What other special items are offered as prizes?

    Event Stickers
    1258.png 1259.png 1260.png
    You'll find these stickers in your Sticker Album!

    Underwater Tic-tac-toc
    Gives: 35,000 EP / TEP
    Time: 30 hours
    Size: 1x2

    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Gives: 40,000 EP / TEP
    Time: 30 hours
    Size: 1x2

    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Gives: 45,000 EP / TEP
    Time: 30 hours
    Size: 1x2

    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Shark-Grooming Product
    Gives: 500 EP x Farm level or 500 TEP x Baha level, 100% extra EP/TEP when harvesting givers for 5 hours
    Time: 30 hours
    Size: 1x2

    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, pet playground, cloudrow

    Fun ’n’ Jump
    Gives: 500 EP x Farm level or 500 TEP x Baha level, 130% extra EP/TEP when harvesting givers for 2 hours
    Time: 30 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, pet playground, cloudrow

    Sea Witch Magic Stalk Row
    sea witch.png
    Rewards: 4800 EP x Farm Level, 4800 TEP x Baha level, 1 x Crate O' Farmwheel Spins V, 1 x EP/TEP Harvest Bonus S
    Cooldown Time: 48 hours

    Requires the three event items shown

    * Can I pay my way through the event?

    Not really, you can buy crops, drops and mill products from the Event Baskets.
    * Will there be any Event Baskets during this event?
    Yes, there will be 6 "Deep Dive" Baskets:

    S Deep Dive Basket
    80 x Bottle Bamboo
    80 x Sea Anemones
    80 x Red Coral
    40 x Diving Goggles

    Buyable once only for €2.99 or equivalent in your currency

    M-1 Deep Dive Basket
    200 x Bottle Bamboo
    200 x Sea Anemones
    200 x Red Coral
    15 x Super-grow

    Buyable multiple times for €4.99 or equivalent in your currency

    M-2 Deep Dive Basket
    86 x Bottle Bamboo
    86 x Sea Anemones
    86 x Red Coral
    83 x Diving Goggles

    Buyable multiple times for €4.99 or equivalent in your currency

    L Deep Dive Basket
    120 x Bottle Bamboo
    120 x Sea Anemones
    120 x Red Coral
    200 x Diving Goggles
    25 x Suzy's Super-grow

    Buyable multiple times for €9.99 or equivalent in your currency

    XL Deep Dive Basket
    300 x Bottle Bamboo
    300 x Sea Anemones
    300 x Red Coral
    400 x Diving Goggles
    50 x Suzy's Super-grow

    Buyable multiple times for €19.99 or equivalent in your currency

    XXL Deep Dive Basket
    700 x Bottle Bamboo
    700 x Sea Anemones
    700 x Red Coral
    1000 x Diving Goggles
    60 x Suzy's Super-grow

    Buyable once only for €35.99 or equivalent in your currency
    *Happy Hour Bonus:
    During Happy Hour, enjoy +2 extra revenue for the 3 playfield event crops.
    • Every day between 12:00 CET - 13:00 CET
    • Every day between 17:00 CET - 18:00 CET
    • Every day between 00:00 CET - 01:00 CET

    * What will happen with the leftover event goods?

    All the leftover goods will be exchanged after the event:
    • 1 Bottle Bamboo = 4 EP + 5 CC;
    • 1 Sea Anemone = 4 EP + 5 CC;
    • 1 Red Coral = 4 EP + 5 CC;
    • 1 Diving Goggles = 15 EP + 20 CC;
    • 1 Pink Bigeye = 180 CC;
    • 1 Manta Ray = 180 CC;
    • 1 Krabby = 180 CC;
    • 1 Rainbow Duck = 471 CC;
    • 1 Scuba Tank = 538 CC.
  2. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN


    Overall total number of lines required has been reduced from 100 to 80.

    Main Game Rewards
    Step 9: 85 lines created has been reduced to 75 lines created
    Step 10: 100 lines created has been reduced to 80 lines created

    Rewards remain the same. The chart will be updated as soon as possible.
    sanddollar15 likes this.
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