"Shopping Spree" Weekend Quests

Discussion in 'Game Strategy Discussion' started by Nordais, Mar 20, 2025.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    This is a 3 weekend timed quests event. This time around, there's no need to rip out the Main field and Green Meadow, it only asks for drops.

    Weekend 1: 21st of March at 10:00 CET - 23rd of March at 14:00 CETWeekend 2: 28th of March at 10:00 CET - 30th of March at 14:00 CETWeekend 3: 4th of April at 10:00 CET - 6th of April at 14:00 CET
    Candy Bag
    You will get these drops when harvesting your crops and trees on the Main Field and Green Meadow only!

    You will receive 2 x Candy Bags with each breeding process completed.
    Sweet Scoop
    You will get these drops when harvesting your crops and trees on the 3 tropical lands only!

    You have a medium chance of receiving 1 x Sweet Scoop with each breeding process completed.
    Coin Purse
    You will get these drops when harvesting your stables on the Main Field and Green Meadow only!

    You will receive 2 x Coin Purses with each breeding process completed.
    To get the cloud row
    Level 1-2-3 only silver step
    Level 4 silver/gold/diamond steps:

    360 Candy Bags
    To get the first giver
    Level 1-2-3 only silver step
    Level 4 silver/gold/diamond steps:

    290 Sweet Scoops
    To get the second giver
    Level 1-2-3 only silver step
    Level 4 silver/gold/diamond steps:

    360 Coin Purses
    Complete the event (all 4 levels & all steps):

    483 Candy Bags
    Complete the event (all 4 levels & all steps):

    400 Sweet Scoops
    Complete the event (all 4 levels & all steps):

    483 Coin Purses
    The cloud row itself is only EP/TEP with a bonus of 200% EP/TEP on animal stalls. Nothing worth mentioning. But some steps offer Season Points, some power feed, super grow and Suzy's super grow as well.

    The amount of drops needed seem small, but with the fact that some drops can also be won with breeding, players should expect the drop rate to be really low (not to say abysmal).

    Good luck everyone!


    The Coin Purse drop on the third weekend will come from stables on the Main land and Green Meadow.
    Last edited: Sunday at 4:40 AM
  2. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Nordais, for doing the sums. ;)

    What's not to like? Just plant and collect drops for a couple of days. No event crops and no milling. Oh, and collect prizes! I'm in!

  3. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I'm in too! Just farm as I need to. Perfect!
  4. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    Normal farming and bonus prizes for doing it? Cool.

    Northy, thanks for the nice graphic so I know what I'm doing. I don't know how you distill all that info from the FAQ's down, but I am so glad that you do!
  5. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    "The event is not so bad.
    Not the Worst event Ever.
    I'll un-ignore it."
  6. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    I am in.
  7. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum General

    Rewards for doing our own style of farming? Woot, woot! Yay and thank you, Northy for posting details. I'd not trusted my own eyes nor interpretation of FAQs...seemed too good to be true :D
    sanddollar15, Nala777, Jarrow and 2 others like this.
  8. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Easy- peasy!
  9. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    A change has been made: the Coin Purse drop (3rd weekend) will come from stables only on the main land and Green meadow. :eek:o_O:wuerg:
  10. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum General

    Knew it was too good to be true :D Guess they want us to do breeding or buy PF. My mill's churning it out, but doubt I'll use it for breeding. Maybe an overlapping breeding event is on the horizon? Will have to see how things are when the time comes.

    I just planted long-grow overnight crops as drops have been meager today. 61 and need over 250 more for the CR just doing 1-3 silver and 4 silver/gold/diamond. Hopefully tomorrow will bring better results. Good luck everyone!

    PS for future planning, looking for suggestions for stable to fill the three tropical lands...assume this means no workshops, only stables to get drops. Do colored stables work better? Certain critters better than others? Wonder vs regular?
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2025
  11. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    Hi Meadow, changes have been made for the last week-end (Starting 4th April), you need to put stables on Main Field and Green Meadow.

    Coin Purse
    You will get these drops when harvesting your stables on the Main Field and Green Meadow only!

    You will receive 2 x Coin Purses with each breeding process completed.

    Available from: 4th April at 10:00 CET to 6th April at 14:00 CET
  12. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I would move any Menageries to the Main Field or Green Meadow (a possible 8 drops from each Menagerie).:)

    I would then put out all the longest stables (probably not workshops) I have and possibly the highest upgrades of these to fill both fields. I will attempt to have them ready to harvest at the start of the event. :music:

    Dependent on how many drops I get, I will set them to go to the next day and/or give them PF to speed them up. But I am hoping there will be a BB at least and (a girl can dream) a Happy Discount Day during this event. I would prefer to get the definite two drops from breeding plus make some impact of the two MM FSQs I have outstanding.:inlove:
    That is my plan but we all know how that goes! xD
  13. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Finished Shopping Spree 1 :)

    My plan for the final weekend is similar to illy's. Menageries filled and long stables with upgrades on the rest of the field.

    I have enough Flower Spray Arts saved that I can do instant stables with just normal feed and save any PF for breeding. With over 400 drops needed for the complete quest, it may prove to be necessary to do more than just 'normal' harvesting. I will initially plan on just what is needed for the cloud row and then fill in any missing levels if drops are ok.

    Plenty of time to determine a final strategy at the onset.
    Jarrow, Nala777, sanddollar15 and 3 others like this.
  14. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I am almost done, I need a couple of drops, which I will get in couple of hours, when I can harvest my fields.

    My plan for last weekend is to fill main farm and green meadow with menageries and long stables, which should be ready, when event starts. I won't use any power feed. I will change stables to "mid" long stables after that. I can harvest them twice or three times in same time as long stables (24h or more) and I will probably get more drops that way.
    Or I just have instant stables, I have plenty of feed after I had previous one, but I am waiting to get at least one new stable I am still missing or all of them.
  15. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    I have completed the Shopping Spree 1. I have put my 2 lands back to normal farming. I do have lots of stables on both
    lands sooo I think I will gamble:p and see how many drops I get after first harvest! IF need be I do have lots of PF and "they say"
    that breeding from the 4th to the 6th of April we will get 2 Coin purses per breeding so for me it is a consideration with or without a Baby Boom! BUT I hope they include one!:music: Good luck and Happy Farming everyone!
    farmerumf, Nordais, Jarrow and 2 others like this.
  16. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    Just a reminder:
    Shopping Spree 1:
    Ends today: 14:00 CET

    Weekend 1: 21st of March at 10:00 CET - 23rd of March at 14:00 CET

    I've also completed Shopping Spree 1.
    Last edited: Sunday at 3:39 PM
    Brookeham, Jarrow, Nordais and 2 others like this.
  17. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    Another reminder: This weekend's drops fall from the 3 bahamarama fields! Move your Howies NOW! I plan to put in Ixora overnight tomorrow on all participating farms.
    Jarrow, ç.çiftçi, Nala777 and 4 others like this.
  18. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum General

    Totally forgot about the Howies! Thank you for that reminder. I've begun sending all critters to the barn and laying down plots and long grow trees. Drops fall from crops and trees only!

    Note to self: Leave space to place Howies on each field! Then remember to move them from one field to the other before harvesting! :D
  19. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

  20. ç.çiftçi

    ç.çiftçi Exceptional Talent

    3. Don't forget to grow long-term crops in tropical lands.
    AniE, Jarrow, PrairieMaiden23 and 4 others like this.