racoon workshop requirement

Discussion in 'Technical issues' started by Mellowmalt, Yesterday at 2:49 AM.

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  1. Mellowmalt

    Mellowmalt Advanced

    I checked the Faq section to see how many racoons a racoon workshop requires and the FAQ says 1 racoon and 1 racoon feed.

    So I built a racoon workshop and mine is asking for 2x racoons. This makes my purchase a dud purchase unless this mistake can be rectified. I would not have built it had I known it might require 2 racoons.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Mellowmalt,

    I am sorry the FAQ was outdated. I have updated it with the correct values.

    You can contact Support if you would like the Workshops removed and your tools credited back.

    Can I assist you further?