The Dutch Chit Chat

Discussion in 'Gabfest' started by thea1963, Aug 6, 2024.

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  1. popje4

    popje4 Someday Author

    that is a lot off work gertjannetje...pppfff
    You are right, the events are almost impossible to play or complete while you are working, such a shame
    Gert-Jannetje likes this.
  2. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Junior Expert

    Flue an stomach-flue season, so some ill co-workers. And an increase of care needed. A "project" aside too: someone who needs care but the official paperwork is not done yet. Diagnose of dementia is now official so we applied for the o.k. to take care of him. Until that is taken care of, two co-workers and me do it for nothing, (translated: liefdewerk oud papier). Keep his house clean a little bit, shower him, feed him. All in spare time. A co-worker who knows him, was worried because she didn't see him for a period of time, whent to his house and found him confused, lost a lot of kg, his house was a mess. She decided to help and we offered to help.
    So everybody, please look out for your neighbours, check in on them.
  3. enk52

    enk52 Padavan

    You did a good job Gert-Jannetje.
    Yes Flu is a problem now for people who needs care. There are too less workers to do it all and there are too less places in nursing homes.
    We have the same with our mother but finally she is on the list now. Lucky she is not that bad that she can't be alone. She still can do things.
  4. popje4

    popje4 Someday Author

    what a great gert-jannetje great job... and yes flu season but also the people in healthcare get the flu and then you really have a big problem because there is no staff available. there are also not enough places to accommodate these elderly people with dementia... we have a lady who also has dementia but does not really belong to our group of people with an intellectual disability well healthcare.

    tja the care fun
    Gert-Jannetje likes this.
  5. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Junior Expert

    I love my job, I really do. I find it difficult to see people in need, so I do what I can, even in my spare time. Today I only have to work the morning, then a meeting in the afternoon, and then I can be home this evening.
    That buttercake isn't made yet. Maybe thursday.
    All the respect to you popje4! I'm not the person to work with people with an intellectual disabillity.
    popje4 likes this.
  6. popje4

    popje4 Someday Author

    I really like working with this target group, only the way we have to work now is not nice. We try to be there for everyone, but we can only provide basic care, nothing more, and that is very sad. No more walks or a board game, just no time for that, it makes me sad :cry:
    but good of you to commit yourself to people who need it, topper
    Gert-Jannetje likes this.
  7. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Junior Expert

    Yesterday morning my cat (1,5 years young) was hit by a car (on a 30km speed limit road, but some drive 80km/h).
    The damage to her back was so severe, I had to let her go. It's the cat on my profile pic.
    I'm very sad I lost her. Her name was Jinjer.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2025
    ansimon likes this.
  8. enk52

    enk52 Padavan

    Gert-Jannetje I am so sorry for you that you lost your cat. It was such a beautiful one.
    A big hug for you
    ansimon, popje4 and Gert-Jannetje like this.
  9. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I'm sorry for your loss. It is hard to say goodbye to our furry friends.
    ansimon, popje4 and Gert-Jannetje like this.
  10. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    @Gert-Jannetje I'm so sad to know you had to say goodbye to your cat in such a tragic way.
    ansimon, popje4 and Gert-Jannetje like this.
  11. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum General

    @Gert-Jannetje I am so sorry for you and your kitty. Know your heart is aching.
    ansimon, popje4 and Gert-Jannetje like this.
  12. popje4

    popje4 Someday Author

    what sad news, way too young to say goodbye, sorry for your loss.:cry:
    ansimon and Gert-Jannetje like this.
  13. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Junior Expert

    Thank you all for your sympathy. Heart warming.
    ansimon, popje4 and Nordais like this.
  14. popje4

    popje4 Someday Author

    hope you are doning well Gert-Jannetje??
    Gert-Jannetje likes this.
  15. Gert-Jannetje

    Gert-Jannetje Junior Expert

    Thank you for asking.
    It's getting better but I miss her a lot. She used to walk down the stairs like a room elephant (kamerolifantje), was very food orientated so when she would hear the automatic feeder, she would be there in a nano second. Now, the bowl flows over. When I got home from work, she would make a headroll and sollicitate for bellyscratches. And she was feisty, a real caracter, but so sweet. The other two miss her too. One doesn't want to go outside (the other one never does, only when I am outside too) and the other one meows a lot upstairs.
    Time will heal.
    Last edited: Thursday at 7:28 AM