Where is the CET time posted.

Discussion in 'General issues' started by Frenchmom14261, Thursday at 5:59 PM.

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  1. Frenchmom14261

    Frenchmom14261 Forum Connoisseur

    Because of the happy hour offering I would like to check the exact CET time . However I cannot remember where it is displayed.
    Thank you
  2. KittyLover

    KittyLover S-Moderator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Frenchmom14261

    This is from the faq. You can find it almost on the bottom

    Can I assist you further?
  3. Frenchmom14261

    Frenchmom14261 Forum Connoisseur

    Sorry I did not expressed myself clearly. I would like to know where the real time in Germany is displayed so I can calculate the time difference with my own time. You use to have site with it but I cannot find it. We have just changed time where I live, not sure Germany did too.
    Thank you.
  4. KittyLover

    KittyLover S-Moderator Team Farmerama EN

    Germany will change the time last weekend this month.

    Can I assist you further?
  5. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Here is a link to the current CET time.

    May I assist you with anything else?
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