Market at Bahamas?

Discussion in 'Game Related Chit Chat' started by Cristal11, Monday at 4:39 PM.

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  1. Cristal11

    Cristal11 Someday Author

    Is there a a Market at the Bahamas or do I need to unlock some where? Because when I go to the market to buy the feed for animals in Bahamas I don't see the feed for animals from Bahamas, please I need help :(
    Nala777 likes this.
  2. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    Market Update
    Along with the Unity Update, the Market has been redesigned!


    *Product Overview:
    You can choose between Bahama or Mainland categories:

    *Crops can also be located by Category:

    *Market History:
    View your Market history. History is stored for 90 days.
    Last edited: Monday at 4:54 PM
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  3. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum General

    When you go to the market, the default button is for the Mainland (Barn). To get Baha products, first select the Hut, then as Nala posted, choose which category you need.
    Nala777 likes this.
  4. Cristal11

    Cristal11 Someday Author

    Got it thanx ! I never noticed about that little detail :D
    Nala777 likes this.