Unable to complete sea witch line

Discussion in 'General issues' started by Aattilla, Saturday at 11:58 PM.

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  1. Aattilla

    Aattilla Forum Greenhorn

    Can anyone explain why I get a certain way through completing a line and all of a sudden it finishes by itself without me being able to finish the encirclement I had planned. Its cost me heaps to this point. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

    Sorry people , I rebooted the computer and it worked perfectly. My Bad
    Last edited by moderator: Sunday at 3:35 AM
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Aattilla,

    I am glad everything is working now.

    ~problem solved, closing thread~
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